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Articles tagged with contagion

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Ibn Rajab al-Ḥanbalī (d. 795H) on Sins, Causes of Calamities, Contagion, Legislated Means and Omens
That which is legislated is the avoidance of what is apparent [of these harms] and to take caution to the extent that is related in the Sharīʿah.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Wed, 22 Feb 2023
Shaykh Sulaymān bin Ḥamdān (d. 1397H): Sins, Causes of Calamities, Contagion, Legislated Means and Omens
The servant is ordered to take caution against the apparent causes of evil and to avoid them to the extent that is related in the Sharīʿah.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Thu, 23 Feb 2023
Imām al-Ṭabarī (d. 310H) on Contagion
That which is correct in our view is what is authentically reported from him [sas] that he said: “There is no contagion” and that nothing will afflict a soul except what has been written for it.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Mon, 20 Feb 2023
Ibn Ḥazm al-Andalūsī (d. 456H) on Contagion
[Go ahead], flee from the leper as you would flee from a lion, (for its meaning) is that there is no contagion, he will not pass [his leprosy] to you...
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Thu, 23 Feb 2023
Abū Sulaymān Al-Khaṭṭābī (D. 388h) on Contagion
His saying: “There is no contagion”, he means by it that nothing transmits [what it has] to anything else such that harm comes from its direction.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Thu, 23 Feb 2023
Imām al-Qurṭubī (d. 656H) on Contagion
They used to believe that when the sick person mingled with the healthy, he would make them become sick and pass his disease to them. Likewise [did they believe] regarding camels. So the Prophet [sas] negated that and falsified it.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Fri, 24 Feb 2023
Shaykh Al-Albānī on Exaggeration in the Matter of Contagion and Imitation of the Disbelievers
However, it is not the case that a healthy person, merely by mixing with a person who has a transmissible disease, that this disease will necessarily transmit to this healthy person.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Fri, 24 Feb 2023
Shaykh Ibn Bāz on Abandoning Prayer in the Mosque While Sick With Influenza with the Claim of Contagion
When a man suffers from what is called “influenza”—this being an illness despite which a man is still able to leave his house, though it is a “contagious illness” as the doctors say—would it be permitted for this man to pray in his house...
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Fri, 24 Feb 2023
Steps for Proving a New 'Infectious Disease': A Benefit from Shaykh Al-Albānī in Separating Science from Pseudoscience and Justifiable Means from Whisperings and Superstition
The great scholar of Prophetic traditions, Shaykh al-Albānī [rh] in the context of contagion outlined a number of conditions for taking precaution that keep it within prescribed limits and bounds.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Wed, 26 Apr 2023
Shaykh Muqbil bin Hādī on Contagion, Vaccination and Prevention of 'Transmission'
What is the ruling on what is called vaccination (taṭʿīm or talqīḥ) which is given to children so that they are not afflicted with specific diseases.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Mon, 07 Aug 2023
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