The "Covid-19 pandemic" fraud continues to unravel.
A report in the UK's Telegraph (4 March 2023) speaks about the role of the propaganda outlet known as the BBC in terrorising people through unwarranted fear and hysteria.
It wasn’t about science, it was about politics...
The sheer absurdity and pointlessness of so many of the restrictions on normal life should have given the game away: this programme was designed to frighten not to inform and to make doubt or scepticism appear morally irresponsible – which is precisely the opposite of what science does. But those of us who decried all this at the time were not just protesting at an intellectual betrayal – the dismantling of a tradition of open argument and rational debate which had created the modern world.
What was being messed with here, often it seems with breathtaking glibness, were the conditions which make life recognisably human: the intimacies and bonds that are the currency of personal relationships and emotional health. Much of this went way beyond what we generally regard as authoritarianism: even the East German Stasi did not forbid children from hugging their grandparents...
The publicity campaigns which normalised – and lauded as virtuous – the acceptance of horrifying levels of social isolation were deliberately designed to present the country as mobilised in a collective effort against a malign enemy... Of course the analogy was bogus.
If this crisis was as severe as we were being told, wasn’t it vitally important that every source of expertise was given a fair hearing? Or was the appearance of unity considered so vital that it overrode everything – even sometimes the facts? Perhaps the worst effect of all this uncritical coverage was that government ministers, having manipulated public opinion into a frenzy of anxiety and potential guilt, then found themselves trapped in the national mood they had created.
How could we not have seen the consequences coming? How could anyone who has raised children not have foreseen the damage that would likely result when developing infants, growing toddlers, and sensitive adolescents were deprived of all that essential contact with the unfamiliar world beyond their own homes? Let alone the hideous fate of those elderly patients who had to die alone and the interminable grief of their loved ones who were forced to miss the final moments and were even denied the comfort of a full funeral.
What on earth was everybody thinking?
Telegraph — 4 March 2023
Lockdowns, (and distancing and masking of all the healthy subjects of a nation) are established, proven and verified medical heresies, they were known to be ineffective/harmful in research and reviews prior to 2020. Rather, they comprise promotion of unwarranted fear, superstition and omens.
Alḥamdulillāh for the complete and perfect guidance of Allāh's Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) who left no matter except that he provided sufficient guidance in which all beneficial interests are preserved and harms are repelled, and the scholars of the Muslims, both past and contemporary, have alluded to this.