In the beginning of the 9th volume of Darʾ al-Taʿāruḍ, Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah speaks of the differing among the sects regarding how knowledge, acquaintance and guidance is acquired, is it through reason, or is it through revelation...
Shayh Bin Bāz’s explained his view very clearly in his article titled: ([arb]الأدلة العقلية والنقلية[/arb]) that the sun is in actual and absolute motion.
For this reason, you will find the unbelievers and sinners, when affairs become tight during the calamities that occur to them, they commit suicide because they do not have the blessing of belief in al-Qadar.
Democracy is the political face of Secularism—understand well—and Socialism is the economic face of Secularism. It is the mother of all evils, secularism is the mother of all evils.
Those who speak ill of the Companions of Allāḥ’s Messenger [sas] are judged with evil intentions and the desire to revile the Messenger [sas] through indirect means, to revile his character and integrity.
The tawḥid of the Jahmiyyah is derived from the tawḥid of the Philosophers and it is the negation of the attributes of the Lord such as His knowledge, speech, hearing, seeing...
From the greatest of their principles is being deceived by the majority. They employ it as proof for the correctness of a thing and they use it as evidence for the futility of a thing.