Shaykh Muḥammad Amān al-Jāmī [rh] mentioned how many of the Muslims— being ignorant of the realities of their religion, that its legislation is fit and suited for all times and places...
The covenant of the guarantee of safety (dhimmāh) obligates certain rights upon us which are due to them (non-Muslims) because they are within our neighbourhood and under our protection and under the protection (dhimmah) of Allāh the Most High.
For shirk and invoking other than Allāh, setting up a deity besides Him or one who is obeyed and followed besides the Messenger [sas] is the greatest corruption on the Earth.
Shayh Bin Bāz’s explained his view very clearly in his article titled: ([arb]الأدلة العقلية والنقلية[/arb]) that the sun is in actual and absolute motion.
Applying the label of “planet” to the Earth is a mistake and misguidance. Those who apply the label of ‘planet’ to it are the ones who claim that it is in motion just as the planets are in motion and that it orbits the Sun
The authors of the paper are critical of the modern synthesis, their main claim being that selection based on survival of the fittest is insufficient for all but microevolution.
For this reason, you will find the unbelievers and sinners, when affairs become tight during the calamities that occur to them, they commit suicide because they do not have the blessing of belief in al-Qadar.