Posted by Abu Iyaad
Tuesday, Jan 07 2025
Filed under Contemporary Issues
On 7 January 2025, the online celebrity and direct marketer known as Andrew Tate posted some comments on his Twitter (X) account in which he spoke of “Islamic crimes”, “rape”, “illegally invading and occupying lands” and other affairs. Given that Tate has millions of followers, and could quite easily have exonerated Islām from the actions of sinful Muslims, which he knows are crimes in the Sharīʿah and warrant corporal or capital punishment, instead he reinforced the rhetoric of typical Islām haters such as Geert Wilders, Kate Hopkins, Tommy Robinson and others through the words he chose to use.
What follows below is constructive criticism and “bruverly” advice which brave, masculine men never reject or scorn.
It is known and stated that the most intelligent men are those who accept what their worst enemies say, because unlike close friends who flatter (and may have ulterior motives behind friendship), enemies look with the keen eye of critique, and will see things that close friends do not. Given that Tate would understand this well, and we are certainly not enemies, rather we are Muslims who love for others what they love for themselves, then what follows should not be dismissed as unwanted “negativity”.
Tate’s remarks come at a time when Donald Trump (described as “incoming indebted and subservient US President serving AIPAC and strategic interests of Rothschild-Israel”[1]) and Elon Musk[2] ( described as “technological pied piper and frontman of the Great Reset, doing the bidding of corporate vultures such as Blackrock and others”) have received some criticism from their zealous follower-base on their recent views on immigration.
Their followers feel betrayed. MAGA is split, and Musk is on the defensive as he tries to convince these same Americans that they need more brown faces to take their jobs.
So to deflect attention from that, Musk is playing the UK grooming-gang card to divert the attention of his followers and to rebuild trust. Andrew Tate appears to have joined in, giving them a helping hand.
Both Musk and Tate give credence to the notorious Islām-hater who goes by the name of Tommy Robinson.
Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, his real name, is described as “a stooge and pawn (shabbos-goy) of the Zionists” who are said to have co-opted him years ago in order to sideline the more educated, intelligent and articulate people like Nick Griffin, who pose a threat because they are more Christian and nationalist in their outlook. They believe that, as a nation, they should be left alone with their own affairs and have no involvement in foreign conflicts. This is a true representation of the actual views and sentiments of Western populations.
Griffin himself had turned down an offer of Zionist support for his party in return for speaking ill of Muslims and not mentioning international finance and banking. When he refused, they started to fund the EDL which are a bunch of hooligans and louts, and unleashed through them, a hate-filled anti-Islām and anti-Muslim message to the British populace whose main fuel was sustained focus on grooming gangs and sexual abuse as a means of creating outrage.
This was part and parcel of shaping and forming public opinion to advance geopolitical agendas involving Muslim lands. Why Tate would give credence to this unstable moron on a leash is incomprehensible and raises questions.
Given the developing understanding among populations of Europe and beyond that:
01 The Neocons and those they serve seek further invasion, war, intervention and inteference in Muslim-inhabited lands in order to facilitate the expansion of Rothschild-Israel as part of the Zionist-Communist project—“ethno-religious birthright nationalism for us and racial melting-pot collectivism for everyone else” in Europe and beyond.
02 And that masses of Christians in the US and Europe are re-evaluating their understanding of the realities of World War II, and the myths and propaganda surrounding its background, causes and reasons—and are recognising and identifying the players behind the destruction of their white Christian nations through usury, immorality, wokeism, liberalism and immigration and are moving towards Christian Nationalism[3] which threatens Jewish Marxist Communism.[4]
Then these Neocons, their financial backers and their agents are in a panic and trying to stoke hatred among these white Christian populations against Muslims in order to portray them and their religion as the most harmful and dangerous enemy to them, all as a diversion. Hence, the machinery has been put into motion, the media, talking heads, paid personalities, influencers, agents, algorithms and AI bots, are all saturating the minds and hearts of Western populations for this purpose.
Further, this also allows them (the agents such as Musk, Peterson, Robinson etc.) to justify immigration on religious, not racial grounds. Hence, open the floodgates to Hindus from India, because unlike Muslims, Hindus do not oppose the Zionist project, and they do not like Muslims. So this is how they appear to be moving forward.
