Among the Jews there can be found those who claim they are a manifestation of God on this earth, and that they will be worshipped in the same way that the Christians worshipped Jesus [ahs]...
Al-Shanqīṭī: "It is not possible for the ummah today to live in isolation from the rest of the nation states due to the interdependent, intertwined nature of their beneficial interests."
Hence, if we are brothers, then it is obligatory for us to jealously protect each other and for us to grieve over each other’s [suffering], and not just be concerned about one’s food and drink only.
A large number of Jews had congregated in and around Madīnah (originally, Yathrib) as they were expecting the arrival of a Prophet mentioned in their books...
In the Sharīʿah of Islām, fighting is legislated as a necessity to remove aggression and hostility shown towards peaceful preaching and conveyance of the message.
Yes, traders [business people] are able to withhold from importing such and such merchandise, or such and such products, or such and such automobiles...