The criminals at the WHO, under the direction of their owners and masters, are using the two scams of global warming (rebranded “climate change”) and faked, manufactured pandemics (contagion superstition and fearmongering) in order radically alter the economic, social and political landscape, and to return it to a feudal type of system where people own nothing and live as serfs. However, this time around, instead of being miserable, as they were in the past, they will have recreational drugs and computer games to keep them preoccupied and happy, as Yuval Harari—Jewish homosexual and spiritual guide for the WEF vulture capitalists—informs us.
This is what they mean when they say: You'll own nothing and you'll be happy.
There is a race by the owners of the WHO to get a number of pandemic initiatives agreed upon and ratified by the nations by the end of May 2024. This will allow them to pull off the next fake, manufactured plandemic (or scamdemic) with ease, and with much more legal, political and technological force.
The Covid-19 Scam was a wildly successful test-run and the perpetrators are building upon the progress made therein, trying to get legal agreements in place, among many of their other activities in this regard, whether legal, political, medical or technological.
As we speak, Jeremy Farrar, Chief Science Propagandist for the WHO and its owners, is drumming up the “Bird Flu” scare to help fill the pockets of big pharma and its investors.[1]
The significant, nefarious and subversive role of the WHO in this scheme has been recognised and politicians and lawyers are finally starting to take action.
Swiss Lawyer Phillipp Kruse, on behalf of World Council for Health, hand delivers four notices of personal liability at the WHO Headquarters in Switzerland. The four letters, delivered just before noon on May 6, 2024, provide notice to the recipients that their actions are causing harm and call for them to cease and desist.
The World Council For Health represents a collboration of over 200+ organizations in 45 countries, with thousands of doctors and scientists, to advance public health knowledge.
Letters were delivered to:
With respect to Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is a former communist terrorist said to be responsible for scandals and massacres in Ethiopia, the cease and desist letter states:
Your actions carried out in the capacity of Director General of the W.H.O during the Covid-19 chapter, principally consisting of falsely informing world governments of a so-called pandemic, thereby causing governments to declare non-existent medical emergencies, have been and are still an integral part of a chain of events that is resulting in mass loss of life, immense physical harm and untold psychological distress and trauma to the people on this planet;
With respect to to Maria van Kerkhove who played the role of Covid-19 propagandist through manufacturing of evidence to justify policies:
Your actions carried out in the capacity of WHO Covid-19 Technical Lead during the Covid-19 chapter, principally consisting of supervising evidence synthesis and developing WHO Covid-19 recommendations, as well as disseminating uncorroborated and erroneous public health data to the WHO, which in turn led the WHO to falsely informing world governments of a so-called pandemic, thereby causing governments to declare non-existent medical emergencies, have been and are still an integral part of a chain of events that is resulting in mass loss of life, immense physical harm and untold psychological distress and trauma to the people on this planet;
With respect to Janet Diaz who peddled misdirected, harmful clinical policies:
Your actions carried out in the capacity of Clinical Management Lead, WHO Emergencies Programme during the Covid-19 chapter, principally consisting of developing WHO Covid-19 clinical recommendations, as well as disseminating uncorroborated and erroneous public health data to the WHO, which in turn led the WHO to falsely informing world governments of a so-called pandemic, thereby causing governments to declare non-existent medical emergencies, have been and are still an integral part of a chain of events that is resulting in mass loss of life, immense physical harm and untold psychological distress and trauma to the people on this planet;
With respect to Jeremy Farrar, a big pharma insider and shill who as we speak is propagandising and fear-mongering for a pandemic of Bird Flu:
Your actions carried out in the capacity of Chief Scientist of the W.H.O during the Covid-19 chapter, principally consisting of falsely informing world governments of a so-called pandemic, thereby causing governments to declare non-existent medical emergencies, have been and are still an integral part of a chain of events that is resulting in mass loss of life, immense physical harm and untold psychological distress and trauma to the people on this planet;
The letters notice each of the abovenamed that:
...failure to cease or desist from continued or repeated involvement or implication in the above harms shall render you liable both in your personal and corporate capacity. As a man/woman, you shall be investigated for criminal conspiracy. As a corporate officer, you shall be investigated for gross negligence, serious misconduct in public office, corporate fraud and potentially even aiding and abetting corporate manslaughter.
The letters go on to list and provide details of each of the following consequences from their criminal behaviour:
1) Immeasurable suffering and death
2) Human rights violations
3) Failure to recommend inexpensive, safe and effective treatments and remedies for Covid-19
4) Dangerous gene therapies deployed in the guise of vaccines
5) Violation of informed consent
Under the fourth consequence above, they write:
You may also be personally liable for death, loss and suffering in relation to the SARS-CoV-2 ‘vaccines’ as you have not advised people of the following:
These so-called “vaccines” were marketed through fraud, deception and lies and were simply a world-wide experiment on the world’s populations. Pfizer and Moderna are simply front companies, but the real developer of this technology is the US military and its associated array of organisations and companies.
Most of these injections were simply saline-solution placebos which is why most people did not suffer harms and injuries. But those that contained active ingredients, which are lipid nanoparticles, synthetic modified RNA and other undisclosed elements have led to death and injury to millions of people through blood clots, stroke, heart attacks, neurological illnesses, turbo-cancers and more.
Through tight, integrated collaboration between big pharma, big tech and big media, and the use of military grade censorship and silencing of scientists, professors and doctors opposed to this scam, they have been able to keep a grip on the narrative, though that grip is being undone slowly.
Faked, manufactured pandemics are one major cog in the overall agenda. The others include:
This is what the United Nations (UN) is basically driving and delivering through its deceptive "Sustainable Development" slogan which is simply a rebranding of Marx's Ten Planks of Communism for the 21st century, mixed with Malthusianism and Eugenics.
While technological advances are desirable and cheaper and more efficient sources of energy likewise, these changes are driven, in the Western nations, by Marxist, Socialist, Communist ideologies. The aim is to dissolve individual nation states and have a corporate governance system where experts and scientists will rule and manage society for economic efficiency.
The underlying religion and spirituality to help tie all things together is climatism or environmentalism, and punishable major sins will include eating meat, lighting a fire, travelling beyond a certain number of miles, and refusing to take injections (and becoming an alleged "biosecurity risk" upon the superstition of contagion) among many others.
As for Muslim countries, then they vary in their wealth, strength and political clout, and they obviously are not looking at these changes from a Marxist, Communist point of view, but from the view of efficiency, better management of the economy, adopting technology and so on. So we ask Allāh to protect Muslim nations from these nefarious agendas and that He grants success to their rulers and ruling authorities in navigating these waters safely.