Meanwhile, those behind the erosion of these Western Christian nations through usury, looting of treasuries, industries of immorality, wokeism, liberalism, centralisation and collectivisation continue apace with their attempts to turn these nations into feudal states where the subjects will be governed by corporations, own nothing and be happy.
All of what has been mentioned above is an evolving and developing understanding among growing numbers of people in Western nations and is mentioned here, because it provides a backdrop to our discussion.
Within this context, we take a look at Andrew Tate's remarks, under the assumption that Tate is more intelligent than not to know and understand what has preceded and not to know the effects of his choice of words, given the current climate.
Let's take a look at Tate's words in his original post:
There is an Islamic crime problem within the UK.
There is no such thing as “Islamic crime” and the two words are opposites to each other. Islām enjoins justice and benevolence and prohibits immorality, evil (16:90-), and crimes against self, property and honour, be that in respect to a Muslim or a non-Muslim. These are the foundations of law.
The Islamic Sharīʿah outlawed all evil, immoral and unjust affairs from the days of ignorance prior to Islam—such as killing female newborns for fear of shame and poverty, prostitution, fornication, adultery, usury, murder, robbery and so on. For the ruling and punishment of rape, see further below. Thus, to say and use the term “Islamic crime” is incorrect.
The laws of the Sharīʿah protect those necessities without which nations would quickly descend into chaos, and they are life, intellect, wealth, lineage and honour, in addition to protection of religion. It outlaws those things that destroys a nation, and also the avenues that lead to those things. In contrast, in Western social democracies, nation-destroyers are protected, commercialised industries in which the few profit wildly, to the tune of billions, at the expense of the majority. Such nation destroyers include, usury, alcohol, gambling, pornography and promiscuity among others. These are the true underlying causes and reasons behind exploitation of girls and women, it is a consequence of the general decay of the society, economically, socially and morally.
What should be said is that there are Muslims who commit crimes as minorities in this country which Islām condemns and for which it has severe punishments and that Muslims should be vocal in freeing their religion from these crimes and their perpetrators, as this is a form of treachery. This would be something fair to say, but as for saying, “Islamic crime” this is irresponsible, inflammatory and has an effect opposite to the one Tate claimed in his follow up video, which is to stop white Christians hating Muslims. On the contrary, such language only evokes hatred, and it is hard to believe that a skilled chess player like Tate does not calculate the outcomes of his moves, and in particular, given that he is an expert direct marketer, the psychological and subconscious effects of the very specific words he uses.
You don't try and stop Christians hating Muslims by referring to what are major sins in Islam as “Islamic crimes”.
This is an objective fact.
The objective fact is that after Christian Nationalism lost to Marxist-Bolshevism-Communism in WWII, these Western social democracies (set up as vehicles to enable the slow, imperceptible move towards Communism) have been on the decline, and we are just seeing the culmination of all of that.
Western Christian nations have been systematically attacked and ruined through usury, industries of immorality, wokeism, liberalism, socialism, sexual liberation philosophies, hijacking of government, private usurpation of what is publicly owned, and finally floodgates of immigration for deliberate dilution of race as a strategic weapon and so on.
The downward spiral is inevitable, and when poverty, broken-homes, emasculation of men, and dissolution of the family set in, they leave certain segments of the society vulnerable and exposed. The situation so-created by a mixture of the above assaults on a nation allows for the exploitation of its subjects in various spheres of life, and one of them is grooming, pimping and trafficking. Thus, in such circumstances, there emerge:
01 Organised, high-level grooming, trafficking and blackmailing networks such as Epstein-types on the one hand, who have tremendous resources and reach. These are international in their scope and use the cover of government and intelligence in order to traffic children and women for pedophilic and other fantasies of politicians and celebrities, some of which are in on the blackmail ops against others to keep them in line.
02 Then in the middle are grooming and prostitution networks ran by pimps and peddlers, looking to financially enrich themselves by exploiting the proclivities of men.
03 Then there are low-level groomers, whether individuals or gangs such as what occurs in, but not exclusive to, inner cities or deprived areas, who opportunistically engage in crimes of a sexual nature, often tied to delinquency, drugs and alcohol. While this category are no doubt evil, they pale into insignificance compared to the scale of the first two categories.
It is an objective fact that those operating as grooming gangs or networks who have a specific pedophilic interest are overwhelmingly, or exclusively white, and that the greatest scandals involve government or church.
