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Covid Response Coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx: We Overplayed the Vaccines and Thousands of Americans Could Be Injured by Them

Sunday, May 19 2024

Due to the huge shift in public awareness and perception, figuers playing a prominent role in the Covid-19 Pandemic rollout are slowly backtracking, but in a way to maintain a handle on the narrative.

Dr. Deborah Birx has now admitted that the Covid vaccines were overplayed and that thousands of Americans could be injured by them. She is now calling for "transparency around Covid."

Deborah Leah Birx is an American physician and diplomat who served as the White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator under President Donald Trump from 2020 to 2021.

Birx made these admissions in interviews and hearings some of which are very recent. These figureheads like Birx and Redfield addressed hundreds of millions of people via TV and media and conveyed lies and misinformation.

In some cases, they openly declared their fraud. For example Birx said that any death from any cause "with Covid" is counted as a Covid-19 death. In other words, if you died from a motor accident, but two months earlier, you tested positive with the RT-PCR "test" for Covid-19, you were counted among the Covid-19 death statistics.

Now, when public awareness and perception has reached a critical mass regarding the harms of the injections, they are coming clean, but in drip-like fashion, diluting the truth to make it more palatable, while perpetuating key untruths.

01  In an interview with Chris Cuomo, Birx stated:

That happens often with immunizations that if the natural disease can cause it, then it also sometimes can be seen in certain profiles of the vaccine. We should be studying that right now….Do I think it’s millions? No. Could it be thousands? Yes.

The reality is that injuries are in the hundreds of millions while deaths are proportionate to the rate of injury and most certainly not in the thousands, but much more.

02  In a June 2022 hearing, having been questioned by Jim Jordan, “When the government told us that the vaccinated couldn’t transmit it, was that a lie or was that a guess?” Birx replied: “I think it was hope.”

That's amazing. The epitome of science in medicine. Was it a lie, or a guess? No, it was hope.

In other words, "we hope the vaccinated cannot transmit it" and upon this hope (as our evidence) we will coerce everybody to take the injections, and get businesses and public buildings to mandate it, and enforce vaccine passports.

03  In an interview with Fox News Birx stated:

I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection, and I think we overplayed the vaccines.

By "infection" she does not mean "transmission", she just means a person getting the alleged virus and becoming ill. It is agreed upon that these injections were never meant to prevent "transmission", that has been established, despite it being falsely marketed otherwise.

As for preventing infection, the Birx admits that she already knew that these injections won't prevent it. In other words, the only thing the injections allegedly do is lessen severity of disease. However, there are many other treatments that were proven to be effective against flus and pneumonias, and these injections were not really necessary.

It is for this reason that the idea of "vaccine passports" and restricting people from their social and economic activity by requiring these injections is now being considered a scam.

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