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King Faisal on Zionism

Faisal bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd (رحمه الله) was the King of Saudi Arabia from 1964 to 1975 when he was assassinated. We present below his view and opinion of the Zionist movement and his understanding that it is behind much evil and turmoil on the world stage.

He also made a distinction between Zionism and World Jewry, stating:[1]

The Arabs were protectors of the Jews at a time when the Jews were persecuted all over the world, especially in Europe. But today the Arabs wish to repel the aggression of a political minority group, namely, the Zionists. It is a group which does not represent world Jewry. It is a group which is more political than religious, a group whose ways and methods are not different from those of the Nazis.

While Zionism may not represent World Jewry as a whole, it is not divorced from Judaism, as is claimed by many. It is an outgrowth of Judaism, a political manifestation of it, and draws upon religious works. Anti-Zionist Jews differ with Zionists on the method, not the goal and outcome.

What was said by King Faisal was also acknowledged by Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt and about thirty or so other prominent Jews in a 1948 statement, that the methods, organisation and political philosophy of Menachim Begin and his party are akin to Fascism and Nazism,[2] and that this party formed out of the members of Irgun, a terrorist, chauvinist organisation.

See also Einstein's 1948 letter one day after the Deir Yassin massacre by Jewish terrorists. Einstein was responding to a terrorist aider and abetter from New York who was soliciting Einstein's support for the terrorist group, Lehi. In it Einstein writes: "When a real and final catastrophe should befall us in Palestine the first responsible for it would be the British and the second responsible for it the Terrorist organizations build up from our own ranks. I am not willing to see anybody associated with those misled and criminal people."

Very sadly, it is this faction which gained dominance and became the self-appointed spokesperson for World Jewry, and it is their policies that remain in operation today in Palestine (genocide, ethnic cleansing, land-grabbing, settler colonialism), much to the dismay and disavowal of Jews across the world who stand against them.

The above invalidates and falsifies the charges of "antisemitism" made by the Zionists against others. They use this charge as a veil, as a trick to silence legitimate criticism and condemnation of their vile actions . Indeed, it is most hated by them that this criticism should come from fellow Jews, whom they declare to be traitors, just like ISIS (Daesh) declare Muslims who denounce their extremism and barbarism, to be traitors, hypocrites and apostates.

Video of King Faisal on Zionism


One of the scholars describes alcohol as the mother of all evil things, but I say Zionism is the mother of all evils, because it is the cause of all problems, all of them in the world.

Communism came to us from Zionism. Destructive foundational [ideas] came from Zionist Freemasonry. Moral decline came to us from Zionism. Departure from all foundations (of society), traditions, customs, manners, honour and nobility came from Zionism.

Hence, it is the mother of all evils. It is the foundation.

And the reason for that is what I mentioned at the beginning is that they are trying to gain control over the world. They are unable to take control with their [diminished] numbers and power, but they take over the world with their ideas, with these foundations, they spread them among the youth of nations.

When [these nations] reach a level of licentiousness and decline (of morals) and incapacity, in that moment, they take over it. This is their goal. By Allāh, they are not friends of anyone, they are friends of Satan.

Note: Moses Hess (d. 1875) and Karl Marx (d. 1883) played a major role in the formulation of Zionism and Communism respectively. The Zionist project only really got off the ground once the money power of the Rothschilds got behind it in the early 20th century. However it is said that both (Communism and Zionism) serve as two prongs working in unison. Political and religious Zionists work to create a Jewish ethnocentric state and homeland as one prong, while other Jews promote Communism, Collectivism, Marxism, Socialism, Liberalism, anti-Nationalism, Wokeism and immigration in other nations so as to weaken them as another prong.

Winston Churchill wrote what has been described as “one of the most astounding articles ever published in a newspaper in world history.” The article, entitled “Zionism Versus Bolshevism: A Struggle for the Soul of the Jewish People”, was printed in the Illustrated Sunday Herald (London) on February 8, 1920.