Colonialism and Homosexuality is the title of a Routledge publication (2008) by Robert Aldrich and is a full-length study of how European middle and upper-class men in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries used to visit the colonies specifically for the purpose of practising homosexuality, usually in the form of pederasty (that is, sex with young boys). In this period homosexuality was illegal in most European countries but in many colonies the poverty of the locals and the wealth of the Europeans made many boys available for hire, or even for outright purchase. Pederasty was thus an extension of imperialism, and this exploitative relationship was the forerunner of modern-day homosexual and pedophile sex tourism to places like Bangkok in Thailand, the Phillipines and Sri Lanka.
If you imagine this is what Westeners were doing when homosexuality was illegal back in the days, what, pray tell, do you think they (and the likes of Ivor Caplin) would be doing these days?
The government of Sri Lanka announced that more than 10,000 boy prostitutes work its beaches as a result of the high demand created by affluent Western homosexuals. But the dirty little secret of the American homosexual community is the thousands of boy prostitutes who service them within our borders. A book exposing the boy prostitution world, For Money or Love, Boy Prostitution in America, reveals that boys are selling themselves not only in the cities of New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Philadelphia, Chicago, Baltimore, and New Orleans, but also in smaller towns across the country. In street jargon, the boys are known as ‘chickens’ and their customers are known as ‘chickenhawks.’[5]
Its very cheap trying to blame Islām and Muslims for a problem (in its most modern sense) that has been in the making (or engineering) for 70 years, and whose engineers and architects, are in fact, those who deal in industries of usury, and of immorality and vice, which help to break down society through poverty, broken homes and delinquency.
Fact: Western governments have had for a while, a deeply embedded child rape and blackmail problem. To cover that up, and to justify foreign policy, they present the grooming-gang problem as if it is the single greatest thing that threatens Europe and America.
This should outrage Muslims.
Given that murder and fornication are from the greatest of major sins, Muslims are indeed outraged by them, and it is not possible for there to be a speck of faith in the heart of a Muslim without dislike of such sins and crimes. However, Muslims are also outraged that sins committed by Muslims, and which carry either corporal or capital punishment, are described as "Islamic." This emanates either from a rank ignoramus, or a person who intends evil, corruption and harm against Muslims.
The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:[6]
When an adulterer or fornicator commits illegal sexual intercourse, then he is not a believer at the time, he is doing it, and when a drinker of an alcoholic liquor drinks it, then he is not a believer at the time of drinking it, and when a thief steals, then he is not a believer at the time of stealing, and when a robber robs, and the people look at him, then he is not a believer at the time of doing robbery.
Thus, the one who says for example, that "drinking alcohol" is an Islamic crime because it is committed by Muslims is an ignorant person. The one who says that grooming girls, and plying them with alcohol or drugs, and having unlawful sexual relations, that these are "Islamic crimes" because they are committd by Muslims, despite the fact they are opposed to faith (īmān) and are punishable crimes in Islam, he does not know what he is saying, either because he is ignorant, or he is intoxicated, or he is foolish, or he is hateful, or he has an agenda.
Instead muslims rush to deny the issue or defend the perpetrators.
We do not know who these Muslims are and if indeed any Muslim has defended the convicted perpetrators, then we do not agree with them. What we do know is that large numbers of both Muslims and non-Muslims are fully aware of the fact that this affair is being used by Zionists, Neocons, warmongers and others as a diversionary tactic, to stoke religious tensions in order to justify their geopolitical agendas, and that given the awakening taking place in white Christian nations, they are trying to enrage these populations against Muslims. Tate, of all people, should be acutely aware of this, and given his reach and influence, should use his words carefully and responsibly.
The rate of rape in Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia is 0.1 per 100,000 population. In England and Wales it is around 150, per 100,000 population. This is because of different morals and attitudes towards family, marriage and women, and because industries of immorality and vice are not allowed in Saudi Arabia and most Muslim countries. Given that this was one of the reasons that led Tate to Islam, then these comments of his betray his otherwise good perception and analysis of ailing Western and Christian nations.
In treating problems, wise men and competent physicians look at root causes whereas ignorant, opportunistic men and ignorant physicians look at consequences, effects and outcomes, for quick, superficial fixes.
As for rape, then the Muslim scholars have explained the ruling and made clear that a person convicted of rape faces corporate or capital punishment.
