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Gaianism and Paganism

Allāh the Exalted said in His Mighty Book:

وَمِنْ ءَايَٰتِهِۦٓ أَنَّكَ تَرَى ٱلْأَرْضَ خَٰشِعَةً فَإِذَآ أَنزَلْنَا عَلَيْهَا ٱلْمَآءَ ٱهْتَزَّتْ وَرَبَتْ إِنَّ ٱلَّذِىٓ أَحْيَاهَا لَمُحْىِ ٱلْمَوْتَىٰٓ إِنَّهُۥ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

And among His Signs is that you see the earth barren (and still, devoid of life), but when We send down water to it, it is stirred to life and growth (of vegetations). Verily, He Who gives it life, surely, (He) is Able to give life to the dead (on the Day of Resurrection). Indeed! He is Able to do all things. (41:39).

The One who created the Earth is the one who revives it and brings it to life, He is its Owner and the Disposer of all its affairs. To make the Earth into a goddess, to venerate it and worship it, instead of the One Who created it, placed all of its resources, and subjected it for mankind, for their food, drink, clothing, livelihood, transport and all other beneficial interests is from the height of foolishness and ignorance.

The Pagan Gaia (Earth-worship) religion is one of the philosophical and intellectual driving forces behind the current wave of eco-extremism and climate cultism, others being Bahaism, Malthusianism and Eugenics, and likewise the notion of “Evolutionary Governance”, in which man takes over the evolutionary process, in order to make the Earth “sustainable”.

Bahaism is a Freemasonic religion created in the 19th century, it is the religion conducive to the aims of the UN’s founders, providing an umbrella for other religions to come under and be subsumed under "global governance". It is an ideological driving force for the new environmentalist religion to unite mankind. See their statement submitted to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (PDF, 2 pages).

This philosophy underlies the United Nation's and WHO’s “One Health” program under which they seek to control and regulate all the activities of man—breathing, living, consuming, farming, travelling, trading—in order to save the Earth from the scourge of man, his carbon emissions causing climate change, and Darwinian viruses that arise as a result and cause pandemics, according to what they claim.

See: Shaykh Ṣāliḥ al-Luḥaydān on the Claim That Soaring Heat Is Caused by Depletion of the Ozone Layer and Refutation of the Climate Alarmists and also Part 3, section on “21st Century Earth Worship to Unite All Faiths” in this document on Freemasonry as a vehicle for dissolving nations and creating a worldwide Marxist Collectivist governance structure through the global warming ideology.

Below are some relevant citations and resources.

What is Gaianism?[1]

Gaianism is a religious philosophy that grants the living Earth (Gaia) its rightful place at the center. Humans are not the pinnacle of evolution but just a small (and not necessarily essential) part of the living Earth.

Comment: This is a lie since Allāh created man as the pinnacle of His creation(95:4-), subjecting whatever is in the heaven and the earth for his use and benefit (31:20-). Man is commanded to worship His Lord, out of gratefulness and servitude and he is also commanded to be responsible and not destructive or wasteful. The difference between the religion of Gaians behind the United Nations and WHO and that of the Muslims is that Allāḥ is the Everliving and Everlasting, not the Earth, the Earth is merely a creation of His, which He subjected for man and likewise for all of His creatures, though man is at the pinnacle of that. Thus, true religion, is to worship Allāh alone, be grateful for His favours, and to obey Him and His Messengers. From that is to be resourceful, responsible, not wasteful or destructive. Thus, we do this, out of gratefulness and obedience to the Lord and Creator, not in veneration or worship of the Earth. Further, the basis of mankind's unity is in singling out Allāh in worship, which is true religion, not in an Earth-worship religion which is founded upon saving the Earth (Gaia) by living and developing sustainably.

The Gaian Creed[2]

We believe that the Earth, Gaia, is a living being. That Gaia is at the same time composed of the vast diversity of life and is alive in Her own right. We understand that we depend completely and utterly on Gaia and are part of Gaia. We recognize that current human actions are fundamentally altering Gaia and that if pushed too far, Gaia will shift from Her current state to one inhospitable to humans and millions of other species. Therefore, we commit to living radically sustainable lives—even to an extent that it may alienate us from our kin, our communities, our cultures. We commit to sharing our philosophy and bringing others to understand and embrace their relationship with Gaia and help heal Gaia—and in the process, themselves, their families, and their communities.

Comment: This is the religion of the Bahais, the Illuminists, the Malthusians and Eugenicists and others with overlapping ideological, social and political goals. It is a fabricated, pagan religious ideology through which they seek to unite mankind.

