On the [b]22nd Jumādā al-Ūlā 1434H[/b] (3 April 2013), the Noble Shaykh and Imām, [b]Rabīʿ bin Hādī[/b], gave a beneficial word to the Salafi brothers who had congregated in the city of Madīnah.
"It is upon them not to become sad, and not to consider the attack and revilement upon them to be something strange, because this is the [reality of the] situation from the earliest times of the Salaf to this era of ours."
"No matter how much strength [of knowledge] and expertise a woman has been given, she will not be able to encompass the hideouts and hiding-places of men [in these affairs]. This is extremely difficult."
Indeed, it is true misguidance that you acknowledge what you used to reject [as error, falsehood) and you reject what you used to acknowledge [as truth].
For shirk and invoking other than Allāh, setting up a deity besides Him or one who is obeyed and followed besides the Messenger [sas] is the greatest corruption on the Earth.
As for the saying of the one who says, 'The base rule (aṣl) concerning Muslims is ʿadālah (uprightness, trustworthiness, integrity, honesty)', then it is baṭil...
We see this doubt being regurgitated by the followers of the likes of Abū al-Ḥasan al-Maʾribī and ʿAlī Ḥasan al-Ḥalabī who invented and spread false principles regarding al-Jarḥ wal-Taʿdīl...
There is no one who sould feel safe about himself, and no one who should praise himself and say: “I am a Muwaḥḥid, I am not in need of [reminders or teachings about] Tawḥīd.