The Muslim scholar and jurist, Ibn ʿAbd al-Barr said:[7]
The scholars are agreed that the prescribed punishment is applied to the one who forcefully rapes (a female) when there is evidence to necessitate this punishment, and if the standard of evidence is not met, then he is to be punished [with what the judge sees fit as a deterrent]. [As for the victim], then there is no punishment for her when it is validated that he forced her and overcame her, and this is known by her screams, shouts and seeking rescue.
Contrary to the lies of Islām-haters, there is no punishment or blame on the victim, as Imām Mālik (رحمه الله) said:[8]
The punishment for that (i.e. rape) is for the rapist, and there is no punishment therein for the one raped.
Further, Muslim scholars add, if the person used threat of violence or actual violence, such as a using a knife or a weapon as a means of coercion, then this also comes under "waging war against Allāh" (5:33-), and the ruler is to combine between the various prescribed punishments. In this case, his hands and feet on opposite sides would be severed, and after that, whatever corporal or capital punishment was due, would be meted out.
Further still, in the view of many scholars, the perpetrator would also be forced to pay a dowry to his victim, because he has wronged her in that respect also, given that sexual relations are only lawful within marriage, and he has violated her in that respect. Hence, he receives penalties in different ways, because of the various ways this crime affects the individual (and the society).
As for a woman defending herself against rape:
Ibn Abī Shaybah (رحمه الله) relates from ʿUbayd bin ʿUmayr that:[9]
A man hosted another from the tribe of Hudhayl, and a girl passed by them seeking firewood. So this man sought to rape her but she killed him by throwing a rock at him. The affair was raised to ʿUmar bin al-Khaṭṭāb [the Caliph] who said, “That one was killed by Allāh, no blood-money is to be paid, ever.”
He also relates from al-Sāʾib bin Yazīd that:[10]
A man tried to rape a woman, but she lifted a rock (large stone) and killed him with it. The affair was raised to ʿUmar and he said: “That one was killed by Allāh.”
And Abū Bakr al-Khallāl (رحمه الله) relates that:[11]
Imām Aḥmad was asked about a woman whom a man tried to rape. She resisted him, and then, in a place of seclusion, she killed him, in order to protect herself (keep herself chaste), and whether there was anything wrong with that? He [Aḥmad] said: “If she knew that he wanted to rape her and she killed him to protect herself, and he died, then there is nothing upon her (of sin, blame, or guilt).”
After mentioning these narrations, Ibn Qudāmah (رحمه الله), the Ḥanbalī jurist commented:[12]
Because it is permitted for her to defend her wealth, which is allowed to be given away, then a woman defending and protecting herself from a sexual crime, which is not permitted, is more worthy [of being defended against, because chastity cannot be given away]. When this is established, it is obligatory upon her to defend herself if she is able to do so, because giving herself over is unlawful, and in not repelling [against the rapist] is a type of giving herself over.
Thus, a woman is allowed to kill a rapist if it is going to protect her from being violated, and there is no liability in that. Rather it is considered that this rapist has been killed by Allāh’s will and decree, in other words, it is Allāh that killed him in reality, because a person is not held accountable for that which is done by compulsion and necessity.
If however, the rapist overcame her, and was then able to get away, vigilante justice would not be allowed, and the affair would be raised to the authorities, who would, after convicting the criminal, make an example out of him as a deterrent to others.
As for what happens in Britain, or in Western social democracies overrun by wokeist, liberal notions of justice, then often pity is shown for criminals (rapists, murderers), or they are given cover, or they are let off lightly, or placed in prisons hotels where they are given food, television and gyms.
As is ILLEGALLY INVADING AND OCCUPYING LANDS. You can not enter Qatar or Bahrain illegally.
It is as if Tate is promoting the line that Muslims are illegally invading and occupying Western nations, when in fact it is Western governments doing the bidding of the Zionist, Neocon warmongers, to which many of these nations are married, who are bombing Muslim nations, looting their mineral resources, and destroying their infrastructure, leading to mass immigration.
European populations have recognised those who promote and channel this immigration to Europe and beyond, and these people who do so even explain that its the reason they are going to be resented and hated.
For example, Barbara Lerner-Spectre is quoted as saying on video: this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.
Those who value race and religion in these populations, explain that these agents and players, the likes of Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Tommy Robinson, are intellectually dishonest, they complain about immigration and invasion, but are not brave enough to explain where its all coming from, and who or what is behind it.
