Table of Contents
The following questions were asked:
السؤال الثاني هل هناك أي دليل من القرآن والسنة يشير إلى أن تربية الحيوانات واستهلاك الحيوانات يضر بالبيئة ويسهم في تدمير الأرض ومواردها؟
السؤال الثالث هل هناك أي دليل من القرآن والسنة يشير إلى أن تجنب استهلاك اللحوم مطلقا هو أفضل للبشرية.
السؤال الرابع ماذا يمكن أن يقال عن بيان أولئك الذين يدعون هناك الكثير من الناس الذين يعيشون على الأرض ، ومن أجل منع تدمير الأرض ومواردها يجب خفض عدد السكان؟
Question 1: What is the Islamic position regarding those that claim the world is over populated and due to this there is not enough, space, food and resources for the earth to remain with this number of people living on it? Some of them even push for the reduction in the amount of people on the earth in order to save the planet.
Question 2: Is there any evidence from the Quran and Sunnah to suggest that raising animals and consuming animals is harmful to the environment and contributes to the destruction of the earth and its resources?
Question 3: Is there any evidence from the Quran and Sunnah to suggest that avoiding the consumption of meat in totality is better for mankind.
Question 4: What can be said about the statement of those who claim there are too many people living on the earth and in order to prevent the destruction of the earth and its resources the population must be reduced?
And this is the audio response given by the Shaykh:
A translated summary of the main points are presented below.