The people of Jāhiliyyah considered sneezing to be a disease and treated it as an omen. However, sneezing is in fact a healing and blessing from Allāh for which He is praised
From the foundations of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jamāʿah in deriving evidence ([arb]الاستدلال[/arb]) is to follow what has come in the Book of Allāḥ or the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allāḥ [sas], inwardly and outwardly...
The following was advice I gave in June 2020, a couple of months after the launch of the Covid-19 Pandemic Response, which was the greatest medical and financial fraud and swindle in the history of the world.
What is the ruling upon what we hear these days that the severe rise in heat [global warming] in ways that is different to previous years is due to the piercing [depletion] of the ozone [layer]...
Democracy is the political face of Secularism—understand well—and Socialism is the economic face of Secularism. It is the mother of all evils, secularism is the mother of all evils.
Those who speak ill of the Companions of Allāḥ’s Messenger [sas] are judged with evil intentions and the desire to revile the Messenger [sas] through indirect means, to revile his character and integrity.
When the condition of a man is unknown, or hidden (mastoor ul-hāl), and nothing is known about him, is it permissible to ask about him in order to know his condition, or is it not permissible?