On 7 January 2025, the online celebrity known as Andrew Tate posted some comments on his Twitter (X) account in which he spoke of “Islamic crimes” and other affairs.
Hence, if we are brothers, then it is obligatory for us to jealously protect each other and for us to grieve over each other’s [suffering], and not just be concerned about one’s food and drink only.
The Noble Shaykh was asked about the position of a Muslim concerning what is happening now to our brothers in Palestine, with respect to supplication, giving wealth...
Shaykh Muḥammad Amān al-Jāmī [rh] mentioned how many of the Muslims— being ignorant of the realities of their religion, that its legislation is fit and suited for all times and places...
“Gender identity” is an invention of the mid-20th century, from the ideas and writings of a man (described as a 'sexual pervert, pedophile') called Dr. John Money.
The germ theory which many people ascribe to the late 1800s and [to] Pasteur, actually goes way back to even Greek times you know sort of ancient Greek times.