In this article Churchill admits that Bolshevik Jews (mostly secular) are behind a malevolent “world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization” — which has included the movements begun by Adam Weishaupt (the Illuminati) and Karl Marx. Churchill then goes on to admit that the French Revolution, “every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century”, and the Bolshevik revolution in Russia were all the work of these types among the Jews.

While pointing out the danger of the Bolsheviks, the Internationalists, and the Terrorists, Churchill shows sympathy to the Zionist cause.

However, it is important to note that not all Jews are involved in these intrigues and the Jews as a population have, throughout history, been subject to the whims and desires of their religious and political leaders, and have been made to undergo much persecution as a result.

Also, there are many religious Jews who denounce Zionism as heresy in religion and cause of calamities for them and for Palestinians. Just as there are religious Jews who reject liberal and woke ideas used to disintegrate family and society. Hence, it is not correct to brush all Jews with the same brush, just as it is not correct to paint all Muslims with the brush of al-Ikhwān, Ḥizb al-Taḥrīr, al-Qaeda, ISIS and other extremists and terrorists.

Speech by Grand Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum of the Satmar Community in Repudiation of Zionism:
“We have nothing to do with Zionism!”, “We have nothing to do with the State of Israel!”, “The head of the pollution is the State of Israel!”, “Jews must have hatred in their hearts against enemies of God, they must have hatred of Zionism.”

Given this, refutation and exposure of those Zionist and Bolshevik, Communist, Collectivist, Liberal Jews is not "anti-semitism" nor is it Jew-hatred any more than refuting and exposing al-Ikhwān, al-Qaeda, ISIS and their likes is Muslim (or Arab)-hatred. This is because these refutations and exposures are in relation to religious, social, economic and political ideologies and philosophies, and not in relation to race and ethnicity.

Muslims and Antisemitism

Muslims are strictly forbidden to criticise and belittle people on grounds of race and ethnicity. Hence, Islamically, it would be impermissible to engage in "antisemitism", given that this term has been used in relation to race and ethnicity, even though in its origin, it is related to language.

The word “Semite” refers to people descended from the ancient southwestern Asia and include Phoenicians, Canaanites, Akkadians, Arabs, Hebrews and some Ethiopians. The word comes from “Sem” the son of Nūḥ, from whom all these groups descended. Of the twelve tribes of Israel, ten were allegedly “lost” when their kingdom (Samaria) was taken by the Assyrians in 722 BC. However, this appears to be a way to conceal the likelihood that some among these tribes are found among the Italians, Armenians, Turks, Iranians (those that migrated out) and most of them are among the Syrians, Jordanians, Palestians, Iraqis. They would have subsequently became “Christians”[3] and then Muslims after the sending of Jesus (عليه السلام) and Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) respectively. Arabs are true “Semites”, having retained their linguistic and racial purity whereas European Askhenazi Jews are not, they are of mixed and diluted ethnicity due to a long history of intermarriage with foreigners.

There are Jews of various ethnic backgrounds, the European Ashkenazis, the Sephardim, likewise there are Persian, or Eastern Jews (Mizrahim), there are Yemeni Jews, Ethiopian Jews of darker complexion, there are Chinese (Kaifeng) Jews and so on. Thus, “Judaism” and being a “Jew” is not about race or ethnicity, though it is claimed to be.

In that case, it is established that much of modern Jewry is a by-product of intermarriage with gentile women. The vast majority (at least 95%) of Modern Jewry is of European Askhenazi stock. Claims of racial purity are dubious and some Jews, such as Schlomo Sand have authored works demonstrating that the very notion of the "Jewish People" is an invention.

