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Andrew Tate’s Comments Regarding ‘Islamic Crimes’ in Britain
On 7 January 2025, the online celebrity known as Andrew Tate posted some comments on his Twitter (X) account in which he spoke of “Islamic crimes” and other affairs.
By Abu Iyaad 07 Jan 2025
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The Advice of Shaykh Rabīʿ Bin Hādī Regarding Tawḥīd, Sincerity, Taqwā, Unity and Brotherhood (2013)
On the 22nd Jumādā al-Ūlā 1434H (3 April 2013), the Noble Shaykh and Imām, Rabīʿ bin Hādī, gave a beneficial word to the Salafi brothers who had congregated in the ci
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The Negation of Contagion Is Not 'Literalism', 'Difficult Philosophy', 'Flawed Logic' or 'Disproven Opinion' but a Prophetic Judgement
Addressing claims made against the view of the negation of contagion in which some people spoke, without any real knowledge or understanding and made outlandish statements of exagg
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Fiqh & ʿIbādah
Imām al-Shāṭibī on Ijtihād Related to Verification of the Basis of a Ruling (Taḥqīq al-Manāṭ)
Imām al-Shāṭibī, in this section, explains that ijtihād can be connected to a number of things, either to the texts, or more broadly speaking, to meanings, or to making verificatio
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Fiqh & ʿIbādah
What Is the Definition of a Nāzilah and What Are Its Elements?
A nāzilah must have three meanings: actual occurrence, completely new and severity, urgency as it relates to clarifying its legislative ruling.
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Advice of Shaykh ʿAllāmah Rabīʿ Bin Hādī to Maktabah Salafiyyah (Salafi Publications) a Quarter of a Century Ago Regarding Ahl Al-Bidaʿ Who Attack the Major Scholars
"It is upon them not to become sad, and not to consider the attack and revilement upon them to be something strange, because this is the [reality of the] situation from the earlies
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Shaykh al-Albānī on an Important Detail Regarding Reliance and Taking the Means That Muslims are in Need of
Shaykh al-Albānī explains that taking the means as part of reliance includes only definitive affairs or those about which there is overwhelming belief that they are successful and
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Shaykh ʿUbayd al-Jābirī: Women Should Not Be Involved in al-Jarḥ wal-Taʿdīl
"No matter how much strength [of knowledge] and expertise a woman has been given, she will not be able to encompass the hideouts and hiding-places of men [in these affairs]. This i
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Ḥāfiḍh Ibn Ḥajar, Shaykh al-Albānī and Shaykh al-Luḥaydān: Prayer, Remembrance and Pure Reliance in Preservation of Health and Repelling Illness
Supplication and seeking refuge with Allāh is more useful and more beneficial than treatment with medications, and the effect and influence of that on the body is greater than the
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Regarding What Has Been Circulated on Social Media of Accusations
Responses to recent allegations spread on social media alleging that I belittle the scholars and promote false principles.
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The Scholars Defer to Specialists in Matters of Medicine
Statements of the scholars on the domains of the scholar and the doctor and the manner in which a scholar gives a fatwā in issues pertaining to medicine.
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Is Tazkiyah (Commendation), Takharruj (Graduation) or Shahādah (Certification) Required for Daʿwah and Teaching?
Statements from the Major Scholars clarifying whether tazkiyah (commendation), takharruj (graduation) or shahādah (certification) are required before one gives da`wah and teaches.<
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Regarding the Adhān of ʿUthman: Bayān Talbīs al-Ḥajāwirah
A defence of ʿUthmān (رضي الله عنه) against the claims of Yaḥyā al-Ḥajūrī and his Ḥaddādī followers in light of the taḥqīq (verification) of the Scholars o
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Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah on the Meaning of the Fiṭrah (Original Disposition)
When speaking about the fiṭrah and the ḥadīth, “Every child is born upon the fiṭrah”, Muslims often say that a child is born a “Muslim”, with the meaning of being upon Islām the re
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On Smallpox and Injecting Impure, Harmful Substances into the Body: Verdicts from Scholars of the Daʿwah
We present below some fatāwā (legal verdicts) from the scholars of the daʿwah to Tawḥīd in the Arabian peninsula, from the early 19th century, on smallpox inoculations.
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The Caliph ʿUmar Repelling Belief in Contagion from Himself
The Caliph ʿUmar would seek to push out and repel any notion or idea of contagion from his mind, in order to gain certainty in the statement of the Prophet (صلى ا
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An Overview of Kitāb Al-Tawḥīd: Part 2
This book explains the reality of Tawḥīd al-Ulūhiyyah, or al-ʿIbādah (strict, pure monotheism in worship) and makes mention of its rulings, limits, conditions, excellence, evidenc
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Huḍhayfah bin al-Yamān: It Is True Misguidance to Change Colours and Flip in Allāh’s Religion by Rejecting Truth You Once Knew and Embracing Falsehood You Once Rejected
Indeed, it is true misguidance that you acknowledge what you used to reject [as error, falsehood) and you reject what you used to acknowledge [as truth].
