When speaking about the fiṭrah and the ḥadīth, “Every child is born upon the fiṭrah”, Muslims often say that a child is born a “Muslim”, with the meaning of being upon Islām the religion.
The Caliph ʿUmar would seek to push out and repel any notion or idea of contagion from his mind, in order to gain certainty in the statement of the Prophet [sas] in negation of the superstition of contagion.
This book explains the reality of Tawḥīd al-Ulūhiyyah, or al-ʿIbādah (strict, pure monotheism in worship) and makes mention of its rulings, limits, conditions, excellence, evidences, foundations...
This book explains the reality of Tawḥīd al-Ulūhiyyah, or al-ʿIbādah (strict, pure monotheism in worship) and makes mention of its rulings, limits, conditions, excellence, evidences, foundations...
A believing Muwaḥḥid, in his beliefs, feelings, emotions, speech and behaviour is governed by optimism, hope, certainty and reliance and he pursues his beneficial interests in this manner.
The first obligation upon the servants is the worship of Allāh. As for knowing him, then they know him through the fiṭrah, the intellects, creational evidences and Qurʾānic evidences.
Recently, a video was circulated wherein Asrar Rashid (Ṣūfī Barelwi,), Moḥammad Ḥijāb (Ikhwānī Mutafalsif, online performance artist), and Haitham Ḥaddād (Ikhwānī), are having a conversation about Ṣūfī ṭarīqahs.
The people of Jāhiliyyah considered sneezing to be a disease and treated it as an omen. However, sneezing is in fact a healing and blessing from Allāh for which He is praised
However, due to the preponderance of ignorance, and scant knowledge of the remnants of the messengership amongst many of the latecomers, takfīr is not made of them...