Posted by Abu Iyaad
Resource Date: 2020
Filed under Miscellaneous
Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Luḥaydān was asked about the Coronavirus and expressed doubt about what has been said regarding it. He explained the ḥadīth of the plague and the wisdom behind the prohibitions found within it, which relate to protection of creed.
The questioner says: What is your advice in relation to the Coronavirus, shall we return from the lands of the disbelievers or shall we remain here?
Shaykh al-Luḥaydān:
Allāh knows best about the correctness of what has been said regarding it.
And another affair, if it is assumed that an epidemic has occurred in a land, then he who has not entered that land, should not enter that land. And he who is in the land, it is not permissible for him to leave it.
In the story of the plague—[which is] a disease which causes rapid death in those it afflicts—the Prophet said: “When it occurs in a land, then do not go to it, and when it occurs in a land that you are in, do not leave it.”
The meaning of this is that so that a man does not go to it, out of fear that [if he went] he might say, “If only I had not come to it, and remained [where I was], I would have been safe.” And as for the one who left, and he is safe [not being afflicted with the plague], lest he says, “I left, if I had not left, I would have died.”
It is known that whatever Allāh has written for the creation must occur. For this reason, having faith in al-Qadar, its good and its bad, is from the pillars of faith, no one’s faith is complete without it
No one will die before his appointed time, it is impossible. And no one will be delayed beyond the appointed time that Allāh has decreed [for him].
When He created the Pen, He said to the Pen; “Write.” It said: “What shall I write?” He said: “What is to occur until the establishment of the Hour”, of diseases, disasters and volcanic [eruptions], tyranny from rulers, and wars.
All of this is recorded [written]. It is not possible for there to be anything in existence except that Allāh has known, before its occurrence, that it will occur.”
Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Luḥaydān expressed doubt about what has been said about the “Coronavirus”, by saying: “Allāh knows best about the correctness of what has been said about it.” Having suspicions towards the claims of the people of disbelief in these arenas and in the fields of medicine (and science) in general is warranted. The alarm has been sounded on these affairs since the time of Imām al-Shāfiʿī (رحمه الله) in the 2nd century hijrah at least. He lamented the domination of Ahl al-Kitāb in the field of medicine.
Though Muslims did eventually take the lead in later centuries (when non-Muslims used to take medicine from the Muslims in Spain for example), in the modern era, in the past few centuries, the disbelievers have gained domination and have pretty much gained a total monopoly in the field, to the extent that they use this monopoly as a strategic weapon.
Abū al-Muḍhaffar al-Surramarriy al-Ḥanbalī (d. 772H) (رحمه الله) said, seven centuries ago:[1]
WHEN I SAW THAT THE KEYS (treasures) to the art of medicine had been taken over by those who disbelieve from the People of the Book and the Polytheists and which the hypocrites of this ummah had [also] seized hold of, and the people of disbelief, sin and disobedience had dominated the seeker [of that knowledge, expertise], and it became a commercial monopoly among the criminals of various religions, I called out with the tongue of humility and submission: “O Allāh, to You is the complaint and from you is aid sought.”
However, as if a commercial monopoly and criminal enterprise was not bad enough (which is present in the modern era), the disbelieving naturalists have also infused it with their speculative, materialist theories.
Overwhelmingly, Muslims have been heavily reliant on Western institutions and universities in acquiring knowledge and expertise in the fields of science and medicine, and sadly, some of their ideas and theories have found their way into the hearts, minds and curriculums of the Muslims.[2]
This is why scholars continue to lament this reality, and from them is Shaykh al-Luḥaydān (رحمه الله), who in another place speaks about how Muslims go or are sent to other places such as America, to pursue knowledge and medicine, but in the process, waste both the world and the religion.
Note: As is well-known Shaykh al-Luḥaydān did not wear masks, not did he socially distance from people or students in the mosque, nor did he take the vaccine, and he considers leaving vaccines for pure reliance to be more superior and virtuous, and he is of the view of negation of contagion. So holding these views and supporting them with evidence, as part of a knowledge-based discussion—in the course of fending off doubts, lies, misconceptions and people who try to bully and intimidate others into following their views—then there is nothing in this which makes it the way of the Quṭbiyyah and Surūriyyah or the way of ʿAmr bin ʿUbayd al-Muʿtazilī towards the scholars of Ahl al-Sunnah.
Shaykh al-Luḥaydān's doubts and suspicions were correct and in their place. The affair turned out to be the biggest medical and financial scam in history, and was simply just another, more sophisticated, more organised scam in a series of pandemic scams, facilitated by the international pandemic machinery which has been gradually installed by the aforementioned criminals over numerous decades.
See also: The Statement of Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Luḥaydān (رحمه الله), "What Allāh has decreed [for you] will not be prevented by a facemask."