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The Virus Label Misnomer

The label of “virus” applied to nucleic acid (genetic) sequences and proteins is based on misinterpretation of observations. It is a mislabel for what are a combination of:

a) cellular degradation products (nucleic acid sequences and proteins), and/or
b) microvesicles (inclusive of exosomes) that serve is intercellular communications messengers (like couriers) and/or
c) load transfer vesicles (for processing, expulsion, elimination) and/or
d) biological soaps (enzymatic proteins) that are used to help break down (dissolve) dying tissues, or damaged cells and linings and wash them out of the body through various routes.

The notion of an “exogenous (external) pathogenic virus” is simply a mental construct. It is purely conceptual, and provides an ideological layer which is imposed upon misunderstood biochemistry. The whole field of virology is itself a pseudoscience and is not constructed upon the scientific method of inquiry. As such it amounts to a superstition[1] and leads to superstitious conduct through unwarranted fear of imaginary, non-existent things. Virology is also inseparable from Darwinian evolution.

See also: History of Virology and What Virologists Do.

1. A superstition is an irrational belief that is not based on sound reason or scientific thinking.

© Abu Iyaad — Benefits in dīn and dunyā


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