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An Overview of Kitāb Al-Tawḥīd: Part 1
This book explains the reality of Tawḥīd al-Ulūhiyyah, or al-ʿIbādah (strict, pure monotheism in worship) and makes mention of its rulings, limits, conditions, excellence, evidenc
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Lecture on Belief in Omens from Kitāb Al-Tawḥīd
A believing Muwaḥḥid, in his beliefs, feelings, emotions, speech and behaviour is governed by optimism, hope, certainty and reliance and he pursues his beneficial interests in this
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Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah on the Role of Reason in Guidance in Matters of Creed and Clarification of a Doubt
In the beginning of the 9th volume of Darʾ al-Taʿāruḍ, Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah speaks of the differing among the sects regarding how knowledge, acquaintance and guidance is a
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Shaykh Muḥammad Ādam al-Atyūbī on the Strongest View Regarding Contagion
Its summary is that “There is no contagion” is upon its apparent meaning, and that the command to flee from the leper is carried upon recommendation...
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Shaykh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Bin Bāz on Instituting Secular Laws
What is the ruling on instituting secular laws? And is it permissible to act by them? And does a ruler become a disbeliever by instituting these laws?
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On Ruling by Secular Laws, Altering the Religion and Those Who Accuse Shaykh Al-Albānī, Shaykh Ibn Bāz and Shaykh Ibn ʿUthaymīn of Irjāʾ
This person asks about the Sharīʿah ruling concerning the ruler who rules by the French secular laws alongside the knowledge that he claims Islām, prays, fasts and makes hajj.
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Shaykh Ibn ʿUthaymīn on Instituting and Enforcing a General Legislation Upon People and Judging in Specific Issues
Is there a difference between a specific issue in which the qāḍī (judge) passes judgement with other than what Allāh revealed and between issues that are considered general legisla
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Shaykh Al-Fawzān Clarifying the Issue of Replacing the Sharīʿah and Making Takfīr of Rulers Using His Speech
The one who banishes the Shari’ah entirely and puts another law in its place, that this indicates that he views the [secular] law to be better than the Sharīʿah...
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Shaykh ʿAbd al-Muḥsin al-ʿAbbād on Replacing the Sharīʿah with the Secular Laws
It is clear that there is no difference between ruling in a matter, or ten or a hundred or a thousand, or less or greater than that.
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Shaykh ʾAbd al-Laṭīf bin ʿAbd Al-Raḥmān Āl al-Shaykh on Making Secular Laws a Reference Point for Judgement
Taḥkīm [making a law a reference point] is unlawful when it is based upon a false (bāṭil) Sharīʿah which opposes the Book and the Sunnah.
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What Was Said by Ibn Jibrīn Regarding Instituting and Judging by Secular Laws That Is in Opposition to the Views of the Quṭbiyyah Surūriyyah Whom He Supported
A statement of Ibj Jibrīn overlooked and not given any attention by the Takfīriyyah, Quṭbiyyah, Surūriyyah whose methodology is blanket takfīr of rulers, governments and inciting y
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Shaykh Ibn ʿUthaymīn’s Clarification on Takfīr of Rulers Who Institute Secular Laws (1999)
Shaykh Ibn ʿUthaymīn clarifies his position on the issue of the rulers instituting secular laws, replacing the Sharīʿah with them and when takfīr can be made of them.
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Imām al-Shanqīṭī on Instituting Secular Laws
Those who follow the secular laws which Shayṭān has legislated upon the tongues of his allies, in opposition to what Allāh, the Majestic and Elevated...
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Fabricated, Distorted, Clipped and Misinterpreted Quotes Used by Takfīrī Khārijites to Justify Takfīr and Khurūj in Muslim Lands: Part 2 - Quote from Al-Qāḍī Bakr Bin ʿAlā Al-Qushayrī
This is a quote from Aḥkām al-Qurʾān of al-Qāḍī Bakr bin ʿAlā al-Qushayrī al-Mālikī (d. 344H). Though the translation is accurate enough, the context is missing.
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Fabricated, Distorted, Clipped and Misinterpreted Quotes Used by Takfīrī Khārijites to Justify Takfīr and Khurūj in Muslim Lands: Part 1 - Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī
The following statement has been ascribed to Ibn Hajar (رحمه الله) and is claimed to be in the 13th volume of the Maktabah Salafiyyah print of Fatḥ al-Bārī
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Justifying Genocide and Slaughtering of Women and Children in Holy War: Rabbi Eliyahu Mali
A genocidal barbarian who justifies the slaughter (murder) of innocent babies and children for fear that one day, they may become fighters and resist racist, supremacist genocidal
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The Logic of Child-Killers and Baby-Murderers: Self-Preservation Between the Nightmares of Pharoah and the Psychoses of Jewish Supremacists
Racist, ethnosupremacist, bloodthirsty Jews—who are denounced by other Jews—present a justification for the slaughter of children which they have inherited from Pharoah and his nig
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Imām al-Shanqīṭī on the Approach to Modern Scientific Theories
New inventions have appeared and claims have been made by the propounders of new theories [regarding which] people are divided into two categories...
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Sects & Innovations
Ibn Taymiyyah’s Sunni Medication for Daniel Haqiqatjou’s Rāfiḍī Dissimulation
There are various types of medications having various mechanisms of action and various purposes, you have for example, antibiotics, antifungals, antacids, antihistamines, antimalar
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