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Former CDC Director Dr. Redfield Makes a Series of Stunning Admissions About Covid mRNA Injections That Were Once Deemed 'Misinformation'

Thursday, Jun 06 2024

Dr. Robert Redfield is the former director of the CDC, holding the position between 2018 to 2021. In an interview with Chris Cuomo on 4 June 2024 he revealed some truths about the experimental mRNA injections and the mandates and policies that were adopted regarding them.

I was upset with the CDC when I left because they stopped tracking people who were infected that were previously vaccinated.

Asked "Why?", Redfield said:

Well because you couldn't report that there were people vaccinated that got infected.

Asked again, "But no wait, why did they stop tracking it?", he replied:

Well, I think there was a decision not to do anything that made the vaccine sound like it didn't work.

This was the role of big media and big tech, overseen by the agents of big pharma, to propagandise for the injections, while imposing military grade censorship on doctors and scientists who were speak truth and fact.

You know I always try to be honest, that I think there were some major mistakes with the vaccines, they should have never have been mandated.

I also felt that people should have been more honest about the fact that there were side effects to those vaccines and some people were actually harmed.

The other thing I thought there should be more honesty about, the fact the vaccines don't protect against infection. I remember Biden saying, "This is a[n] epidemic of the unvaccinated."

When I was Hogan's Chief Public Health Advisor in Maryland after I left CDC, I was saying, wait a minute, two thirds of the people that I'm seeing infected in Maryland have been vaccinated.

These vaccines are designed to be therapeutic only, they do not prevent infection nor prevent transmission. However, the whole world was led to believe that they will end the pandemic by defeating the "virus" by prevention of infection and transmission. Does everybody remember all of that language? It was on this basis that mandates were imposed which harmed a lot of people's livelihoods.

Tony [Fauci] wasn't aggressive in putting this into perspective.

The CDC didn't put it in perspective.

Meaning, that they concealed this information and were not honest with people.

If you came down and visited me and interviewed my patients...you'd interview patient after patient after patient that did not have COVID but are very sick. You would say very sick, long COVID patients. And it's all from the vaccine.

The spike protein is immunotoxic. You get infected, it's immunotoxic. But when you give the vaccine, we make the spike protein.

When I give you an mRNA vaccine...I don't know how much spike protein you make because I give you mRNA and then your body goes and makes it...You may make it for a week...You may make it for a month.


01  In the Western world, the US Director of the CDC is probably the highest position that can be held in the matter of disease. Dr. Redfield is also a “virologist”, which as we have explained elsewhere is actually a pseudoscience that is not founded on the scientific method, however, this matter has been addressed elsewhere.

For those who find this hard to grasp and accept, think of how the people of speculative theology (ʿilm al-kalām) have built their speculative pseudosciences on incorrect foundations, which is the baggage of Aristotelian metaphysics, as a result of which they make misinterpretations of revealed texts. Taʾwīl of the attributes in order to corroborate and establish Tawḥīd as they claim is not a genuine Islamic science. It is innovated and foreign, it is misguidance and misdirection. In the same way, the people of disbelief make misinterpretations of the workings of Allāh’s creation, and upon their materialist philosophy, devise sciences, which are not real sciences, do not conform to the scientific method, and are inseparably merged, especially in the field of biology, with Darwinian evolution. This leads to flawed, incorrect theories, some of which can be harmful to creed and conduct.

However, just as there are present in the Muslim nation, millions upon millions upon the way of the Jahmiyyah, having their scholars, institutions, books and so on, and this does not make them correct, then in the worldly sciences you have the same thing, with unproven speculative theories that are more useful for profit and plunder than they are for genuine understanding and benefiting people. For more information, refer to our previous writings on virology pseudoscience, from them, the article on Darwinian Virology.

02  Despite this prestigious and prominent position, above Dr. Redfield are much larger players where the real decisions and policies are made. As it stands, there is a planned, co-ordinated transition taking place, from the old cell-culture based vaccines to the new mRNA snake-oil injections which are claimed to be the one-stop solution to pretty much all types of diseases, but which are really a cover for other agendas, tied to biometrics, digital IDs, merging biology with technology, transhumanism, avatars (a full digital version of you in cyberspace), eugenics, self-directed evolution and so on, as a means of turning Western social democracies into feudal states being run upon a scientific dictatorship under the guise of saving the planet from carbon and contagion.

None of this is "conspirational" as some people keep remonstrating, to the point that it becomes extremely annoying. All of this is clearly spelt out, it is openly proclaimed, it is in policy papers, in the writings of think tanks, and openly announced. Imagine people telling you that “The Muslim Brotherhood” and “ISIS” being a plot against Islām and likewise, the Jahmiyyah and Rāfiḍah, being a plot against Islām, these are just paranoid conspiracy theories. This is what we are basically dealing with.

