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Society Must Learn Lessons from Covid Pandemic and Not ‘Buy into Fear’

Monday, May 13 2024

Following Astrazeneca’s withdrawal of its Covid injectable and the class-action lawsuit brought against it by over 50 families seeking £100 million in damages for death and injury, the mainstrea media in Australia is reporting on the exaggeration and extremism in dealing with what was really a pandemic of false-positive RT-PCR tests during 2020.

If you've woken up today with a sense of worry or regret you might even be feeling a bit angry you're not alone because it's been revealed the Astrazeneca vaccine is being pulled worldwide months after admitting it can cause adverse side effects...

AstraZeneca is withdrawing its Covid-19 vaccines worldwide after admitting in a UK Court it could cause a very rare but dangerous side effect of thrombosis with TTS which involves blood clotting that can occur in the brain or the stomach and can cause long-term disability or death...

The news is a reminder of the freedoms that were taken away from us and the way people were treated by politicians as well as some members of society I think would all agree that we never want to go back to that dark time of 2020 and 2021 but we need to remember that the fear that came from the top down that was drilled into us and made many of us do crazy things like stock up on toilet paper could be thrown back at us but in a different way and as a society we need to learn the lessons from Covid not to buy into the fear.

Source: Youtube
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