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Former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield: Covid Vaccine Mandates Were 'Terrible Decision', Based on Emotion, Not Science, With Huge Influence From Big Pharma

Friday, Jun 07 2024

Important: The purpose of these articles is to establish realities, firstly, and then to calibrate the affairs so we restore moderation and have the right scales with which to judge. If we correctly understand that the rulers and scholars make ijtihād in issues that arise, and that they are rewarded in all circumstances, both in those issues they get right and in those issue they may have erred, and that we support them by making duʿā for them and giving advice through legislated means, then people who understand all of this, no matter what difficulties and hardships they go through, will have patience.

See: Advice Regarding Hardships During Lockdowns (June 2020) for a quick overview.

However, if you take the path of exaggeration and tell people that Allāh is the one who obligated this or that, and wrongly ascribe this to scholars, or you portray the image that the scholars are the ones driving the pandemic response entirely, and that their views and policies in matters in which there is differing among the people of the world (contagion, medical theories, vaccines), and likewise among scholars of Islām, are universal truths which cannot be opposed (not even from a science, or medical point of view), then all you are doing is setting them up to be belittled and ridiculed in the future, when realities emerge, and people will lose trust in them due to your exaggerations and mishandling of the affair. This is what I desired to prevent in early 2020, however, and sadly, some students misinterpreted (or distorted) the affairs and started making complaints. I request these same students to return to the mashāyikh they went to and inform them, out of sincerity of purpose towards them, of these developments, which were inevitable. If they do not, and they conceal these realities, then by this omission, they are being deceitful towards those mashāyikh, and proves that they have ulterior motives.

Dr. Robert Redfield is the former director of the CDC, holding the position between 2018 to 2021. In an interview with Chris Cuomo on 4 June 2024 he revealed some truths about the experimental mRNA injections and the mandates and policies that were adopted regarding them.

In the clip above Dr. Redfield says that there was no doubt there was overreach by the government. He said that they:

...absolutely never should have mandated vaccines, period. Terrible decision. These vaccines do not prevent infection.

They prevent serious illness and death and those of at risk of serious illness and death and thats predominantly those with significant comorbidities and those over the age of 60 and 65.

So the rationale for mandating vaccines for healthy firefighters, the policmen and the military, you know and hospital workers, teachers, was emotional, it wasn't...

It shouldn't have happened, we should have always honoured individual choice on those vaccines.

Secondly, we should have given more credit, and I tried to argue for this, that immunity from infection has value too. To say that it was of no value, and we had people who lost their jobs who were immune by infection... and they lost their jobs because they did not get vaccinated, overreach.

In the clip above, Dr Redfield explains that the push to get everybody vaccinated with Covid injections came from big pharma (Pfizer, Moderna) and whereas only certain subsets of the population should have been vaccinated, it was pushed on healthy people, unnecessarily.


01  If you haven't already done so, take two minutes to read about the 2009 Swine Flu Scam and watch a TV report on the scandal. History repeats itself, sometimes too often and too close.

02  Given Dr. Redfield's admissions—as he jumps off the sinking ship while looking at the horizon, seeing what lies ahead—it is highly pertinent to refer to Shaykh Muqbil’s position on taking vaccines for ending contagion (“transmission”), he effectively said that it is unlawful—upon the view of negation of contagion—since the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) explicitly negated the notion of contagion and that a person “transmits” illness to others. Rather, it is only ever freshly created in each entity for whom it has been decreed through the sum of its causes. This holds true, irrespective of whether you believe the sick person emits something than can potentially make a healthy person sick or not. In all scenarios, no person ever "transmits" his illness to anyone else, as states (aʿrāḍ) are not transmitted but freshly created in every entity through the sum of their causes.

This is why the Shaykh said that while it can be taken for preventive/therapeutic purposes, it cannot be taken for ending contagion. However, even if you hold the view of contagion, then the end-result does not change. The injections do not prevent infection or transmission, that is unanimously agreed upon, and were never intended to do so. As such trying to prevent contagion, requiring vaccine passports and so on, all of that was baseless, frivolous and very harmful to society.

