Since the daʿwah of the Muslim Brotherhood was established, it was mixed and attached with the daʿwah of the Rawāfiḍ (Shiʿah), the grave-worshipping Ṣūfiyyah, the Khawārij.
Guidance (hidāyah) is: a) [b]elucidation (bayān) and indication (dalālah)[/b] (to the path), then b) [b]success (tawfīq) and inspiration (ilhām)[/b] (in following the path).
That which the majority of the Muslims are upon from the Salaf and the Khalaf is that Allāh the Exalted creates for a wisdom and commands for a wisdom.
When a man suffers from what is called “influenza”—this being an illness despite which a man is still able to leave his house, though it is a “contagious illness” as the doctors say—would it be permitted for this man to pray in his house...
However, it is not the case that a healthy person, merely by mixing with a person who has a transmissible disease, that this disease will necessarily transmit to this healthy person.