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Is Tazkiyah (Commendation), Takharruj (Graduation) or Shahādah (Certification) Required for Daʿwah and Teaching?
Statements from the Major Scholars clarifying whether tazkiyah (commendation), takharruj (graduation) or shahādah (certification) are required before one gives da`wah and teaches.
By Abu Iyaad 04 Sep 2024
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Regarding the Adhān of ʿUthman: Bayān Talbīs al-Ḥajāwirah
A defence of ʿUthmān (رضي الله عنه) against the claims of Yaḥyā al-Ḥajūrī and his Ḥaddādī followers in light of the taḥqīq (verification) of the Scholars o
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Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah on the Meaning of the Fiṭrah (Original Disposition)
When speaking about the fiṭrah and the ḥadīth, “Every child is born upon the fiṭrah”, Muslims often say that a child is born a “Muslim”, with the meaning of being upon Islām the re
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On Smallpox and Injecting Impure, Harmful Substances into the Body: Verdicts from Scholars of the Daʿwah
We present below some fatāwā (legal verdicts) from the scholars of the daʿwah to Tawḥīd in the Arabian peninsula, from the early 19th century, on smallpox inoculations.
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The Caliph ʿUmar Repelling Belief in Contagion from Himself
The Caliph ʿUmar would seek to push out and repel any notion or idea of contagion from his mind, in order to gain certainty in the statement of the Prophet (صلى ا
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An Overview of Kitāb Al-Tawḥīd: Part 2
This book explains the reality of Tawḥīd al-Ulūhiyyah, or al-ʿIbādah (strict, pure monotheism in worship) and makes mention of its rulings, limits, conditions, excellence, evidenc
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Huḍhayfah bin al-Yamān: It Is True Misguidance to Change Colours and Flip in Allāh’s Religion by Rejecting Truth You Once Knew and Embracing Falsehood You Once Rejected
Indeed, it is true misguidance that you acknowledge what you used to reject [as error, falsehood) and you reject what you used to acknowledge [as truth].
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An Overview of Kitāb Al-Tawḥīd: Part 1
This book explains the reality of Tawḥīd al-Ulūhiyyah, or al-ʿIbādah (strict, pure monotheism in worship) and makes mention of its rulings, limits, conditions, excellence, evidenc
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Lecture on Belief in Omens from Kitāb Al-Tawḥīd
A believing Muwaḥḥid, in his beliefs, feelings, emotions, speech and behaviour is governed by optimism, hope, certainty and reliance and he pursues his beneficial interests in this
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Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah on the Role of Reason in Guidance in Matters of Creed and Clarification of a Doubt
In the beginning of the 9th volume of Darʾ al-Taʿāruḍ, Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah speaks of the differing among the sects regarding how knowledge, acquaintance and guidance is a
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Shaykh Muḥammad Ādam al-Atyūbī on the Strongest View Regarding Contagion
Its summary is that “There is no contagion” is upon its apparent meaning, and that the command to flee from the leper is carried upon recommendation...
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Shaykh ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Bin Bāz on Instituting Secular Laws
What is the ruling on instituting secular laws? And is it permissible to act by them? And does a ruler become a disbeliever by instituting these laws?
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Shaykh Ibn ʿUthaymīn on Instituting and Enforcing a General Legislation Upon People and Judging in Specific Issues
Is there a difference between a specific issue in which the qāḍī (judge) passes judgement with other than what Allāh revealed and between issues that are considered general legisla
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Shaykh Al-Fawzān Clarifying the Issue of Replacing the Sharīʿah and Making Takfīr of Rulers Using His Speech
The one who banishes the Shari’ah entirely and puts another law in its place, that this indicates that he views the [secular] law to be better than the Sharīʿah...
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Shaykh Ibn ʿUthaymīn’s Clarification on Takfīr of Rulers Who Institute Secular Laws (1999)
Shaykh Ibn ʿUthaymīn clarifies his position on the issue of the rulers instituting secular laws, replacing the Sharīʿah with them and when takfīr can be made of them.
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Imām al-Shanqīṭī on Instituting Secular Laws
Those who follow the secular laws which Shayṭān has legislated upon the tongues of his allies, in opposition to what Allāh, the Majestic and Elevated...
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Fabricated, Distorted, Clipped and Misinterpreted Quotes Used by Takfīrī Khārijites to Justify Takfīr and Khurūj in Muslim Lands: Part 2 - Quote from Al-Qāḍī Bakr Bin ʿAlā Al-Qushayrī
This is a quote from Aḥkām al-Qurʾān of al-Qāḍī Bakr bin ʿAlā al-Qushayrī al-Mālikī (d. 344H). Though the translation is accurate enough, the context is missing.
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Fabricated, Distorted, Clipped and Misinterpreted Quotes Used by Takfīrī Khārijites to Justify Takfīr and Khurūj in Muslim Lands: Part 1 - Ibn Ḥajar al-ʿAsqalānī
The following statement has been ascribed to Ibn Hajar (رحمه الله) and is claimed to be in the 13th volume of the Maktabah Salafiyyah print of Fatḥ al-Bārī
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Justifying Genocide and Slaughtering of Women and Children in Holy War: Rabbi Eliyahu Mali
A genocidal barbarian who justifies the slaughter (murder) of innocent babies and children for fear that one day, they may become fighters and resist racist, supremacist genocidal
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The Logic of Child-Killers and Baby-Murderers: Self-Preservation Between the Nightmares of Pharoah and the Psychoses of Jewish Supremacists
Racist, ethnosupremacist, bloodthirsty Jews—who are denounced by other Jews—present a justification for the slaughter of children which they have inherited from Pharoah and his nig
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Imām al-Shanqīṭī on the Approach to Modern Scientific Theories
New inventions have appeared and claims have been made by the propounders of new theories [regarding which] people are divided into two categories...