This is a legitimate knowledge-based view which cannot be attacked. It is oppression and slander to accuse those upon it of accusing tbe scholars and rulers of not knowing “fiqh al-wāqiʿ”, and taking the way of ʿAmr bin ʿUbayd al-Muʿtazilī towards the scholars. That's alongside the fact that what Shaykh Muqbil said is factual reality and the truth. It is the reality of all vaccines without exception, not just the Covid-19 experimental mRNA snake-oil injections. They do not prevent infection, nor "transmission", and they are never tested for that. They are intended to make a person have resistance to the disease, such that he has no disease or a mild version of it, and does not suffer severe disease. Fully vaccinated populations routinely have outbreaks, and most cases of polio today are vaccine-induced.

Given these factual realities, then the vaccine is taken only for therapeutic purposes, and therefore becomes a matter of personal choice, as there are many other ways and means to prevent or treat illness.

Shaykh al-Fawzān when asked in late 2021 whether a person is sinful for not taking the Covid-19 injections said no, that he is not sinful.

However, some (al-Ruḥaylī) boldly proclaimed, “Anyone who wishes to mingle with the people, it is wajib to take the injection”, that is something mighty. Likewise, declaring Muslim doctors, medics and scientists across the entire world sinful because they correctly advised with caution regarding the Covid-19 mRNA snake-oil injections in accordance with both their Islamic and legal professional duties. In fact the state appointed body for giving fatwā in Saudi Arabia did not dare to venture in this arena and withheld from issuing or affirming such severe and generalised judgments when presented with questions regarding this.

03  Dr. Redfield affirms that “natural immunity” has value, meaning that you have the illness and that itself confers you protection—that’s within that theory of disease. However, this was dismissed here in the Western countries, because they did everything to get the mandates, to get as many injections sold as possible. So even other proven treatments that are established and known to treat complications of influenza, pneumonia, and tuberculosis, the standard treatment for these illnesses which were overwelmingly rebranded as "Covid-19" through RT-PCR test fraud, they were abandoned and any physicians who successfully treated patients were threatened, attacked or disciplined.

Islamically speaking, this means that if a person chose not to take any injection, and believes in "natural immunity" then there is no basis to punish or disadvantage him, because “natural immunity” has value, and in any case, this is counted as pure reliance (tawakkul), which is from the means. So these affairs need clear answers from scholars based on these factual realities, which given the tremendous propaganda and fearmongering, the deliberate media whirlwind that was generated, may have remained hidden and obscure.

Note: There were some Muslim countries who acknowledged "natural immunity" and allowed people to declare their status as such, on the basis of RT-PCR or antibody tests, so may Allāh reward them. Keep in mind that these concepts (immunity, antibodies etc.) lie within a particular theory of disease built upon a subjective and limited understanding.

04  As it relates to Muslim scholars and rulers, these are from the affairs of ijtihād, in those affairs in which mankind has differed, and they devise policies and implement measures based on what they consider to be correct, upon medical theories that they believe in. While the subjects must respect these policies and must abide by them, from the angle of maintaining order, the scholars and rulers are not infallible in these affairs and they are rewarded for their ijtihād nevertheless, and we must supplicate for them, asking Allāh to grant them success in arriving at what is correct, and advice can be given in legislated ways.

The nations, both Muslim and non-Muslim, differed greatly in how they responded to the WHO-sponsored pandemic. Some outright rejected the pandemic scam, proved the RT-PCR “tests” were fraudulent, kicked out the WHO and they had no pandemic in their country (Tanzania). Others took little to no measures and they fared much better (Sweden, numerous US states). Some rejected lockdowns (Pakistan). While most other countries followed the WHO recommendations.

We are in between two groups of people, those who revile and attack the scholars and rulers and those who exaggerate and claim that their ijtihāds are equal to Allāh’s judgements and that simply having different views in knowledge-based matters regarding contagion, vaccines, and measures is blameworthy opposition, even when these views are proven correct, and even when you live in other countries whose health authorities may have different views and policies, and even when these matters are openly discussed and debated within the realm of medicine and science, and this is part and of parcel of mankind pursuing truth and beneficial interest, so that error (and superstition, lies and fraud) are eliminated or minimized.