Given this reality, even the word “antisemitism” is highly dubious. It has been weaponised in the modern era by the Zionists, to shield and advance their occupationist (to use the words of Ariel Sharon), colonialist project. “Its a trick, we always use it.” Further, the Judaics (Judahites) are only one tribe among the Israelites as a whole, and given that the Israelites are only one small segment of Semites as a whole (which include many races or nations), then this weaponised use of “semite” and “semitism” and “antisemitism” returns to identity theft or identity hoarding.[4]

An illustration of Jewish racial purity:

The most racially pure and preserved in their Semitism, in both race and language, are the Arabs, something confirmed in the Jewish Encyclopedia under the entry of “Semites.”

The 1906 edition states:[5]

The Arabs in the desert fastnesses of central and northern Arabia have, on account of their isolated position, preserved unchanged more features of primitive Semitic character, custom, and language than any other Semitic nation; the conditions of life have always been too hard to permit the development of any high state of civilization. But Arabia from time immemorial has poured forth wave upon wave of Semites over the surrounding lands; and finally, under the influence of Mohammed in the seventh century of the current era, Arabia became for a time a great world-power.

The most vicious, vile and denigrating antisemitism today is in fact against Arabs, not against Jews. See: The Antisemitism of Ernest Renan and European Nations.

In the Qurʾān, the historic Banī Isrāʾīl (Children of Israel, Jacob) are praised, having being favoured over the nations of their time with revelation and prophethood, and on account of their uprightness upon Tawḥīd, righteousness, obedience and observance of the law. They were praised for their actions and qualities, not race or ethnicity. And then when those among them who call themselves “Jews” deviated and displayed blameworthy traits and qualities, they were censured and rebuked for their actions, not because of their race and ethnicity. This has nothing to do with race or ethnicity, it is to do with belief and conduct.

Racial and tribal bigotry and ethno-supremacism are forbidden in Islām and are considered to be from the traits of Jāhiliyyah (pre-Islāmic days of ignorance and backwardness).

Allāh, the Creator and Lord of Mankind, created men for His worship, for their unity, benefit and well-being, and all of mankind was upon one religion prior to Noah (عليه السلام). Further, He created men with different complexions, colours and languages, as manifestations of His Lordship (30:22-). The claim that Allāh created the whole universe just for one group of people, and that all other people were created to serve just one race or one ethnicity is the most vile and despicable form of racism.

For this reason, the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) declared to his nation that no Arab is superior to a non-Arab and vice versa and no person of red, or white or yellow complexion is superior to one of black complexion and vice versa. Virtue and excellence are only on account of piety which lies in the heart (and translates into righteous deeds).

Further, he also advised that it be said—without any shame, hesitance, diplomacy or politeness—to the one who calls to this type of racial, tribal or ethnic bigotry—to suck his father's private part, since that is the place he came out of.

Shaykh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله) said:

For this reason, he among the scholars said what he said that this indicates the permissibility of explicitly mentioning the name of the private part due to need [in the situation] and for the beneficial interest. And it is not from the filthy, vulgar [language] that has been prohibited. Just as it occurs in the ḥadīth of Ubayy bin Kaʿb from the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) that he said: “Whoever you hear calling to the call of Jāhiliyyah [of pride in one’s descent and stoking tribal bigotry], then tell him to suck his father’s penis [as mockery, derision and belittlement], and do not be polite [in saying so].” Related by Aḥmad. [6] Ubayy bin Kaʿb heard a man saying: “O so and so” [calling out of tribal partisanship], so he said: “Suck your father’s penis.” So there was said to him [words of blame and censure for vulgarity], so he said: “Allāh’s Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) commanded us with this.”[7]

This has been explained by Muslim scholars as being similar to corporal punishment, meaning, the prescribed punishments for certain major sins, as a deterrent, in that this is the response and punishment for the one who manifests this type of pride and stokes bigotry, so that he is humiliated, so that this type of sentiment is never allowed to gain hold in the hearts of people, and so that all the evils arising from it (war, death, destruction, division) are cut off from their roots, in preservation of society.

This is from the perfection of the guidance of the Prophet Muḥammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and shows that this guidance is from the Creator of the Lord of the Worlds. Allāh made mankind into nations and tribes so that they may know each other and observe each other’s rights (49:13-), and that they see the variation in their colours and tongues as signs of Allāh’s Lordship (30:22-).

