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National Institute of Health Director Francis Collins: There Was Zero Evidence for Six-feet Social Distancing

Friday, May 17 2024


The declaration of pandemics for the purposes of selling serums and injections (profit and plunder) is a well-known scam, and there are many examples in recent history, from them the 2009 Swine Flu Scam, the Failed Bird Flu Scam of 2005, the 1976 Swine Flu Scam and many others.

Learning from their past mistakes, and this time tight collusion between big pharma, big media, big tech and governments of particular nations, they executed the Covid-19 Pandemic scam with meticulous planning.

This led to much fear, panic, controversy and confusion during 2020 and 2021. The real goal all along was to get nations to buy billions of doses of experimental synthetic mRNA injections and under the guise of health, to introduce digital IDs, vaccine passports, and a framework for regulating (restricting) travel. This is part of a broader agenda to radically transform the old economic system (which is at the terminal stage, due to nations having been looted by the usury of international bankers) into a new feudal system where corporations own everything and dictate and enforce social, economic, agricultural, industrial policy, all underpinned by an environmentlist world religion. This agenda is advanced in Western social democracies, because this (collectivism, communism, theft of private property) is the inevitable outcome of these systems of rule.[1]

The most crucial element of the Covid-19 Pandemic scam was control and censorship of information.

Watch a 10 minute video on Event 201, a tabletop pre-planning blueprint exercise held in October 2019 before the execution of Covid-19 Scam, initiated by the complicit Chinese Communists. Many of the participants in this exercise were he actual players in the manufactured Covid-19 pandemic.

In 2009, the Swine Flu Scam was exposed within a year, and largely due to the efforts of only one or two people. It was because they did not have the censorship machine in place (deplatforming, shadow-banning, "fact-checker" networks etc.) in that time. Control of information and censorship is the greatest and most important threat in the eyes of the perpetrators of these scams. In the era of social media, even despite heavy handed censorship, truth can still reach millions of people very easily and undermine agendas. So this time around, they had an industrial-scale censorship complex in place, and this is why world-renowned, famous professors, scientists and doctors who sounded the alarm could not be heard.

Lockdowns, social-distancing of six-feet and universal masking are acknowledged to be destructive measures not backed by evidence. It is clear that these measures, promoted by corrupt and captured institutions such as the CDC, the WHO and others, were simply to manufacture fear and to effectively blackmail people into taking unsafe, untested experimental genetic drugs. Masks and distancing were visual cues to give the impression of an emergency when there was none, to heighten fear and superstition regarding contagion and of imaginary Darwinian viruses that exist only in computer software programs, not in physical reality.

The “pathogenic virus” concept is a misinterpretation of observations and was created in the late 20th century when bacteria could not be proven to be primary agents of disease through what are known as Koch’s postulates. What are mislabelled as viruses and which are only indirectly detected are a) breakdown products of cells such as genetic fragments, proteins, b) microvesicles serving as communications messengers to coordinate the body’s healing processes, or as transporters for load transfer or elimination, c) biological soaps involved in dissolving dead cells, tissues and linings. When nucleic acid sequences and proteins are detected, "viral sequences" are manufactured using computer software programs, upon the mere assumption (devoid of any scientific proof) that they are from an alleged Darwinian virus that causes disease. These sequences have no existence in reality, and are computer fabrications. Virology is a pseudoscience, and that has been detailed elsewhere.

Here we have another statement (added to the entry to the entry on social distancing), this time from a prominent person, the Health Director of the US National Institute for Health, admitting while giving testimony that there was zero evidence for six-feet social distancing.

Former NIH Director’s Jaw-Dropping Testimony Released to Public for First Time

There was no science or data behind the six-foot social distancing recommendation, according to the testimony of the Director of the National Institute of Health (NIH), Dr. Francis Collins.

But unfortunately the social distancing recommendation had real life consequences that made it nearly impossible for schools nationwide to re-open due to the pressure from teachers unions to follow this unscientific, made-up guideline. In addition, businesses had to adapt at great cost or risk complete closure.

Vigilant News — May 16, 2024

Among the scholars of the Muslims are those who pointed out the limits of precaution for contagion and warned from imitating the ways of the people of disbelief, in which their lies potential corruption of creed as well as worldly harm and ruin (see below), while keeping in mind that these scholars are affirmers of contagion. Shaykh al-Luḥaydān (رحمه الله) held the view of the negation of contagion and did not socially distance from others, nor wear masks, nor take injections. Thus, a person is inclined to behaviours based on his view on contagion, and naturally, the view of the negation of contagion is protection from the psychological manipulation and baseless fearmongering of the people of disbelief. It is also greater in affirmation and corroboration of Tawḥīd, and is a proof against the people of disbelief, in their errors, exaggerations and excesses, as textually stated by Shaykh al-Ḥāfiḍh al-Ḥakamī (رحمه الله).

  • Ibn Rajab al-Ḥanbalī (d. 795H) on Sins, Causes of Calamities, Contagion, Legislated Means and Omens. Precaution is within defined Sharīʿah limits, and what exceeds them is from harbouring omens and from the actions of the disbelievers — (see here)
  • Shaykh Sulaymān bin Ḥamdān (d. 1397H): Sins, Causes of Calamities, Contagion, Legislated Means and Omens. Precaution is within defined Sharīʿah limits and exceeding them is having an evil opinion about Allāh and such affairs are false imaginations and deceptive delusions — (see here)
  • Shaykh Al-Albānī on Exaggeration in the Matter of Contagion and Imitation of the Disbelievers. Precaution is from verifiably sick people and exaggerating in this, as do modern day doctors, is from the ways of Jāhiliyyah and brings harm to society — (see here)

However, purely from the angle of maintaining order in society and not causing commotion and disruption (and not out of belief in falsehood, exaggeration and superstition), Muslims should comply with any requirements of distancing, such as in mosques during prayer, and in any other places where it is required, with the knowledge that there is zero evidence to support this action of keeping away from disease-free healthy people, neither in religion, nor in science or medicine.

This practice is justified on the basis of belief in imaginary mutating Darwinian viruses, and this is from the affairs that Muslims have been put to trial with, from the pseudosciences of the disbelievers in science, biology and evolution.

1. As for Muslim nations, then their governments seek to use emerging technologies for economic reasons, stripped of the Marxist, Communist, Collectivist ideologies that are found in Western and Eastern nations. Technology in itself is neutral, but can be ideologically and agenda-driven. Thus, the way a Marxist, Collectivist, Malthusian Eugenicist uses this technology would be different to one who is free of these philosophies and ideological convictions. Thus, emerging technology can be of great benefit and should be pursued for efficiency and beneficial interests.

Source: Vigilant News
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