Take for example six-feet social distancing, something completely fabricated with no science. It is not from the “means” and it was not made obligatory by Allāh Himself as claimed by someone in the US, something which to this day has not been repented from and is a continued fabrication upon Allāh (سبحانه وتعالى), a great crime. Scholars such as Shaykh al-Albānī—who affirms contagion—made clear the limits and conditions of precaution. He described those who refuse to shake hands with people, out of mere suspicion, those who exaggerate in these affairs as having followed the ways of the people of Jāhiliyyah. Other scholars have said the same thing, that precautions have limits.

However, if these affairs are imposed, then we would obey due to necessity and so as not to cause disturbance and commotion, to maintain order, despite our personal convictions. But as for evidence and truth regarding the affairs themselves, then knowledge-based discussion of them in order to arrive at the truth does not end.

In short, we thank the rulers for doing those things that were based on evidence (religious and worldly) and were appropriate in the perceived emergency and whatever was beyond that, then we treat these as matters of ijtihād wherein they are rewarded and their mistakes overlooked, as they were not ill-intentioned. And any hardships that people suffered, then that is a test and trial from Allāh.

05  Coming back to the injection, as Dr. Redfield—and he is not a “conspiracy theorist”, he is someone in a most prominent position who is now jumping off a sinking ship, trying to save himself, because he knows he was part of it, and he knows what is coming—he stated that “mandates”, that is forcing these experimental injections on people under threat to livelihood was a terrible decision, based on emotions (not science) and was pushed by big pharma, which has brought harm to many people.

Where have we heard that story before?


Close to a hundred years ago in 1935, when germ-theory based faked epidemics were being exposed, it was aptly remarked:[1]

One may not reasonably claim that three or four faked epidemics prove all health officials knaves [i.e. dishonest]; but they are quite sufficient to show that under "the system" of complete, absolute and irresponsible control of public health service by one school of healing, the foregoing cited instances [i.e. of faked epidemics in New York City, Kansas, Pittsburgh during the 1920s] may be multiplied indefinitely, and the public be none the wiser.

The factors are all present which make such exploitation of the public health and the public purse possible, whenever a medical health officer may be found who is sufficiently corrupt or sufficiently fanatical, to set the machinery in motion for their accomplishment.

What has been indicated in the above quote continued over the decades for the rest of the 20th century until we reach the era of AIDS (HIV), Swine Flu, Bird Flu, and lately, Covid-19, when this fakery went international. It has now become an art form.

For in-depth details on these scams, refer to the excellent work, Virus Mania.

When only one theory of disease is allowed, and when there is sufficient fanaticism for that theory or idea, and when there is corruption, then nations and populations can be exploited in the name of "public health" if there is a machinery in place to facilitate it.

The "machinery" mentioned in the above quote has advanced to such a degree, on an international scale, that it is becoming next to impossible for anyone to escape it. What was pulled off at the city level in the 1920s, began to be pulled off at the international scale in the late 20th century. The scam has now been perfected with Covid-19, where full institutional and regulatory capture by corporations and private interests has been achieved, allowing the machinery to be put in motion worldwide.

The WHO which is 80% funded by private and specialists interests—after having watered down the definition of a “pandemic”—can announce a PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern) and the entire machinery is thereby greased and ready to roll, with a saviour vaccine always on the horizon. See Swine Flu Scam of 2009.

See also: Bill Gates and the 'Covid-19' Injection 'Pump and Dump' Scam. Gates bought 1.1 Million shares of BioNTech vaccine which later became the Pfizer vaccine. He then sold almost all that stock, 87%, two years later at a $242,000,000 profit. And a week after that he announced the vaccine didn't work as expected and in essence, that the world needs to go back to the drawing board.

No doubt, these developments comprise a great trial, we ask Allāh for aid.

1. In the book, “The Medical Voodoo” by Annie Hale, New York, 1935, p. 163

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