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Sects & Innovations
Ibn Taymiyyah’s Sunni Medication for Daniel Haqiqatjou’s Rāfiḍī Dissimulation
There are various types of medications having various mechanisms of action and various purposes, you have for example, antibiotics, antifungals, antacids, antihistamines, antimalar
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Sects & Innovations
Daniel Shapiro, Benjamin Haqiqatjou, the Rāfiḍah and the Weapon of Taqiyyah (Dissimulation) for Concealing Beliefs and Advancing Agendas
For the purposes of this article, Daniel Aaron Shapiro and Benjamin Reza Haqiqatjou are two entirely fictional characters and they are non-identical twins, brethren.
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Sects & Innovations
The Effects of Mental Retardation and Following Desires on Daniel Haqiqatjou: The Inability to Differentiate Tawḥīd from Idolatry, Īmān from Disbelief and Rāfiḍah Hypocrites from Muslims—Ibn Taymiyyah on the Disbelief and Hypocrisy of the Rāfiḍah
Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah explains the various categories of those who revile the Companions and provides a tafṣīl (detail) through which the lies and deceptions of those who s
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The Lies of the Neo-Sabaʾites Upon Imām al-Albāni in the Matter of Palestine and a Refutation of ‘Madkhali Zionism’
From the neo-Sabaʾites who have sprung into action in the last couple of weeks is one Zalghi Khan. It is almighty strange that in only a few weeks, between 7 to 28 December 2023, h
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The Paradox of Judeo-Christian Values and Christian-Zionism 04: ‘We Killed Jesus, We’re Proud of It!’
A Jew boasts on video , “We killed Jesus, we’re proud of it” and a Rabbi slanders and denigrates Maryam (عليها السلام) by uttering a false, grave charge ag
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ʿAbd Allāh Bin Sabaʾ and the Activities of Neo-Sabaʾites
This Sabaʾite movement was the nucleus for both the Rāfiḍah Shīʿah and the Khārijites and it played a role in the dissension and civil strife that occured between the Prophet's Com
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The Effects of Mental Retardation and Seeing ‘Madkhali’ Ghosts in One’s Sleep on Daniel Haqiqatjou: Pinning the Blame for Murder of Palestinians
Haqiqatjou's tweet (see image) is a clear sign of mental retardation, losing grasp of reality and wilful self-delusion.
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The Manhaj of the Khārijites: 02. Shayh Ibn ʿUthaymīn on Those Who Reject the Tafsīr of Ibn ʿAbbās and His Students and the Consensus of the Ummah
The statements which are authentic from Ibn ʿAbbās (رضي الله عنه) in explanation of these verses in Sūrah al-Māʾidah regarding judging by other than what A
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The Manhaj of the Khārijites: 01. Takfīr Without Tafṣīl Upon Misinterpretation of the Qurʾān
The Khawārij have interpreted these verses to justify the takfir of the one who does not rule by what Allāh has revealed without wilful rejection (juḥūd).
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Daniel Haqiqatjou: A Case Study in the Art and Science of Bootlicking and a Refutation of Fake ‘Madkhali Bootlickers’
The absence of grounding in Islāmic sciences that would have balanced his philosophy and polemics and kept him within the limits of safety and respectability, has led him to much s
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The Paradox of Judeo-Christian Values and Christian-Zionism 03: Sanhedrin-Sanctioned ‘Godly Execution’ of Christian Idolators
The godly thing to do is to kill you... The Torah says that people who worship idols such as yourself, when there is a Sanhedrin...
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Groups & Parties
The Heads of Hamas, Khomeini and Iran: Spreading Twelver Shīʿism in Gaza
Pictures where both of these Ikhwānis are found at the wathan (idol) of the pagan idolator and enemy of Abū Bakr and ʿUmar (رضي الله عنهما), ‘Ayatollah’ Kh
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The First Obligation in Islām: The Two Testimonies and Actualizing Tawhīd
The first obligation upon the servants is the worship of Allāh. As for knowing him, then they know him through the fiṭrah, the intellects, creational evidences and Qurʾānic evidenc
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The Paradox of Judeo-Christian Values and Christian-Zionism 02: Jesus in the Talmud and the Doctrine of Redemption for Sin
While having kept their real view about Jesus (عليه السلام) hidden or coded through the centuries, fearing backlash and persecution, today some of the Rabb
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Regarding Sayyid Aḥmad al-Badawī (Ṣūfī Bāṭinī) and Aḥmad Hijāb (Ṣūfī Qubūrī) as Manifestations of the Causes of Defeat and Humiliation of the Ummah
Recently, a video was circulated wherein Asrar Rashid (Ṣūfī Barelwi,), Moḥammad Ḥijāb (Ikhwānī Mutafalsif, online performance artist), and Haitham Ḥaddād (Ikhwānī), are having a co
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Sects & Innovations
Collaboration Between the Khārijites and the Rāfiḍah Shīʿah in Slaughtering Ahl al-Sunnah and Their Scholars
Scholars of the Sunnah slaughtered when they got caught up in the revolt of a Kharijite against the ʿUbaydī Bāṭiniyyah Shīʿah in Qayrawān during the 4th century hijrah.
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