They used to believe that when the sick person mingled with the healthy, he would make them become sick and pass his disease to them. Likewise [did they believe] regarding camels. So the Prophet [sas] negated that and falsified it.
[Go ahead], flee from the leper as you would flee from a lion, (for its meaning) is that there is no contagion, he will not pass [his leprosy] to you...
When it is said that he was born upon the fiṭrah (original, innate disposition) or that he was created ḥanīf (upright) and what is similar, the intent behind this...
The Mutakallimūn (speculative theologians) spoke on the first obligation and under the influence of their kalām theology asserted that the first obligation is to prove Allāh’s existence.
Allāh the Exalted said: "Those who believe and do not mix their belief with oppression, they will have security and they are (the ones) who are guided."
False worship and false religion are based upon certain assumptions and beliefs on the basis of which servitude, devotion and enslavement are shown to deities besides Allāh.
The foundation of al-eemaan (faith) in Allah whose belief is obligatory upon the creation in affirmation of of belief in Him is [comprised of] three things.