The Qurʾān, Sunnah and consensus establish that the sun is in motion over the earth and through its motion, the phenomena of the night and day arise. The sun, moon, day, night and the stars all revolve in a circular orbit. This is a matter of consensus among Muslims and the People of the Book (Jews, Christians), it is what the Revealed Books came with.
This is a sample video timelapse (of many) of the departure of the sun towards the west (غروب), in this case, over the ocean.
One can observe the change (decrease) in the width of the sun's reflection over the ocean which reaches the observer in a straight line over the water. As the sun disappears westward and goes beyond the horizon, the width of the reflection also shrinks. This should not happen if it is the earth spinning on its axis while the sun remains equidistant.
This timelapse is from just above the equator in Thailand which is why the sun very slightly veneers towards the right. The sun is clearly moving away from the observer, rather than the observer spinning backwards (due to the Earth's alleged rotation). If the Earth was spinning the sun should move straight downwards towards the horizon more quickly, without there being any change in the width of its reflection in the water. Instead, we see it moving away (departing towards the west).
Imām al-Qurṭubī (d. 671H) (رحمه الله) said:[1]
“That which the Muslims and the People of the Book are upon is the statement of the Earth standing still at rest.”
Shaykh ʿAbd al-ʿAziz Bin Bāz (رحمه الله) stated:[2]
The Noble Qurʾān, the Prophetic Traditions, the consensus of the scholars of Islām and observable reality all indicate that the Sun is moving in its orbit exactly as Allāh (سبحانه وتعالى) subjected it [to do so] and that the Earth is stationary and fixed. Allāh has expanded it for His servants and made it as a [spread out] repose and an even plain for them. He also made it steadfast by way of mountains so that it does not move with them...
Whoever claimed other than this and said that the Sun is stationary, not moving [in orbit] has belied Allāh and has belied His Noble Book which cannot be approached by falsehood from in front or behind, a revelation from an all-wise, praiseworthy one... Everyone who uttered this statement has uttered disbelief and misguidance because it is a denial of Allāh’s [truthfulness], a denial of the Qurʾān, and also a denial of the Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) because he has made clear in authentic traditions that the Sun is in motion.
This is in opposition to the claims of the astronomers.
Their claims are invalidated by simple observation and perception of the senses, which show the earth to be stationary and the sun to be in motion.
To date, no valid scientific evidence for the motion of the earth has ever been demonstrated, and this is readily acknowledged, even by the likes of Einstein and other famous, prominent physicists and astronomers.
Anyone who asserts other than this is genuinely mistaken and/or has been deceived by the apparent certainty displayed by the people of disbelief, and/or is unable to trust his or her basic senses.
Timelapse videos of the approach and departure of the sun—in particular latitudes with dry climates—are clear evidence that the sun changes in size on approach and departure, indicating that it must be in motion. Had it been 93 million miles away and stationary in relation to the earth, then this phenomena would not be observed.
However, it is important to note that there are also many places on earth where this cannot be observed, such as the northern latitudes during summer months. This is due to the closeness of the sun to the observer. Lensing effects due to the atmosphere in certain latitudes and climates, as the sun declines from the zenith and approaches the horizon, also prevent this observation from being captured in timelapse videos.
However, this does not mean that the phenomena (of change in the sun's size on approach and departure) is not real. It is and requires the right location at the right time. The extent of change can also vary based on location and circumstances, being either none at all, minimal or significant.
Nevertheless, the phenomena in the video above is true and real and has been captured over and over. Direct physical observation through the basic senses trumps every other type of evidence.
Allāh (عز وجل) stated:
“And you might have seen the sun, when it rose, declining to the right from their Cave, and when it set, turning away from them to the left, while they lay in the midst of the Cave. That is (one) of the signs of Allāh.”[3]
In this verse Allāh attribute four actions to the sun after addressing the listener/reader with "And you might have seen... (وترى)":
—a) becoming visible, rising,
—b) inclining away,
—c) departing westward and
—d) passing away.
So we have two things, firstly, the opening of this verse: "And you might have seen (وترى)", which indicates that this motion of the sun is actually observed.
And then, secondly, in the Arabic language, the action (فعل) is attributed to the doer (فاعل), and this is explict in attributing motion to the sun, which is why rejection of this is takdhīb of Allāh and His Book (considering them untruthful), in addition to rejection of what the physical senses witness.
So either Allāh is speaking the truth, or it is the astrologer-astronomers, ( وَمَنۡ أَصۡدَقُ مِنَ ٱللَّهِ قِيلا ) "And who is more truthful in speech than Allāh"[4]