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Abū al-Muẓaffar al-Samʿānī (d. 489H): Ahl al-Sunnah Are United Upon a Single Way

Posted by Abu Iyaad
Thursday, Mar 02 2023
Filed under Salafiyyah

Abū al-Qāsim al-Aṣbahānī (d. 535H) wrote, quoting the speech of the Imām, Abū al-Mudhaffar al-Samʿānī (d. 489H):[1]

And from what shows that the people of ḥadīth [adhering to the Prophetic traditions in all affairs of the religion] are the people of truth is that if you were to peruse all of their authored books, from their first to their last, the old and the recent, despite the variation in their cities [of residence] and the eras [in which they lived], and the [great] distance between them in their lands, with every single one of them residing in [his own] region amongst the regions, you will find them to be upon a single method, [in unison], upon a single way, traversing with it upon a path that they do not divert from.

They do not incline [to anything else] whilst upon it. Their saying in that [path] is one, their action is one. You will not see difference between them, nor separation in anything, even if it may be insignificant. Rather, if you were to gather what has been [stated] upon their tongues, from that which they narrated from their predecessors, you will find as if it has come from a single heart, and has been [stated] upon a single tongue. And is there any evidence for the truth more clear than this?

Arabic Text:

1. Al-Hujjah Fī Bayān al-Mahajjah (taḥqīq, Muḥammad Abū Ruḥayyim, Dār al-Rāyah) 2/224-225.

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