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Question to Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān Regarding Not Taking the Covid Vaccine

Posted by Abu Iyaad
Resource Date: December 2021
Filed under Miscellaneous

BETWEEN EARLY TO MID-2021, 17 European nations suspended the Astrazeneca vaccine because it was causing deaths through blood clots and doubts began to surface about the other vaccinations because they were causing heart damage (myocarditis and pericarditis) especially in young people. One of our fit and healthy Salafī brothers in Birmingham died suddenly after he had taken two shots. Then these types of sudden deaths following vaccinations began to increase. Many doctors began noticing these cases (among their patients) and papers began to be published in the scientific journals and (reports) began to appear in the media. By the first couple of months in 2022 alone, a substantial body of evidence had accumulated:

1000 Peer Reviewed Medical Papers Submitted To Various Medical Journals, Evidencing A Multitude Of Adverse Events In Covid-19 Vaccine Recipients
View PDF File
(80 pages)

Some have claimed that one is sinful for not taking the experimental injections and that it is opposition to the scholars and rulers. I sent a question to two brothers in Riyāḍh to present to Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Fawzān (حفظه الله) and they found the opportunity to do so.

I present the details below.

On the 2nd Jumaadaa al-Oulaa 1443 (7th December 2021) after Salaat al-Fajr at the Sheikh's local masjid in al-Fayhaa, we asked Sheikh al-'Allamah Saleh al-Fawzan whilst leaving the masjid and accompanying him to his car:

س: "أحسن الله إليك شيخنا هناك مسلمون حول العالم في بلدان مختلفة الذين لهم الخيار في أخذ اللقاح و لا تجبرهم حكومتهم. إن فضّل أحد منهم أسباب آخرى للسلامة مثل الدعاء أو توبة أو صدقة و لا يأخذ اللقاح هل يأثم في الشرع؟"

جـ : "يجمع بين الإثنين"

س: "و لكن شيخنا لا يُجبر في أخذ اللقاح … فهل يأثم ؟"

جـ: "وش لون؟ لا يُجبرهم… هذا مباح.. إن أراد أخذ… التداوي مباح… لا يأثم"

Questioner: may Allah grant you goodness, our Sheikh, there are Muslims around the world in different countries where they have a choice to take the vaccine and they are not forced to take it by those in authority (over them). If one of them prefers different means of keeping himself safe from illness such as Duaa, or Tawbah, or Giving in Sadaqah, and he chooses to not take the vaccine, is he sinful in the Shari'ah of Allah?

Answer: He can combine between both

Questioner: However Sheikh he is not compelled to take the vaccine, so is he then sinful?

Answer: How is this? They are not compelled. This is something permissible. If he wishes to, take it, seeking cure is Mubaah (an action that one is not sinful if one doesn’t do it, nor is he rewarded if he does it), (so) he does not fall into Sin (for not taking it).

The question was asked and witnessed (الشهود) by:

Zakariya Adam
Zoaib Yusuf


The ruling on medicine is that it is mubāḥ (permissible)[1] and it is the same with these injections. Though many nations strongly encouraged the taking of these vaccines, [and many people suffered hardships and were disadvantaged to varying degrees], none of the Major Scholars declared them obligatory (wājib) as far as we know and considered anyone sinful for not taking them. Sadly, some people were saying otherwise and making it look as if one was abandoning an obligation if they did not take these injections.

They were even using as an argument that some scholars took the injections and to not do so would be revilement of them. However, the individual choice of a scholar is not proof in a legislative ruling, and we do not know of a scholar who has said this. So these people themselves, while claiming to "return back to the scholars" were not actually doing so and they were attributing to scholars what the scholars were not saying themselves. I had warned some of these people from early 2020 not to do this, because this may potentially harm the scholars.

So Shaykh al-Fawzān clarified that a person is not sinful for resorting to other means, whether religious (duʿa etc.) or worldly (supplements etc.). This is very different to what these people were claiming and sadly, they were misleading people in this respect.

There was a fatwā given in 2021 that if one wants to mix with others, such as in the prayers or in the markets, it is obligatory (wājib) for him to take the injection. This was a bold fatwā given that we knew that the injections were never tested to prevent “infection” or “transmission” and nowhere in the clinical trials was there any mention of such a thing. So this fatwā is not based on the facts. It is based on assumptions which are disproven.

Further, there was another fatwā given, also in 2021, that anyone who advises with caution regarding the Covid vaccine, meaning, discourages it, is sinful. This was a generalised, unqualified fatwā. This is not the fatwā of any major scholar and is not the position of official state-appointed authorities. On the basis of this fatwā, every single Muslim physician, medic, researcher, or specialist is sinful simply for doing their professional, legal and Islāmic duty in giving sincere, accurate and timely advice regarding these harmful injections which were marketed with fraud and pseudoscience.

It should be made clear that these fatwās were not the fatwās of the most senior major scholars, and it is out of protection for those scholars, that these affairs should be made clear, so that those harmed by these injections do not turn around and start accusing and blaming the major scholars.

Note: This is what I feared, that when the deaths, injuries and chronic illnesses become apparent, and class-action lawsuits start taking place (as they have in both non-Muslim and Muslim lands), that some ignorant people might start saying, “The scholars said taking the vaccine is wājib, and we are sinful for not taking it, but we took it and my mother died, or my father died, or I was injured”, so effectively, the scholars harmed people. This is what I feared, that because of the ignorance, confusion and exaggeration spread by some people, that they were setting up scholars to be blamed.

It is to this end, that I explained that scholars are not specialists in these affairs, and they do not themselves make evaluations of medical claims, as that is not their domain, but they have to defer to their trusted specialists and their health authorities. And whatever view is held by their authorities (in differed over matters), they will adopt and support that, because of their trust in their specialists.

1. This is the Shaykh's view and others hold that it is recommended (mustahabb).

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