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Pandemic Machinery

Close to a hundred years ago in 1935, when germ-theory based faked epidemics were being exposed, it was aptly remarked:[1]

One may not reasonably claim that three or four faked epidemics prove all health officials knaves [i.e. dishonest]; but they are quite sufficient to show that under "the system" of complete, absolute and irresponsible control of public health service by one school of healing, the foregoing cited instances [i.e. of faked epidemics in New York City, Kansas, Pittsburgh during the 1920s] may be multiplied indefinitely, and the public be none the wiser.

The factors are all present which make such exploitation of the public health and the public purse possible, whenever a medical health officer may be found who is sufficiently corrupt or sufficiently fanatical, to set the machinery in motion for their accomplishment.

What has been indicated in the above quote continued over the decades for the rest of the 20th century until we reach the era of AIDS (HIV), Swine Flu, Bird Flu, and lately, Covid-19, when this fakery went international. It has now become an art form.

For in-depth details on these scams, refer to the excellent work, Virus Mania.

When only one theory of disease is allowed, and when there is sufficient fanaticism for that theory or idea, and when there is corruption, then nations and populations can be exploited in the name of "public health" if there is a machinery in place to facilitate it.

The "machinery" mentioned in the above quote has advanced to such a degree, on an international scale, that it is becoming next to impossible for anyone to escape it. What was pulled off at the city level in the 1920s, began to be pulled off at the international scale in the late 20th century. The scam has now been perfected with Covid-19, where full institutional and regulatory capture by corporations and private interests has been achieved, allowing the machinery to be put in motion worldwide.

The WHO which is 80% funded by private and specialists interests—after having watered down the definition of a “pandemic” and employing RT-PCR fraud to generate illusory pandemics—can announce a PHEIC (Public Health Emergency of International Concern) and the entire machinery is thereby greased and ready to roll, with a saviour vaccine always on the horizon. See Swine Flu Scam of 2009.

See also: Bill Gates and the 'Covid-19' Injection 'Pump and Dump' Scam. Gates bought 1.1 Million shares of BioNTech vaccine which later became the Pfizer vaccine. He then sold almost all that stock, 87%, two years later at a $242,000,000 profit. And a week after that he announced the vaccine didn't work as expected and in essence, that the world needs to go back to the drawing board.

See also video of Matt Gaetz (US Congressman) on the attempt of the WHO to take control from nations in the pandemics that they announce for the commercial and ideololgical benefit of their funders and owners.

1. In the book, “The Medical Voodoo” by Annie Hale, New York, 1935, p. 163

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