As for Muslim countries, Muslim rulers and governments, then as they are free of the ideological underpinnings of this transition which involves Malthusianism, Eugenics, Marxism, Collectivism and so on, and they simply seek to harness technology to transform their nations in order to keep apace, then we can be assured that they will not abuse the power provided by such technologies in the way that the disbelievers intend to. We ask Allāh to grant them success and to protect them from errors, pitfalls and harms. However, there does remain reliance and influence from the people of disbelief in affairs of science and medicine that are undesirable, and we ask Allāh to rectify this affair.

03  Dr. Redfield has revealed through his remarks that the injections were deceptively marketed and promoted. That they do not prevent infection nor alleged “transmission” as the world was led to believe. That tracking of injected people was stopped so as not to reveal its failure and also its harms, which were very apparent within the first month of rollout in January 2021. This information was concealed by the likes of Pfizer, on purpose, or it was censored. This happened in many Western countries, and in some places, even though the data was collected, it has been concealed so it cannot be analysed to give a true picture.

04  Dr. Redfield is not a “conspiracy theorist.” He is the former Director of the CDC at the time of the rollout of the experimental injections. Most nations, including Muslim nations look up to this agency, and are influenced by its positions and statements, the same being the case with the WHO.

05  Knowing these affairs, and knowing there is a history of faked, manufactured or exaggerated pandemics for selling of serums and injections, and knowing that it’s the same players all over again, and knowing of the harms of these injections, the deceptive marketing, and the fraud in the clinical trials, people like myself tried to caution others in order to protect them from unwarranted, unjustified fear, from believing untruths and lies and from potential harm to creed and physical well-being.[1]

06  I had the same position during the Swine Flu Scam of 2009, which I also wrote about. I spoke about views on contagion among the scholars and warned against the exaggeration of the disbelievers in these affairs. However, since that only affected Europe, it did not gain much attention. Watch this 3 minute clip which reports on the scandal, calling it the biggest of the 21st century, which we now know is not true, it is no longer the biggest and has been vastly dwarfed:

The perpetrators of that scam, which unravelled in only a year, learned from their mistakes, and this time they planned it meticulously, from hastening deaths in hospitals through DNRs (Do Not Resuscitate orders), harmful drugs (midazolam, remdesivir) which are respiratory suppressants and organ-damaging, and ventilation (particularly in Western nations) from which 80% do not survive. Most importantly, using the RT-PCR "test" to manufacture cases and rebrand deaths from all other causes, including the usual cases of influenze, pneumonia and tuberculosis into "Covid-19" to drive the illusion of a deadly pandemic.

07  From the practical and pragmatic advice I gave to people is to avoid the mRNA injections if possible, there are other non-mRNA brands, and if you cannot, then research in the batches on the VAERS system, to identify the “hot” batches, so that when you get the injection you can make sure it is a safe batch. The website howbad.info remains a useful source of data for this, I pointed people to it.

Sadly, this was declared sinful, and considered revilement of scholars and rulers, taking the way of the Surūriyyah towards them, accusing the scholars of not knowing “fiqh al-wāqiʾ” and taking the way of ʿAmr bin ʿUbayd al-Muʿtazilī towards the scholars and so on. These accusations are out of place, and if there were any errors in my writings, they should have been pointed out specifically and accurately, so that I could have reviewed them individually. These types of harsh, over the top judgements, based upon misrepresentations were unhelpful.

08  Note: Most or many of the batches of these mRNA drugs were placebos (saline solution) and as there were different concentrations of active material in the injections, for clinical trial purposes, then most people would not have suffered severe harms or injuries from these injections. However, those that did were greater in number than all the deaths and injuries from all vaccines combined over the last 30 years. Hence, the safety profile of these injections is disastrous. Thus, those who say: “I have taken the injection, nothing happened to me, and millions have taken them and we have not seen anything, these are lies”, then this is not really an informed and accurate judgement on their behalf.

09  Here we are, and they at it again in 2024, with the Avian (Bird) Flu, this time to attack meat, poultry and dairy. Once you see through the Darwinian Virology fraud, then you can see exactly what is going on, and how these people (the disbelievers) are misguided in their speculative sciences. I advise every Muslim doctor, medic and scientist to read the most excellent book Virus Mania.

In the 21st century, wilful, chosen ignorance is not an excuse.

See also:

1000 Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted To Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude Of Adverse Events In Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients
View PDF File
(80 pages)

And this paper from September 2023 which:

See also:

Among many other items which are innumerable, growing and avalanching.

1. I was targeted by some students of knowledge, one in the US, perhaps someone in the UK, one in the Maldives and perhaps some from Europe, who made complaints against my writings, as a result of which some harsh statements were issued with grave accusations, which I did not agree with at the time, but in order not to escalate the affairs, I compromised my stance for the sake of unity, knowing that in a year or two’s time, the affairs will become more clear inshāʾAllāh. And it looks like we are reaching that point, even though the affair was crystal clear by as early as March 2020, for the pandemic, and early 2021 for the experimental injections.

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