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'Complete Fraud': The Deceit Behind Pfizer’s '95% Effective' Clinical Trials

Thursday, May 18 2023

Nick Hudson, is co-founder of Pandemics Data and Analytics (PANDA).

At the International Covid Summit III held in the European Parliament, he spoke of the Pfizer clinical trials that were riddled with fraud and which were only uncovered after freedom of information (FOI) requests and after they were forced to releases their clinical trial data and hundreds of thousands of pages of documents by court order. They, in collusion with the FDA who authorised Pfizer's snake-oil had tried to keep this data hidden from the world for 75 years, claiming, as do liars and fraudsters, it would take them that long to photocopy the pages.

Judge orders FDA to hasten release of Pfizer vaccine docs — Reuters, January 2022.

Quote: "A federal judge in Texas on Thursday ordered the Food and Drug Administration to make public the data it relied on to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, imposing a dramatically accelerated schedule that should result in the release of all information within about eight months. That’s roughly 75 years and four months faster than the FDA said it could take to complete a Freedom of Information Act request by a group of doctors and scientists seeking an estimated 450,000 pages of material about the vaccine."

Play video (transcript below):

Hudson said:

“On any sensible clinical endpoint (hospitalization & severe disease), the vaccine arm of the phase three trials performed much worse than the placebo arm,” attested Nick Hudson.

“And there was a basic fraud” to achieve the desired outcome of less COVID among the vaccinated than the unvaccinated, he shared.

“The way they achieved that was by implementing a subset study group inside the phase three trial to look at reactogenicity, which is ... side effects of the vaccine as a result of the immune reaction. And what the protocol led to [was] anybody who had COVID-like symptoms being excluded from the study without being PCR tested,” he explained.

“And this was a fraud because they knew from their earlier studies that people who took the vaccine in a reasonably high proportion would suffer from ... neutropenia and... lymphocytopenia, which are immune suppression conditions causing people to get COVID as a result of being vaccinated. So all those people who potentially had COVID were removed from the study once they generated COVID symptoms and not PCR tested on the way out.”

Pfizer deceived the world by presenting their snake-oil mRNA juice as being "95% effective" using what is known as a relative risk reduction. However, it is the absolute risk reduction that is used to evaluate the true effectiveness in a population, and that value came out to be 1%.

The "95% effective" claim was used to propagandise the "safe and effective" lie over and over, and it was nothing but fraud. We wrote on this matter in March 2021 in a 15 page document on Covid injection efficacy.

Covid Injection Efficacy: Relative Risk Reduction versus Absolute Risk Reduction
View PDF File
15 pages

On Imputing Muslim Doctors, Medics and Scientists with Sin For Doing their Professional and Islāmic Duty

Note: There were Muslim doctors, scientists, medics and pharmacists in various parts of the world who warned against this fraud and deceit and tried to save family, relatives, friends and others from being killed, harmed or injured and likewise from being misled by fraud and by being deceived by pseudoscience into believing and acting upon falsehoods. From such falsehoods are fearing the disease-free healthy and keeping two metres away from them and wearing useless masks for fear of imaginary, made-up entities allegedly coming from perfectly healthy, disease-free people yet existing only on computer (in silico) as software generated genomic sequences, all upon the foundations of Darwinian virology pseudoscience involving "mutants" and "variants".

People are free to believe and act upon whatever theories of medicine they want, but they cannot force them upon others or feel offended when these theories are exposed as false and fraudulent, rather, when these theories are in violation of the Tawhid of the Messengers, as is the case with the fraud and pseudoscience of Darwinian Virology.

Dr. Paul Alexander (former HHS Department Official): "I asked (CDC Director) Dr. Redfield about the science the CDC used to make six feet social distancing rules etc... He said there is no science, we made it up."

Watch the video clip here.

  • Ibn Rajab al-Ḥanbalī (d. 795H) on Sins, Causes of Calamities, Contagion, Legislated Means and Omens. Precaution is within defined Sharīʿah limits, and what exceeds them is from harbouring omens and from the actions of the disbelievers — (see here)
  • Shaykh Sulaymān bin Ḥamdān (d. 1397H): Sins, Causes of Calamities, Contagion, Legislated Means and Omens. Precaution is within defined Sharīʿah limits and exceeding them is having an evil opinion about Allāh and such affairs are false imaginations and deceptive delusions — (see here)
  • Shaykh Al-Albānī on Exaggeration in the Matter of Contagion and Imitation of the Disbelievers. Precaution is from verifiably sick people and exaggerating in this, as do modern day doctors, is from the ways of Jāhiliyyah and brings harm to society — (see here)

Those Muslims who undertook this duty were not sinful in the sight of Allāh. Rather, they performed their Islāmic obligation and what scientific and medical ethics demanded from them.

So long as they called for patience and obedience to Muslim authorities so as to not cause commotion and disturbance in society during this trial and tribulation, there was no room or angle to revile them, slander them and accuse them of being sinful in the sight of Allāh simply for clarifying affairs that pertain to Tawḥīd (superstition of contagion and omens), exposing pseudosciences of the disbelieving atheists and materialists (Darwinian virology), being supported in that by very strong evidences and making clear scientific and medical realities in which many governments of the world had been misled due to their trust in institutions such as the WHO, CDC and FDA which serve the owners and beneficiaries of big pharma.

Its a sad situation, but an undeniable, established reality.

While we have to respect the decisions and policies of governments, as they are the ones in charge of these affairs, no one can force anyone else to believe in speculative theories of disease and to take with acceptance—from a knowledge point of view—erroneous and misguided, harmful policies, even if one complies with them by necessity of the situation to avoid harm, disadvantage and penalty.

Muslim governments and their agencies are not infallible and immune from error in religion, and more so, they are not infallible and immune from error in worldly affairs either, however the Sunnah is what is followed in all situations. Here, advice through the appropriate channels and legislated means can be given, and any hardships that arise as a result of policies, then we have to have patience as this is a trial for our sins, and we must not revile or attack them, rather we supplicate for them, that they are granted right direction in all affairs for the benefit of subjects. This is what we consistently and repeatedly explained since early 2020.

Major Scholars such as Shaykh al-Fawzan and the Mufti did not rush to pass such erroneous and oppressive judgements upon Muslims who were simply fulfilling their obligation to Allāh, following the ethics of their profession (both Islamically and worldly) and fulfilling their obligation to their patients and those over whom they have authority such as family and children, as was their duty.

And in any case, the officially stated view of the Saudi health agency (in January 2022) was that no one was forced to take the Corona injections, they were only encouraged, and they were not forced or obligatory.

As such, this is a matter of personal choice and therefore, it is the duty of doctors, pharmacists and medics to offer correct and sincere advice to their patients on the benefits and risks of these injections. If they advise against these injections because of evidence (inclusive of knowledge of fraud and bribery, plots and machinations), then they are not sinful for doing that and declaring them sinful is a mighty thing.

Keywords: #pfizer #covid #mrna
Source: CHD
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