See also: The Caliph ʿUmar Repelling Belief in Contagion from Himself and Dr. Thomas Powell 'Laughs at the Theory of Contagion'
ʿUmar bin al-Khaṭṭāb (رضي الله عنه) preceded by at least a thousand years, many physicians of the Europeans and the West in general, who, in order to expose and dispel the superstition of contagion, would, try to induce disease in themselves by inoculating themselves in the most invasive of ways with the excretions of the sick.
The battle between practitioners of holistic, natural medicine who focus on creating vitality in the body to make disease states very difficult to settle and the serum injectors (cow-poxers, pus-pushers) who induce disease in healthy bodies through noxious, impure substances as a means of warding off disease—and which are known to cause short and long-term debilitating illnesses—has been ongoing for a couple of centuries.
A lot of people are not aware of the raging debates that have taken place in history, often reaching heated discussions within Parliament itself (in Britain). Much of that knowledge has now become obscure as the modern day corporate cow-poxers have managed to create a medical monopoly around health and disease and have worked hard to eradicate or drown any opposing views or any awareness of the history of this debate and the science and experimental and empirical evidence accompanying it.
I present here an interesting extract from the turn of the 20th century, in 1901, related to smallpox and contagion. The book from which it is taken establishes with statistical evidence from official records that vaccination was the main cause of smallpox disease and death and that unvaccinated populations had much lower instance of the disease. This was a well-established reality by the early 20th century, and similar observations had been made by the Shaykhs of the Da`wah to Tawḥīd in the Arabian peninsula decades earlier, who, instinctually, disliked the practice and warned against it.
Abu Iyaaḍ
15 Ramaḍān 1441/8 May 2020
Screenshots of the excerpt from a 1902 publication by Dr. Hodge, transcript is provided further below for easier reading:
On Monday, Jan. 21, 1901, about 11.30 A. M., I entered the residence of Mr. [--------], where Miss Stark was confined with the smallpox.
As I entered the house Mr. [--------] jumped from his chair and said: "We are not allowed to let anyone enter this house."
"Never mind' I said, "I am not anybody, so perhaps you have made no mistake."
I then stated that I came to see the smallpox patient.
"There she is," he said, pointing towards a young woman, in a far corner of the room. Mrs. sat by the win- dow sewing, while a child about two years old ran about the room.
"Are you not afraid of taking smallpox from the girl?" I asked.
"No," replied the mother, "we are not afraid."
"But the doctors say this disease is very contagpious; are they not very careless and negligent in not keeping this patient away from the rest of the family? This is a genuine case of smallpox, just see the large pustules full of pus. Of course I know you can't take the disease from another."
Then to show them that this was true, I broke open several of the large pustules on her face and arms and took the pus out of them and smeared it all over my face, hands, beard and clothes, and at the same time remarked that I would now go home to dinner.
I mentioned nothing of the affair to my family during the meal and went directly to my office without telling anyone. The first person who came in the office was an old friend, Rev. T., who has a parish at North Milwaukee. We shook hands heartily ; in fact, I had entirely forgotten that I was covered with smallpox poison. I presented him with one of my books and, according to our scientific and wilful deceivers of the public, I must have covered the book and gentleman with smallpox germs, and he in return must have exposed many people in Appleton, those he met on the train, and finally his whole congregation. The germs on the book, I suppose, are still enjoying themselves in the spiritual home of the reverend gentleman.
During the same afternoon I touched the faces of several persons in my office while treating their eyes and fitting glasses. From 4 to 6 and from 8 to 10 o'clock the same afternoon I was at the Business Men's Club, where I mingled and played cards with the members.
In the evening the conversation drifted to the smallpox case I had visited in the morning. After discussing the subject for a while, one of them asked me if I would visit a smallpox patient and then go home to my family. I quietly remarked that I would just as soon do it as visit a patient with a common cold.
Finally, Mr. Dickinson, cashier in one of our banks, remarked rather sarcastically: "Now, doctor, what's the use of talking such nonsense, you would no more think of visiting a smallpox patient and then go home and sleep with your family than you would go home and shoot one of your children. You are too sensible for that."
The reader can imagine the state of my mind at that time, as none of them had an inkling that I was at that very time covered with smallpox pus, and that the cards we were playing with were being loaded with this poison. Still, I never once mentioned my visit to them. Further, I would never have gone to the club-rooms if I had had the least idea that my actions would ever be known, as I knew the sentiment of these gentlemen and I also had too much respect for them and myself, to impose upon their feelings, even if I did know that their belief was a foolish superstition. I have done similar acts dozens of times during the past fifteen years and have in each instance watched the results and not the slightest harm has ever been done to anyone.
To return to our subject, after leaving the club-rooms that evening I went home, slept with my family, and the next morning took the train to Green Bay, without washing my hands or face, and wearing the same clothes. I took breakfast at Green Bay and then went to the store of Mr. M , who had engaged me to fit glasses for his customers on that day. I handled the faces of twenty-seven persons during the day, besides those I exposed on the streets and in the train when on my way home.
The next morning (Wednesday) I washed my hands and face, the first time since they had been smeared with pus 46 hours before. When I arrived at my office I found several reporters waiting to ascertain if the report were true that I had visited the smallpox patient and had smeared myself with pus. In the beginning I neither affirmed nor denied the accusation, because I did not want it known, but upon inquiry I learned that one of the neighbors had seen me come out of the house and asked the health officer if the family had changed doctors, as she had seen Dr. Rodermund come out of the house on Monday.
Consequently there was nothing for me to do save tell the exact truth, which I did. The newspapers, however, mixed untruth with the truth in such a way as to mislead the public. Among other things they stated that I had personally bragged of what I had done, when they knew that I never intended it to become known to the world until the people were ready to consider such revolutionary truths for their own benefit.
