That which is correct in our view is what is authentically reported from him [sas] that he said: “There is no contagion” and that nothing will afflict a soul except what has been written for it.
This is because [this reconciliation between the ḥadīths] negates contagion in principle, completely, as is stated explicitly in the authentic reports.
For when innovations which oppose the ḍīn of the Messengers appear, Allāh seeks revenge from whoever opposes the Messengers and aids them (the Messengers)...
Indeed, the affair [of rule] being destined for the kings and their deputies from the rulers, judges and leaders [who are not upright] is not due to the deficiency in them alone...
And reflect in His, the Most High's wisdom in making the kings of the servants, their leaders and their rulers to be of the same type as the actions [of the servants].