They explain that it is the Zionist war machine that uses Western powers to launch revolutions, civil strife, invasions and wars, and likewise to arm and support terrorists such as al-Qaeda and ISIS to wreak havoc in Muslim nations. Then there are the woke liberals, who channel the refugees (genuine or otherwise) to Europe and beyond, in order to weaken and neutralise these nations to ensure that Christian Nationalism does not rise once more and stand against Marxist-Bolshevist-Communism as it did in WWII.
In their view, this appears to be one of the secrets behind mass immigration, it is part and parcel of destroying nationalism, patriotism, and erasing jealousy for nation, religion, culture and family, all of which are hated by the Marxists, Bolsheviks, Communists, Collectivists.
Thus, for them, intellectual honesty would require pinpointing the root of problem as the attack upon white Christian nations by Marxist-Communism, (something that did not end with WWII), and that mass immigration and dilution of race is one aspect of that attack. Hence, putting an end to it requires the light to be shined on the instrumental players, the string-pullers, the engineers and architects, who themselves are only too aware of what they are doing, and in fact, publicly, and explicitly declare it, as if to boast about it.
As for scapegoating a handful of “Pakis” in inner cities (who prey upon vulnerable girls from broken homes) for the woes of the nation, and stoking religious and racial hatred, in order to channel the anger and resentment of white Christian populations away from the fact their nations have been looted through usury, their morals have been destroyed, their mothers, sisters and daughters enticed by pimps into selling themselves online, whether for riches or simply to make ends meet, and so on, then this is not a surprising tactic.
There is a problem with ISLAMIC CRIME which MUST BE ACCEPTED before it is ADDRESSED.
Tate uses the term “Islamic crime” again, indicating the first time around, it was not a slip.
Thank you, but we as devout Muslims, along with our scholars have been warning Muslims against sin, disobedience and crime in non-Muslim lands for decades before you came onto the scene. As Muslims have entered these lands under covenant (contracts and agreements), then to violate these contracts and agreements (through crime and corruption) is considered a great evil, violation of the Sharīʿah and disobedience to Allāh (عز وجل).
Shaykh Muḥammad bin Ṣāliḥ al-ʿUthaymīn (رحمه الله) advised a large gathering of Muslims in the city of Birmingham in July 2000:[13]
Likewise I invite you to have respect for those people who have the right that they should be respected, those between whom there is an agreement (of protection) for you. For the land in which you are living is such that there is an agreement between you and them. If this were not the case they would have killed you or expelled you. So preserve this agreement, and do not prove treacherous to it, since treachery is a sign of the hypocrites, and it is not from the way of the Believers.
And another scholar, Shaykh Rabīʿ bin Hādī (حفظه الله) stated:[14]
From the greatest and most-distinguished qualities enjoined by Islām is the fulfilment of covenants and the fulfilment of contracts and promises, even with the non-Muslims. And from the traits of the believers is the absence of treachery. And there occurs in the story of al-Mughīrah bin Shuʿbah, whilst he was a polytheist, that he accompanied a group of polytheists on a journey to Syria and killed them, taking their wealth. When he came to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم), intending to accept Islām, he offered the wealth to him and told him of the story. The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, “As for (your) Islām, we accept it, but as for the wealth, it is wealth taken by treachery and we do not have any need of it.” This is because this wealth arose through treachery and Islām does not permit treachery in any situation whatsoever. Thus treachery and betrayal is not permissible, neither with the non-Muslims nor other than them.
For many decades, Muslims who are engaged in daʿwah—that is calling non-Muslims to Islām and calling sinful Muslims to righteousness and piety—they have been turning many Muslim youth away from drugs, alcohol, fornication and crime. This is because these are affairs that are unlawful, comprise major sin and corruption. Large numbers of Muslims have been saved from these evils, by Allāh’s grace. As for those who remain upon these vices, then they are far removed from what Islām enjoins upon Muslims. To label what they do as “Islamic crimes” is the saying of a person who does not know what he is saying, and if not, we fear what his real intentions may be.
There is nothing that is worse for the reputation of Islam than watching Muslims defend CHILD RAPISTS.
We personally have not seen or heard any Muslims defending child rapists, and it is unclear whether this is an accurate representation of the reality, but in any case, anyone who defends these crimes, irrespective, of whether they are commited by Atheists, Jews, Christians or Muslims, then he or she must be a depraved person and we denounce such people for lacking such basic morality.
