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MEPs Call upon the European Medical Agency to Immedately Revoke Authorisation of Covid Vaccines Due to Failure and Harm

Wednesday, Oct 04 2023

Legal assessment of the approval of the Covid vaccines shows that these vaccines do not functionally meet the stated requirements and that the manufacturers have not complied with the applicable procedures. In the Netherlands, this was reason for Willem Engel to summon the Medicines Evaluation Board to withdraw permission for the Covid vaccines.

Eight MEPs are now demanding that the European Medicines Agency (EMA) suspend the authorizations for the use of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines.

Today (4 October 2023), MEP Marcel de Graaff issued a statement, published on the Nine For News website and on Twitter (X).

Transcript of MEP Marcel de Graaff's statement:

The evidence that the Covid vaccines do not work has been known for a long time.

The authorities have tried to cover this up by, on the one hand, changing the definition of the "vaccine".

A vaccine is no longer a substance preventing someone from contracting a disease and ensuring that a vaccinated person does not infect others.

No, a vaccine is now a means to possibly make a disease less severe.

On the other hand, the failing effectiveness of the Covid vaccines was covered up by talking about boosters, enhanced immunity and other nonsensical terms.

The fact is that the vaccines do not work. In addition to the vaccines being ineffective, they are actually very harmful.

This is crystal clear, among other things, from the registration of side effects by the EU countries. These vaccines are inherently risky.

Recently, the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to two scientists who modified the mRNA vaccine in such a way that the protein meant to trigger an immune response is produced in large quantities in the body.

These two doctors explicitly explained in a 2018 scientific article, that a vaccine such as the Covid vaccine, has a high risk of blood clots and inflammation in the body.

The fact is that the vaccines are harmful.

Finally, the large flow of emails and correspondence, between various government agencies and pharmaceutical companies has revealed that these vaccines were not properly tested, and that in some cases, different products were tested [i.e. than the ones injected into people].

Moreover, the procedures for allowing these vaccines onto the market were not followed.

The fact is that the vaccines should never have been on the market.

That is why Willem Engel has demanded that the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board revoke the license for the Covid vaccines.

In response, the Board refers to the European Union.

Therefore, along with colleagues from the European Parliament, I have sent a similar letter to the European Medicines Agency, which deals with the European approval of medicines.

Switzerland has withdrawn the recommendation to be vaccinated. It is not solely a matter between doctor and patient.

For us however, such a solution is not enough. It must be completely removed from the market, especially now that the flu season approaches, which means that the EU countries and also the European Parliament resume their vaccination campaigns.

Anyone who gets vaccinated runs a huge risk of inflammation, especially of the heart.

Just imagine the potential impact of this vaccine on pregnant women.

The number of stillbirths and miscarriages among vaccinated women has risen dramatically.


During 2021 when the harm of these vaccines were readily apparent, particularly in those countries where reporting systems exist—such as VAERS in the US, Yellow Card in the UK and similar systems in the EU—I advised people with caution regarding these snake-oil injections. Such systems do not exist in most other countries, which is why the harm of these vaccines was not picked up and acknowledged in Muslim countries.

My advice, particularly to expat workers in the Gulf countries was that if your health means more than being in the country, then move somewhere else, though it is better for you to be in a Muslim country. Further, that you should not take the mRNA injections but other ones, as they will have a less risky profile. And if that is not possible, then I advised with measures that can be taken to avoid the harmful “kill” batches, by making use of the website howbad.info.

Sadly, this was not to the liking of some people and not accurately presenting my views in their complaints led to unwarranted, harsh and oppressive and slanderous judgements being issued against those who cautioned against the extremism and exaggeration of the disbelievers in these affairs, based upon the statements of those deeply-rooted in knowledge, from past and contemporary scholars.

Alongside clarifying the controversies in these issues—with support from the people of knowledge—I and others also made it clear, that even if we hold different views in knowledge based matters, we must still obey the authorities and comply with the restrictions, purely from the angle of maintaining order and avoiding disturbances, in accordance with the Sunnah, and to have patience upon these hardships.

Accusing such people with concern for matters of creed (against the pseudosciences of the people of disbelief) and concern for perfection of Tawḥīd (by recognising and rejecting superstitions masqueraded as science, which exceed the limits), and concern for people’s health (from harmful and deadly snake oil injections marketed through lies, deceit and fraud), that they follow the ways of ʿAmr bin ʿUbayd al-Muʿtazilī towards the Scholars and follow the ways of Daesh, these are oppressive, unjust slanders. These types of judgements were never made by the Major Scholars.

Source: NineForNews.
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