For full details and the original reports and documentation from the Rosenau studies, refer to: Failed Contagion Experiments
The following provides a good summary of the series of experiments:[1]
Here is the blurb written about Dr. Rosenau on the National Institute of Health website showing that he was a well respected Microbiologist in his field. Interestingly enough they conveniently miss out a huge chunk of his career between 1909 and 1936. Well, it was probably because in 1919 he was in charge of arguably the most damning Contagion Study ever conducted.
They took 100 hundred healthy men between the ages of 18-30 yrs old. This corresponds exactly to the claimed average age of “Spanish Flu” deaths being 28yrs old. They stipulate in the study that they believe them to be of a “susceptible” age. This is in stark contrast to every other Contagion Study ever conducted. Usually they deem the most “susceptible” ages to be too vulnerable and too risky to experiment on, given that the average age of death for all other supposed respiratory viruses is nearly 80 yrs old.
They made sure to select men who had experienced no recent respiratory infection so the rescue device of “immunity” when they inevitably fail the contagion study does not apply in this instance.
They put the fluids obtained from people said to be dying with “Spanish Flu” directly up the nostrils of these healthy volunteers. Starting with a “moderate amount” which returned negative results. Then they turned up the heat by putting a “very large quantity” of fluids contained from the lungs of deceased patients died supposedly of “Spanish Flu”.
Their calculated “billions” of pathogens were sprayed into the nose, eyes and into the back of the throat of all of the volunteers. This returned complete negative results. Not a single person sick.
They then took samples from the “cases” of the disease, from mucus, nasal, throat and bronchi secretions. The first time they did this by first putting salt solution up the nose to obtain the nasal secretions. They transferred these to the same healthy men, who once again returned completely negative results, no disease caused.
They noted there was a small transit between taking these samples and inoculation of 4 hours. So they changed their approach once more to speed up the delivery of “freshly infected” tissue to inoculate with. They inoculated with the “fresh” samples which returned completely negative results… nobody got sick.
They changed their methodology another time where they supposed that the saline solution to obtain the mucus sample may have been “sterilizing” it. So they did away with the saline solution, collected fresh samples.. inoculated the same people which AGAIN produced negative results.
By this time the hundred participants had been experimented on at least twice if not three times. They were kept for a week and monitored in quarantine each time for raises in temperature.
They drew their attention next to the blood, where they took blood from five febrile cases of “Spanish Flu” and injected it into 10 of the healthy volunteers. Once again these brought back negative results, ZERO disease caused.
They then tried again, but passed mucus through a filter big enough for all “viruses” sizes to get through.. they injected into into another ten volunteers, none of whom got sick.
They unanimously failed at their barbaric attempts to prove contagion with unnatural means I.e putting stuff directly into the eyes, nose, throat and injecting into the blood stream. They decided to turn their attention to “natural” pathways: The healthy volunteers were told to hug and shake hands with people hospitalized from influenza symptoms, have 5 minute conversations with them in close proximity, then have them breath heavily and cough in their faces repeatedly. They were told to repeat this TEN times with TEN different patients all expressing severe symptoms of “Influenza”, again not a single healthy volunteer got sick.
The entire experiment described above on the Gallops Island in Boston Harbor was repeated AGAIN using 50 different healthy volunteers. The entire experiment once again failed to produce any disease in the healthy volunteers.
One group who were rushed to a Boston Naval Prison at short notice had half of the members diagnosed with “an ordinary case of sore throat”, claiming this was “strep” given the bacteria present. This was clearly due to some change in terrain, environment with this specific group… going into Prison (maybe overly sterilized with chemicals etc), cold weather in February (very cold in Boston then)….
The other funny thing to note is the ONLY person in this entire experiment to “get influenza” was one of the doctors, that WASN’T experimented on, lol!! Maybe it was induced by the stress of realizing their entire career was a sham?
Dr. Rosenau had seen enough and called it a day, but Dr. McCoy and Richey carried on regardless and repeated the entire experiment AGAIN on Goat Island… and guess what? This was also negative, no disease caused in any healthy volunteers.
Really we don’t have to look at any of the Epidemiological observations, the propaganda was off the charts and we will never know anywhere near to the real number of people that actually died FROM respiratory “infection”. It is a pointless task running around trying to find out what really killed people especially over 100 years ago.
The DAMNING evidence is in the DIRECT contagion studies carried out. The Rosenau studies in my opinion are the most devastating studies to Germ Theory ever produced. When you actually look at it they were not just studying “viruses” because it wasn’t a supposed “purified Viral Culture” they were inoculating with, these contain antibiotics which kill bacteria, parasites and fungi.
These studies showed that CONTAGION of ANY pathogen is a myth as they were taking the fluids direct from sick people and transferring them to healthy people, bacteria, parasites and all.
In total they carried out preliminary experiments, then on 100 volunteers inoculating at least twice if not three times each at Gallops Island. Then repeated this experiment in Portsmouth, then again on Goat Island. So in total a rough estimate between 700 to 1100 different challenges of “infected” tissue administered to healthy people with ZERO disease caused.
Trying “natural pathways” was an interesting addition to make sure that there was not something happening between people as opposed to tissue removed from them and transferred. It is a massive finding that this also returned negative results.
The fact that the exact demographic of supposed most susceptible volunteers were experimented on, really is the final nail in the coffin of Contagion of Biological pathogens.
All in all this was one big giant HOAX.