Child rapists such as Jimmmy Saville, Gary Glitter and many other institutional politicians, celebrities and figures have been protected and shielded in the UK, and similar things take place in other European nations, the US, Canada and Australia. There are organised pedophile rings in these nations which operate under the cover of social services, the police and intelligence agencies. However, when one of them is caught, he is scapegoated, and it is never revealed that this (pedophilia) is an embedded institution in these nations, and has been for decades, ever since the sexual revolution of the 1960s.
As for the reputation of Islām, then Islām is the religion which Allāh revealed upon all of His Prophets and Messengers, from them, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus (عليهم السلام) and the last of them, Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم). Islām will remain and people will always be able to willingly and freely choose to enter it, after they have understood its reality. lslām will not be harmed by the barking of hounds and nor the braying of asses.
Despite all the anti-Islām propaganda since 9/11, it hasn’t stopped Islām being the fastest growing religion in the world, and entering into every single household on earth, by way of media coverage, which though intended overwhelmingly to portray an evil image, has actually intrigued people and led many of them to seek objective, unbiased information regarding Islām and Muslims. Christians in many places, including the US, Canada, Latin America, Europe and beyond are disillusioned and accepting Islām in droves.
Yes, there are those Islām haters, from the Zionist Jews and Zionist Christians, who are in an alliance with each other, and there are multi-million dollar industries of Islam-hatred that use lies and propaganda to vilify Muslims (and Arabs) in print, media and movies. They wish to extinguish the light of Islām because it wages war against usury, prohibits all that is evil and shameful, and safeguards people’s rights, including those of property and because it delivers people from the clutches of those who profiteer (to the tune of billions) from industries of vice and immorality.
And you wonder why Islam is disliked in Christian nations?
Sorry pal, but its not a bunch of “Pakis” in 21st century Britain that caused Christians to hate Islām, Christians have hated Islām for centuries because Muslims do not believe that Jesus is Lord and King, and do not worship him.
Rather, they believe exactly as Jesus (عليه السلام) believed about himself: That he is a noble messenger of Allāh, just like Abraham and Moses, but that he was born a miraculous birth, without a father, through Allāh’s word of command, given to Gabriel, who was commanded, through a word, to blow of the spirit (soul) of life into Mary, the Chaste, through which Jesus was conceived, without impregnation by a man. Jesus called to the worship of Allāh alone, as did Abraham, Moses and all the Israelite prophets. He called to salvation through righteous works and observance of the law, and he prayed, fasted and dressed as do Muslims today, and Muslim women dress like his mother, Mary the Chaste (عليها السلام).
For not believing in Jesus as God, and for not worshipping him, or his images and representations or the cross, Christians deemed Muslims “infidels” and “heathens”—which is almighty strange, since worshipping other than God, or making anyone a partner with God in His essence and worship is heathenism (idolatry) itself.
Despite this belief of Muslims in this great and noble Messenger, many (but not all) Christians, in particular the sycophantic Christian Zionists, hate Islām and Muslims and they ally with, arm and support those who claim that Jesus, their Lord and God, is burning in Hell in hot excrement, whose mother was an indecent woman, and who bomb Muslim, men, women, children, and unborns, burying them alive under rubble and even burn them alive as they lie in hospital beds. In fact, they do not even spare Christians and their places of worship.
This type of Islam hatred did not suddenly appear just because of some depraved and sinful “Paki” in Rotherham.
In Conclusion
Though Tate has explained the reason for these inflammatory remarks (because white Christians are going to be very upset if Muslims do not come out in defence of the innocent victims), that does not absolve him of his recklessness in speech. For a man who has to very carefully think about all his moves, as in a game of chess, then this type of rhetoric and inflammatory speech in front of millions is irresponsible.
From the qualities of manhood, masculinity is to accept your mistakes and take advice, on the chin if need be, and make your ego subservient to truth, justice and wisdom, because they are above and beyond the ego, in fact, they trample the ego, without fail, every time.
Note: In a subsequent video, after receiving criticism on social media, Tate posted a video stating that he made these remarks because white Christians are going to be very upset if we (Muslims) do not come out in defence of the innocent victims. Further, that Zionists should not be left speaking out against these crimes (as it would give them upper ground), and that Muslims should be most vocal.