So this is what we say to all racial, tribal and ethnic supremacists, go and suck the private-parts of your fathers, revel in your bigotry, enjoy it, and we will aptly describe you as a family or tribe or nation of suckers of their fathers' private parts—for want of a shorter phrase—be you Anglo, European or American white-supremacists, German or Ukrainian Nazis or Jewish ethno-supremacists, and likewise, people of any race, ethnicity or nationality, whether European, Arab, Indian or Chinese, so that mankind can see you for what you are, and so that the evils arising from such bigotry are cut off from their roots.

In short, Muslims reject antisemitism—belittlement on account of race and ethnicity—and we also reject racial and tribal bigotry, inclusive of Jewish ethno-supremacism, keeping in mind that plenty of Jews reject and denounce this ethno-supremacism.

Critiques of actions and behaviours, because of those behaviours being wrong, harmful to others, immoral, or unjust is not denigration of the ethnicity of the perpetrator. Thus, if the Russian, Chinese, Italian or Jewish Mafia are critiqued and condemned because of their actions, its not anti-Russian, anti-Chinese, anti-Italian, anti-Jewish or “anti-Semitic” to do so. All people of sound intellect know this.

In closing, it is important to note that what has preceded does not mean that you cannot have a sense of feeling, belonging and loyalty towards your tribe or nation and affinity to your culture, as that is something natural. There is nothing wrong with preserving one’s roots and culture, because this is a natural variation in creation and is a sign from the signs of Allāh’s Lordship over His creation, in that he made mankind of various colours and complexions. What is being referred to is bigotry, elitism, supremacism and denigration.

Returning to Zionism as a political ideology with political objectives, Shaykh ʿAbd Allāh al-Ḍhufayrī (حفظه الله) tweeted the above video of King Faisal and also added some comments:

Zionism and Freemasonry are behind all the organisations that have emerged in the Arab and Islamic world. And that is to weaken the ummah and to distance it from its authentic religion, especially the Salafī daʿwah which the Imām, Muḥammad bin ʿAbd al-Wahhāb (رحمه الله) called to, and which King ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz bin ʿAbd al-Raḥmān bin Saʿūd delineated and strengthened in our recent times.

All of these organisations have returned with failure. Nāṣiryyah,[8] Baʿthiyyah,[9] Secularism, Arabic nationalism, the organisation of the Treacherous Muslim [Brotherhood]. And the last of them, the organisation of Jamāʿat al-Tablīgh, or what is called “The Beloved Ones.” All of these organisations stand against [authentic] Islām and the Salafi Daʿwah.

And I add what they sealed their project with, in finishing the Muslims, which is the Khomeini revolution, engineering it and entering it into a permanent war with the Arabs, especially with its branch, Hizb al-Shayṭān (Hezbollah) and the Houthīs and the Rāfiḍī militias in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and likewise their miserable attempts in conquering Baḥrain, but Allāh was merciful with Ahl al-Sunnah.

@abdulahaldafiri — Oct 23, 2023

Similarly, the whole threat of “Islamic Terrorism” has been largely manufactured for various purposes and agendas. In its article titled, “Why Israel Created Hamas”, the Swiss Policy Research Institute explains how most designated terrorist groups are the product of manufactured deception on behalf of Western and Israeli intelligence services:

What about other designated terrorist groups?

One of the most notorious “Palestinian” terrorists of the Cold War era was Abu Nidal. Yet in 1992, British-Jewish investigative journalist and Middle East expert, Patrick Abram Seale, revealed in his book “Abu Nidal: A Gun for Hire” that Abu Nidal was in fact a Mossad asset who repeatedly sabotaged the Palestinian cause by committing senseless acts of terrorism.

