Posted by Abu Iyaad
December 2001
Filed under Tazkiyah & Tarbiyah
From Abu Ḥamzah al-Thumāli who said:
ʿAlī bin al-Ḥusayn[1] used to carry bags of bread over his back during the night and would give it in charity. And he would say: “Verily, hidden charity extinguishes the anger of the Lord, the Mighty and Majestic”.[2]
This statement about hidden charity is raised (مرفوع) to the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) which Shaykh al-Albānī authenticated on account of all of its routes of transmission, see text below. [3]
From Shaybah bin Naʿāmah who said:
ʿAlī bin al-Ḥusayn used to [appear] miserly, but when he died, they found that he was providing for a hundred households in Madīnah. [4]
From Muḥammad bin Isḥāq who said:
People in Madīnah used to subsist without knowing where their subsistence was coming from. When ʿAlī bin al-Ḥusayn died they lost what would come to them [of provision] during the night.[5]
From ʿAmr bin Thābit who said:
When ʿAlī bin Ḥusayn died, and when they washed his body, they were looking at the black marks on his back. So they said: “What is this?” And others amongst them replied: “He used to carry bags by the night on his back and would give to the poor of the people of Madinah”.[6]
From Ibn ʿĀʾishah who said:
I heard my father say: I heard the people of Madinah saying, “We did not lose hidden charity until ʿAlī bin al-Husayn died”.[7]
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