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Allāh Chose the Most-Intelligent, Most-Upright and And Most-Guided to Accompany His Prophet

Posted by Abu Iyaad
Monday, Feb 20 2023
Filed under Salafiyyah

Shaykh Ibn ʿUthaymīn (رحمه الله) said:[1]

Allāh the Exalted would not choose company for His Prophet—and He is the all-Knowing, the all-Wise—except the most perfect of people in faith, the most superior in intellect, the most upright in deeds, the most firmly resolute and the most guided in [their] path...

And (رحمه الله) commented on the above:

This is in opposition to the one who said that they are at the level of simpletons and commoners because they took the religion upon its apprentness, therefore they are common people, and that the intelligent ones are those who took from the Philosophers, those who know the foundations and end-results [of things], that when such and such happens, such and such results and what is similar to this speech. For this reason they say: The people are [divided into] the commoners and the elite. The commoners are those who take their religion upon its apparentness, and the elites are those who take it through the route of intellect, argumentation and debates.

But the reality is that the affair is the other way around. Those who take the religion upon its apparentness, submitting to Allāh (عز وجل) inwardly and outwardly, they are the people of intelligence. As for those, then just ask them at the moment of death, you will find them the most doubtful of people at the time of death—and refuge is with Allāh—[they], the people of kalām [speculative theology] and the people of argumentation, because they founded their beliefs upon other than the Sharīʿah.

Those who reviled the Companions (رضي الله عنهم) and the Salaf who followed in their path are the Muʿtazilah, the likes of ʿAmr bin ʿUbayd and Wāṣil bin ʿAṭāʾ, who glorified the intellect. When they came across texts that clashed with their intellects, such as the ḥadīth of Ibn Masʾūd (رضي الله عنه) on the creation of man in the womb, in the subject matter of al-Qadar, or texts pertaining to rulings that did not agree with their rationalities, they rejected these texts, reviled them and belittled their narrators and the Companions who related these ḥadīths.

Arabic Text:

1. Sharḥ Talkhīṣ al-Ḥamawiyyah (p. 40)

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