Another “top terrorist” of the Cold War era was Carlos “The Jackal” Ramirez. Yet in 1981, American-Jewish investigative journalist Seymour Hersh revealed that Carlos Ramirez was being protected by American and British intelligence services and was partying in London. In addition, in 1999 a senior French intelligence operative tasked with capturing Ramirez stated that for years, Ramirez had been protected by the Israeli Mossad, which had prevented his arrest several times.

In 1986, ABC News Nightline revealed that other leading Cold War terrorist groups, including the Italian “Red Brigades”, the Palestinian “Black September”, and even the Irish IRA, were secretly trained and equipped in Libya by “former” CIA operatives and US Army Special Forces. Italian investigative journalists later found that the leadership of the “Red Brigades” had secret contacts to Italian military intelligence SISMI and to a CIA front organization disguised as a “language school”.

In 1992, Israeli military intelligence whistleblower Ari Ben-Menashe revealed how the Mossad had secretly used the “Palestinian Liberation Front” and other such groups to “commit crimes in the name of the Palestinian revolution”, as this was “the best kind of anti-Palestinian propaganda”.

Beginning in the 1980s, the CIA built up the infamous “Al Qaeda” network of Islamist militants, including Saudi businessman Osama bin Laden, to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan (Operation Cyclone). In the 1990s, this same group of Islamists was deployed to Bosnia and Kosovo in Yugoslavia to fight the Orthodox Christian Serbs and to Chechnya in the Caucasus to fight the Russians.

In 2001, the US government blamed 9/11 and the anthrax letters on “Al Qaeda” terrorists, but the mostly Saudi men turned out to be incompetent patsies controlled by US and Israeli intelligence services, which together pulled off 9/11 and the anthrax letters as largely simulated false flag attacks to initiate a bogus “global war on terror” and the disastrous invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Many other “terrorist attacks” attributed to Al Qaeda turned out to be simulated events, including the “London bombings” in 2005 and the notorious “Boston Marathon bombing” in 2013. That same year, Canadian RCMP and CSIS intelligence officers posing as Al Qaeda operatives tried to pull off a staged terrorist attack on Canada Day festivities, but the plot was exposed and had to be aborted.

Ten years after 9/11, in the wake of the engineered “Arab Spring”, actual Al Qaeda militants were sent to Libya to help overthrow Muammar Gaddafi and to Syria to overthrow Bashar al Assad, the last two Arab leaders not yet aligned with the United States and NATO.

In 2013, former Al Qaeda operative Sheik Nabil Naiim stated that Al Qaeda was indeed led by agents of the CIA. Already in 2007, the US Pentagon had to admit that the supposed Al Qaeda leader in Iraq, Abdullah al-Baghdadi, was in fact a non-existent phantom whose voice was played by an actor.

However, despite several false flag chemical attacks to trigger a direct NATO military intervention, the regime change in Syria failed because the Russians and Iranians intervened first.

In response, intelligence services created and deployed an even more aggressive terrorist group, ISIS, which was secretly supplied via NATO member Turkey and NATO allies Jordan and Israel.

ISIS simultaneously attacked Syrian government forces and provided a pretext for NATO airstrikes in Syria by claiming responsibility for several simulated “terrorist attacks” in American and European cities, such as the poorly simulated 2016 Brussels bombings.

When ISIS, too, was being defeated by the Syrians and Russians, the US finally switched to Kurdish SDF forces and managed to at least occupy eastern Syria and most Syrian oil fields.

In conclusion, most of the history of modern terrorism, not just since 2001, but really since World War II, has been a deception manufactured by Western and Israeli intelligence services.

Resources for Further Information

As we pointed out earlier, throughout history, the rank and file Jew has frequently been the victim of dubious political and religious leaders who, having assumed a leadership role, have misled and deceived them, and led them into suffering, hardship and calamity.

One of the greatest weapons of the political and religious Zionists (who have assumed leadership role over the Jews in the modern era) is to use the veil and slur of "antisemitism" to quosh opposition to their crimes. It is indeed powerful and effective, and politicians of all Western nations are terrified of it, they are largely kept in line through it.

