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Four Affairs of Jāhiliyyah That People Will Not Leave: Including Claims of Disease 'Transmission' and 'Contagion'
Four [affairs] of Jāhiliyyah that the people will not leave: Wailing over the dead; reviling ancestors; tying rain to the rising or setting of stars, and contagion.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Sun, 05 Feb 2023
Ibn ʿAbd al-Barr on Contagion
As for his saying: “There is no contagion”, then it is a prohibition from that anyone should say: “A thing passes [what it has] to another thing.”
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Wed, 08 Feb 2023
Abū Bakr Al-Jaṣṣāṣ (d. 370H) on Contagion
In these reports is the prohibition of leaving the land of the plague [intending to] flee from it.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Wed, 08 Feb 2023
The Fraud of Louis Pasteur: Germs, Disease and Contagion
The germ theory which many people ascribe to the late 1800s and [to] Pasteur, actually goes way back to even Greek times you know sort of ancient Greek times.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Thu, 09 Feb 2023
Siamese Twins and the Superstition of Contagion
The twins differing health patterns present a mystery. Why did one become ill with a childhood disease, like measles for example, while the other did not?
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Wed, 15 Feb 2023
Abu ʿUbayd Al-Qāsim Bin Sallām Al-Harawī (d. 224H) on Contagion
Some people have carried [the ḥadīth] to mean that [the prohibition] is due to fear for the healthy on account of the one with the disease...
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Wed, 15 Feb 2023
Imām Aḥmad (d. 241H) on Contagion
Imām Aḥmad (along with Imām Mālik) was upon the view of negating contagion [as a matter of superstition] and eating with the sick (leper) with trust upon Allāh.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Thu, 16 Feb 2023
Al-Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Ḥajar on Contagion
This is because [this reconciliation between the ḥadīths] negates contagion in principle, completely, as is stated explicitly in the authentic reports.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Mon, 20 Feb 2023
Imām al-Ṭaḥāwī (d. 321H) on Contagion
Imām al-Ṭahāwī [rh] addressed the issue of the apparent conflict between the various ḥadīths that have been connected to contagion.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Mon, 20 Feb 2023
Ibn Khuzaymah (d. 311H) on Contagion
Mention of a report in whose meaning some scholars have erred in and affirmed the contagion which the Prophet [sas] negated.
Posted by Abu Iyaad on Mon, 20 Feb 2023
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