I was allowed my freedom about the city all day Wednesday, but on Thursday, the fourth day, I was quarantined and a guard of policemen stationed around the house. The people had been so aroused by the health officer, doctors, city officials, and the newspapers, that one of the policemen told me that it was a good thing I was protected by a strong guard, otherwise my life was in danger.
Saturday I broke quarantine in spite of five policemen, drove forty miles to Waupaca, took the train for Chicago, from there went to Terre Haute, Ind., and on my way back home was arrested in Milwaukee and held for four days in the pest house. This is a brief outline of the whole episode which created such a sensation.
The sanctimonious frauds and deceivers of the public (doctors) tried in every way, shape and manner, to trace a case of smallpox to my actions, but with no avail.
Even after I had exposed 50,000 people, and rubbed my pus-covered hands over thirty-seven faces, they could find nothing against me. In the near future I will publish a few similar incidents which have happened to me the past years, and which are far more interesting than this one.
Why is not one out of the thousands of these medical scoundrels, murderers, and deceivers, ever turned up to win the prize which reads as follows: One thousand dollars will be given to anyone who can prove that disease is contagious; also ten dollars for each day it takes him to prove it.
The doctors know that by superstition the people can best be held. Then, I want to ask you, are not the people more to blame than the doctors?
More than half the public do not believe in contagion, but they lack the courage to say so.
Discussion and argument will never change the present conditions.
They never settle a question where a powerful body of men have law and money on their side.
A powerful public sentiment, combined with true knowledge, is the only remedy. As long as you drowse in your old superstitions, these murderers will continue to ruin your constitutions for the money there is in it.
Does any sane man believe that God created such laws which, if disobeyed at any time by one person, would spread a loathsome disease over a whole nation? This superstition is a blasphemy upon Almighty justice.
Dr. Rodermund in The Searchlight.
Pay attention to Dr. Rodermund’s words at the end of his article and observe how much they ought to echo today. Apply them to the frauds and swindles that continue in the modern era for the purposes of selling serums and injections and other nefarious agendas, and you will soon realise that these fraudsters have been at it for more than a century with their speculative pseudoscientific theories, married to and inseparable from Darwinian evolution.
As for colds, flus, rashes, poxes, and all acute (short-term, self-limiting) forms of illness, these are part and parcel of the body’s internal detoxification, repair and healing mechanisms, they are meaningful and are pre-programmed into the body. They represent an outward push from the body to expel morbid materials, and this is achieved through various routes. These symptoms are not caused by imaginary “viruses”, but by other factors that return back to diet, habits, lifestyle, season, environmental conditions and exposures. As a result, a subset of people (or animals, or plants) in a given location and time, fall ill because they have been exposed to the same factors, causes and conditions.
However, some shrewd and commercially minded parasites saw opportunity in pushing the idea of contagion through germs, with one specific germ responsible for one specific disease, and one person (or animal) being responsible for spreading disease to an entire nation, and upon this, given a never ending supply of evolving, mutating germs, never-ending markets can be created for serums and injections through the psychology of fear and fearmongering that is so powerful that it can influence nations and governments. And this is where we are today, when these people have been able to set up a sophisticated pandemic machinery, with money, law, media, institutions and technology at their disposal, and they make billions (and in the future, potentially trillions), laughing all the way to the bank.
Close to a hundred years ago in 1935, when germ-theory based faked epidemics were being exposed, it was aptly remarked:[1]
One may not reasonably claim that three or four faked epidemics prove all health officials knaves [i.e. dishonest]; but they are quite sufficient to show that under "the system" of complete, absolute and irresponsible control of public health service by one school of healing, the foregoing cited instances [i.e. of faked epidemics in New York City, Kansas, Pittsburgh during the 1920s] may be multiplied indefinitely, and the public be none the wiser.
The factors are all present which make such exploitation of the public health and the public purse possible, whenever a medical health officer may be found who is sufficiently corrupt or sufficiently fanatical, to set the machinery in motion for their accomplishment.
What has been indicated in the above quote continued over the decades for the rest of the 20th century until we reach the era of AIDS (HIV), Swine Flu, Bird Flu, and lately, Covid-19, when this fakery went international. It has now become an art form.
For in-depth details on these scams, refer to the excellent work, Virus Mania.
When only one theory of disease is allowed, and when there is sufficient fanaticism for that theory or idea, and when there is corruption, then nations and populations can be exploited in the name of "public health" if there is a machinery in place to facilitate it.
The "machinery" mentioned in the above quote has advanced to such a degree, on an international scale, that it is becoming next to impossible for anyone to escape it. What was pulled off at the city level in the 1920s, began to be pulled off at the international scale in the late 20th century. The scam has now been perfected with Covid-19, where full institutional and regulatory capture by corporations and private interests has been achieved, allowing the machinery to be put in motion worldwide.
The WHO which is 80% funded by private and specialists interests—after having watered down the definition of a “pandemic” and employing RT-PCR fraud to generate illusory pandemics—can announce a PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern) and the entire machinery is thereby greased and ready to roll, with a saviour vaccine always on the horizon. See Swine Flu Scam of 2009.
See also: Bill Gates and the 'Covid-19' Injection 'Pump and Dump' Scam. Gates bought 1.1 Million shares of BioNTech vaccine which later became the Pfizer vaccine. He then sold almost all that stock, 87%, two years later at a $242,000,000 profit. And a week after that he announced the vaccine didn't work as expected and in essence, that the world needs to go back to the drawing board.
See also video of Matt Gaetz (US Congressman) on the attempt of the WHO to take control from nations in the pandemics that they announce for the commercial and ideololgical benefit of their funders and owners.