Here are some resources to stop them in their tracks and to expose the fact that they are the ones who give rise to antisemitism as a result of which Jews as a whole are made to suffer.

  • Its a trick, we use it — Former Israeli Government Minister Shulamit Aloni confesses that "it's a trick" for Israel to use false anti-Semitism accusations in accordance with its interests.
  • Debunking the myth that anti-Zionism is antisemitic — Guardian, 7 Mar 2019
  • @TorahJudaism — Jews United Against Zionism, Twitter account, full of denunciation of Zionists as heretics, snakes.

    "In the wicked Zionist government of Israel we don't believe, and their laws we don't follow!" Tweet.

    "Israel is a terrorist state. The Israeli army, IDF, is not the army of the Jews, it is a Zionist army. Jews do not need an army or a state. Zionism is not Judaism. Zionist leaders can never represent Jews. Being against Israel and Zionism does not make you an enemy of the Jews. The real enemies of the Jews are zionists and zionism." Tweet.

    "Calling Israel the 'Jewish State' is like saying 'Halal Pork' or 'Kosher Pork'. The entire idea of ​​Zionism is contrary to the Jewish faith. (Know that Israel is a completely secular state and its laws violate ALL the fundamental commandments of the Torah and the Jewish religion). Using the Torah to insert a ‘Jewish’ character to the State of Israel is like trying to make pork Kosher. imposible."Tweet.

    "Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinian people. Zionists have been killing Palestinians and stealing their lands and homes in a planned manner for 75 years. Israel is today's Nazi state. Zionists are today's Nazis. Israel is not the country of the Jews. Zionism is not Judaism. Jews want Israel and America to end this genocide." Tweet.

  • Ultra-Orthodox & Anti-Zionist — Groups like Neturei Karta and the Satmar Hasidim bitterly oppose the modern State of Israel.

Keep in mind that while anti-Zionist Jews denounce Zionists and say Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism, their differences are only in relation to means and methods, not the end-result, which is their Messiah establishing a state and subduing all the nations who will thereafter serve Israel while following a Noahide religion.

1. In his speech on 22 September 1947 to the United Nations, documented here, on page 249 of the PDF document.
2. This comparison is often made (between Zionists and Nazis, Fascists) and its intended angle is perhaps from the angle of racial superiority, in that just as the Nazis were seen as racial supremacists, then Zionists, and the way they treat Palestinians and Arabs, also have the same ideology of racial superiority. But National Socialism and Fascism arose in response to the threat and danger of International Socialism (Communism), after it surfaced in Russia, and this was what WWII was fought over. It was a fight between the institution of usury (international banking, finance), Marxism, Communism, Liberalism, Globalism and Internationalism, and a Socialism in which the fruits of labour are confiscted and given to others, on one side and Nationalism, national identity, the family, traditional values and a Socialism in which one keeps the fruits of one’s labour, on the other. Financiers who had funded Communism in Russia also funded the Communists against Germany and Germany lost. Seeing that they had failed twice to establish a World Order through means of war, which was overt and messy, the Internationalists then took the route of Fabian Socialism as the preferred method, which is small, surreptitious, incremental steps in which Communism is used to usurp all private property.
3. Keeping in mind the distinction between the original message of Jesus (عليه السلام) and the various “Christianities” that appeared after him.
4. Meaning, taking exclusive hold on this identity to the exclusion of others, in discrimination of them.
5. Jewish Encyclopedia, (Funk and Wagnels) 11/184.
6. Refer to Ṣaḥīḥ Adab al-Mufrad of Shaykh al-Albānī (no. 741).
7. Minhāj al-Sunnah (8/408-409).
8. Nasserism, the Arab socialism promoted by Gamal Abdel Nasser.
9. A mixture of secularism, Arab nationalism and socialism.

© Abu Iyaad — Benefits in dīn and dunyā


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