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Is Tazkiyah (Commendation), Takharruj (Graduation) or Shahādah (Certification) Required for Daʿwah and Teaching?

Posted by Abu Iyaad
Translated September 2013
Filed under Miscellaneous

The Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said; “Convey from me, even with one āyah.”[1] And this is general to everyone in the ummah who has sound knowledge and comprehension of an āyah, or a ḥadīth or an issue. He may convey that to others to teach or give daʿwah. There are some students and graduates who claim that no one should be giving da`wah or teaching except a graduate from a university. This opposes the statements and clarifications of the Major Scholars.

Further, fiqh (comprehension) is bestowed by Allāh to whomever He intends goodness. It is not binding that a person who has graduated or has commendations actually has sound comprehension in all or most affairs he speaks in.

In the e-book, the statements of the Major Scholars are presented regarding this subject matter.

Following the role of Ahl al-Sunnah in the West of conveying the speech of the Scholars regarding certain figureheads who went astray, the followers of many of these figureheads spread doubts about some of the callers in the West, with respect to teaching and giving daʿwah, claiming that a person must have a tazkiyah to teach, or he must have graduated from an institution and so on.

However, the reality of the matter is that those whom they target in this way actually have connections with the Scholars, they travel to them, and take knowledge from them in ʿaqīdah, manhaj and fiqh, even if they have not formally studied in an institution, or graduated or have a specific tazkiyah. The real reason for these doubts is to undermine what the callers do in the West (in addition to calling to the Sunnah) of warning from doubts, innovations and desires and warning from the people who are upon them or promote them.

Is Tazkiyah (or Graduation)Required Before One Teaches & Gives Daʿwah?
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47 pages

1. Related by al-Bukhārī (no. 3461).

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