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Articles by Abu Iyaad

Is Tazkiyah (Commendation), Takharruj (Graduation) or Shahādah (Certification) Required for Daʿwah and Teaching?
Statements from the Major Scholars clarifying whether tazkiyah (commendation), takharruj (graduation) or shahādah (certification) are required before one gives da`wah and teaches.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Wed, 04 Sep 2024
Regarding the Adhān of ʿUthman: Bayān Talbīs al-Ḥajāwirah
A defence of ʿUthmān [rd] against the claims of Yaḥyā al-Ḥajūrī and his Ḥaddādī followers in light of the taḥqīq (verification) of the Scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah, both past and present, in the matter.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Wed, 14 Aug 2024
Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah on the Meaning of the Fiṭrah (Original Disposition)
When speaking about the fiṭrah and the ḥadīth, “Every child is born upon the fiṭrah”, Muslims often say that a child is born a “Muslim”, with the meaning of being upon Islām the religion.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Thu, 01 Aug 2024
On Smallpox and Injecting Impure, Harmful Substances into the Body: Verdicts from Scholars of the Daʿwah
We present below some fatāwā (legal verdicts) from the scholars of the daʿwah to Tawḥīd in the Arabian peninsula, from the early 19th century, on smallpox inoculations.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Wed, 17 Jul 2024
The Caliph ʿUmar Repelling Belief in Contagion from Himself
The Caliph ʿUmar would seek to push out and repel any notion or idea of contagion from his mind, in order to gain certainty in the statement of the Prophet [sas] in negation of the superstition of contagion.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Fri, 05 Jul 2024
An Overview of Kitāb Al-Tawḥīd: Part 2
This book explains the reality of Tawḥīd al-Ulūhiyyah, or al-ʿIbādah (strict, pure monotheism in worship) and makes mention of its rulings, limits, conditions, excellence, evidences, foundations...
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Fri, 14 Jun 2024
Huḍhayfah bin al-Yamān: It Is True Misguidance to Change Colours and Flip in Allāh’s Religion by Rejecting Truth You Once Knew and Embracing Falsehood You Once Rejected
Indeed, it is true misguidance that you acknowledge what you used to reject [as error, falsehood) and you reject what you used to acknowledge [as truth].
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Sat, 08 Jun 2024
An Overview of Kitāb Al-Tawḥīd: Part 1
This book explains the reality of Tawḥīd al-Ulūhiyyah, or al-ʿIbādah (strict, pure monotheism in worship) and makes mention of its rulings, limits, conditions, excellence, evidences, foundations...
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Thu, 30 May 2024
Lecture on Belief in Omens from Kitāb Al-Tawḥīd
A believing Muwaḥḥid, in his beliefs, feelings, emotions, speech and behaviour is governed by optimism, hope, certainty and reliance and he pursues his beneficial interests in this manner.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Tue, 28 May 2024
Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah on the Role of Reason in Guidance in Matters of Creed and Clarification of a Doubt
In the beginning of the 9th volume of Darʾ al-Taʿāruḍ, Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah speaks of the differing among the sects regarding how knowledge, acquaintance and guidance is acquired, is it through reason, or is it through revelation...
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Fri, 17 May 2024
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