Shaykh ʿAllāmah ʿUbayd al-Jābirī (رحمه الله) said:
We make notification of a matter which is that many women enter the field of disparagement and appraisal (al-jarḥ wal-taʿdīl), and this is a mistake for [a number of reasons].
Firstly: It opposes the behaviour (manner, demeanour) of the righteous among the female Compnions and those who came after them. It is not known that any of these women put herself forward in disparaging and appraising [individuals]. Rather, one of them—I mean the righteous female Companions, and at the forefront of them are the Mothers of the Believers—if a man came to ask from behind the curtain, she would give him a fatwā. From these women—in addition to the Mothers of the Believers from the female Companions—was Nuṣaybah bint Kaʿb (رضي الله عنها), Umm ʿAṭiyyah and many others. Among the Tābiʿīn were ʿUmrah bin ʿAbd al-Raḥmān, the companion of ʿĀʾishah, Muʿādhah bint ʿAbd Allāh al-ʿAdawiyyah al-Baṣriyyah and Ḥafṣah bint Sīrīn.
Yes, although there are found virtuous female scholars even in later centuries, and I mention by way of example, Karīmah bint Aḥmad al-Marwadhiyyah, then al-Makkiyyah, whose kunyah was Umm al-Karam. She died single and never married. She is one of the female narrators of Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī, she narrates Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī from al-Bukhārī to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم). They say she was a competent jurist and that four-hundred competent jurists took knowledge from her. She would sit after the morning prayer until ʿIshā, and they would take [knowledge] from her from behind a curtain.
Secondly: No matter how much strength [of knowledge] and expertise a woman has been given, she will not be able to encompass the hideouts and hiding-places of men [in these affairs]. This is extremely difficult.
Thirdly: She may subject herself to what she is unable to do, and in that lies the wrath of her men [from her household], because there is no man is found who has jealousy that would let his women go out and mix with men or make contact with men.
This is what Allāh has made easy of our answer to this issue.
01 This is very pertinent advice from Shaykh ʿAllāmah ʿUbayd al-Jābirī to women, especially in the era of the Internet and social media where they put themselves and others to trial. It is not the demeanour of women to enter these arenas, and if the men of their household knew of their activities, they would not be pleased. It is better for her to attend to her duties instead of doing al-jarḥ wal-taʾdīl online.
02 Also, it is not befitting for men either, to publicly engage with and amplify the voices of such women who, opposing their feminine nature, do jarḥ online. This is not a manly thing to do, and these women should be advised to return back to their offline duties.
Arabic Text
نُنبِّهُ هنا إلى قضيَّة: وهي أنَّ كثيرًا مِن النِّساء يدخُلن باب الجرح والتَّعديل، وهذا خطأ مِن أوج
أولًّا: مُخالفة سَمْتِ الصَّالحات مِن الصَّحابيات ومَن بعدهم؛ فما عُلِمَ أنَّ امرأةً مِن هؤلاء النِّسوة تصدَّرتْ للجرح والتَّعديل، بل كانت الواحدةُ منها -أعني الفاضلات مِن الصَّحابيات وعلى رأسهِنَّ أُمَّهات المؤمنين- إذا جاء رجلٌ يسألها مِن وراء السِّتار؛ أَفتَتْهُ، ومِن هؤلاء النِّسوة -بالإضافة إلى أُمَّهات المؤمنين مِن الصَّحابيات- نُسيْبة بنت كعب رضي اللهُ عنها أُمُّ عطيَّة، وغيرها كُثُر، ومِن التَّابعيات عَمرة بنت عبدالرَّحمن صاحبة عائشة، ومُعاذة بنت عبدالله العدويَّة البصريَّة، وحفصة بنت سيرين.
نعم! مع أنَّه يُوجد عالمات فاضلات حتَّى في القُرون المُتأخِّرة ، وأذكر على سبيل المثال كريمة بنت أحمد المروذيَّة ثُمَّ المكيَّة، كُنيتها أُمُّ الكِرام، تُوفيَتْ عزباء لم تتزوج، وهي إحدى راويات صحيح البُخاريِّ مِن النِّساء، تروي صحيح البُخاريِّ للبُخاريِّ إلى النَّبيِّ صلَّى اللهُ عليه وسلَّم، فيقولون كانت فقيهةً مُتقنةً، وأخذ العلمَ عنها أربعمائة عالم فقيه مُتقن، تجلس مِن بعد صلاة الصُّبح إلى العشاء، وهؤلاء يأخذون عنها مِن وراء السِّتار .
ثانيًا: أنَّ المرأة مهما أُوتيَتْ مِن قوَّة وخبرة لن تُحيط بمكامن الرِّجال ومخابيهم وهذا في غاية العُسر.
الأمر الثالث: أنَّها قد تُعرِّضُ نفسَها لِـمـا لا تقوى عليه، وفي ذلكم سَخَطِ رجالها؛ لأنَّه لا يوجد رجلٌ ذو غيْرة يجعل مِن نسوته مَن تَخرج وتُخالط الرِّجال أوتتَّصل بالرِّجال، نعم .
هذا ما يسَّر اللهُ مِن جوابنا على هذه المسألة.