In order to hide the harms of the Covid-19 injections, various ruses were employed. From them was tbe invention of "Long Covid" as a cover for chronic ill health caused by vaccine injury. Likewise, the classification of all people prior to two weeks after their injections as "unvaccinated". This was so that any deaths, injuries and adverse reactions could be placed in the "unvaccinated" category instead of the "vaccinated" category. All of these truths—despite being known at the time—are now slowly being "discovered" and presented to the lay public.
More than 17,000 Brits now claim they have been injured or have had loved ones killed by a Covid jab, according to the latest Government data. Despite ministers' promises of compensation for those harmed by the vaccines, only 194 have received damages from the official Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme.
It comes as US scientists from Yale University identified an alarming syndrome linked to mRNA jabs, those made by the likes of Pfizer and Moderna and which have become the most common type of Covid vaccine used in Britain.
Called 'post-vaccination syndrome', the condition appears to cause brain fog, dizziness, tinnitus and exercise intolerance, the researchers reported.
Some sufferers also show distinct biological changes, including differences in immune cells and the presence of coronavirus proteins in their blood, years after taking the shot.
The condition is also said to increase the risk of reawakening a dormant virus called Epstein-Barr, which can cause flu-like symptoms, swollen lymph nodes and nerve issues.
Some more reporting on the Yale study: