Shaykh Muḥammad Amān al-Jāmī (رحمه الله)—while explaining that it is not allowed to refer to a Muslim as a "secularist" on account of an error he fell into as this entails takfīr and is a great mistake—remarked:[1]
Secularism has two faces:
Democracy is the political face of Secularism—understand well—and Socialism is the economic face of Secularism.
It is the mother of all evils, secularism is the mother of all evils. It is disbelief and the mother of all evils.
01 The modern notion of democracy (presented as “rule by the people for the people”) is a distortion of the original democracy in which annulment by jury was the key element. This meant that the people themselves had the right to annul any laws that were unfair and unjust. Thus, there was true power in their hands, and it really was “rule by the people for the people.”
This element has been removed and people have been misled to believe that voting in elections for what are largely egotistical and easily corruptible seekers of power is what constitutes democracy. In reality it is an illusion, it is not democracy in its original, authentic form.
Either way, both these types of democracy (the original and the modern-day pseudo-democracy) constitute disbelief because they grant the right to make and abrogate or annul laws, to make lawful and unlawful to other than Allāh.
02 Socialism is an ideology invented by the rich and powerful as a means of protecting their domination and authority. It ensures that no one is able to accumulate sufficient wealth and power to threaten their monopoly. Thus, they take from the middle classes to give to the poor classes, while they use various schemes to protect their own wealth. Socialism impoverishes societies by rewarding the lazy and idle with the wealth of the productive of society.
Socialism is one small group of people profiting greatly by playing an administrative role in taking the wealth of the productive and giving it to the non-productive through taxation. As a result the rich get richer and everybody else gets progressively poorer, until they are impoverished and deprived of property.
Owning property is the greatest crime and thus confiscation of private property is the ultimate goal of all socialist, communist systems. "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy."
03 The end result, the outcome of the Western social democracy (or Secularism for short) is enslavement and tyranny through ideologies such as Communism and Fascism, which are the inevitable outcome. The populations of Western social democracies are now witnessing first hand the reality of the democracy they used to boast about.
05 The Social Democracy is open to infiltration and penetration by private and/or corporate interests, with the risk of governments becoming tools and vehicles for depriving and harming populations, rather than serving them.
05 The rich and “elite” (in reality, parasites and leeches)—having turned arrogant with their accumulation of money and power—are the greatest of enemies to the message of the Prophets and Messengers who call to liberation from servitude to men through servitude to Allāh alone.
Secularism (social democracy) leads to enslavement and subjugation to man.
The proof is in the pudding. For starters, dip your spoon into the Canadian and Australian pudding, then dip it in France to get a taste of that "liberty, fraternity, equality."
06 There are many non-Muslim Westerners who are preferring life in Muslim countries (such as Morocco or the Gulf countries), because they have seen through the illusion of democracy and socialism, after having tasted it for decades. They find themselves experiencing greater wealth, freedom, safety and security in Muslim nations.