As for the statement: “Therefore, we commit to living radically sustainable lives—even to an extent that it may alienate us from our kin, our communities, our cultures”, then this the justification for the collectivisation and communisation being pushed in the name of “Stakeholder Capitalism”. It is an ideological justification for a return to feudalism, where people own nothing and live as serfs restricted in movement. All of this under the guise of saving “Mother Gaia”, the Earth.

What is a Gaian?[3]

A person who believes that Earth (Gaia) is a living being and the root of our being, and of which we are a part. Gaia has an inherent right to life above all else, and it is Gaians’ duty to restore and protect Gaia from harm.

Earth-centred Philosophical Pagan Religion[4]

Gaianism is an earth-centred philosophical, spiritual, holistic, scientifically-rational, opinion that shares expressions with various religions such as earth religions and paganism while not identifying exclusively with any specific one.

Practitioners of Gaianism are called “Gaians,” or sometimes Gaianists. Followers typically approach the philosophy with the perspective that we should honour the earth, reduce or soften the human impact on the earth and be respectful of all life on earth. The latter perspective is extended to all forms of life such as plant, animal or human, and followers will often try to maintain a close relationship with the planet.

Comment: Gaianism finds easy acceptance within Paganism and spiritual philosophies such as Buddhism and Jainism, because their beliefs are already in line with it. In the secular West it is advanced through the route of social and economic justice. The “Stakeholders” (Vulture Capitalists) who are trying to impose this new religion, especially upon the young generation, fund social justice and protest movements to this end.

Gaia in Greek Mythology[5]

In Greek mythology, Gaia is the personification of Earth. She is the mother of all life and the mother goddess. As the matriarch of the deities in Greek mythology, she plays a pivotal role in the evolution of the universe before the Titans came to rule.

The offspring that follow on from her are some of the most important deities ever to be referenced in classical literature and art. She is one of the four first Gods which include Chaos, Tartarus, and Eros.

Gaian Pantheism

James Lovelock is a modern-day Pagan earth-worshipper and promulgator of the global warming fraud. He writes:[6]

...all of the lifeforms on this planet are a part of Gaia - part of one spirit goddess that sustains life on earth. Since this transformation into a living system the interventions of Gaia have brought about the evolving diversity of living creatures on planet Earth...we are part of Nature and Nature is part of us, therefore God is part of us, and God is everywhere, and everything is God”.

Comment: This is clear pantheism, it is the doctrine of the unity of existence (waḥdat al-wujūd), which in turn leads to and justifies the doctrine of the unity of religions (waḥdat al-adyān). Given this, it is easy to see how the innovators, deviants and heretics who are deviated far away from the call of the Messengers will be the followers of al-Dajjāl (the Arch-Liar, the Anti-Christ).

United Nations and WHO's One Health Ideology:[7]

One Health is a unifying model that overlaps significantly with other synthesising frameworks. There is a clear connection between the One Health vision and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Like the SDGs, One Health involves ‘wicked problems’ which take time to progress despite their urgency. One Health thinking also has much in common with the Gaia concept, that “life (the biota), atmosphere, hydrosphere (ocean, ice, freshwater), dead organic matter, soils, sediments and that part of the lithosphere (crust) that interacts with surface processes” are vitally interconnected.

Gaia theory makes the (still controversial) proposition that life evolves self-regulatory cybernetic systems (organic, chemical, geophysical) that account for the remarkable stability of the planetary biosphere over geologic time, whereas One Health puts the onus on human actors to collaborate and initiate positive change.

Comment: In Gaian philosophy, the Earth is the living goddess. Evolution led to the complex material cause-effect systems through which the Earth, or Gaia, is self-sustaining and self-regenerating, and this is Gaian theory. Upon this, “One Health” is the code for human activity to protect Gaia and keep it sustainable.

Stripping this pagan ideological framework from the workings of Allāh’s creation, we simply say that Allāh created this creation in balance, with an equilibrium of systems and within it He placed laws and rules that govern how it functions, inclusive of men’s actions and their consequences. Thus, there can be an overlap of understanding, as it relates to purely materialistic explanations, and Muslims can and ought to seek more efficient and resourceful and less wasteful means with respect to food, agriculture, industry, energy and transport. To this end, many of the Muslim rulers seek and pursue beneficial interests under the well-defined maqāṣid (objectives) of the Sharīʿah, and hence they participate in various initiatives from this perspective. We ask Allāh to grant them success in these endeavours for the benefit of Muslim populations and to protect them from all the snares and pitfalls.

To illustrate the danger of the Gaian “One Health” “Sustainability” religion, according to philanthrocapitalist Bill Gates, cows have been designed wrongly (by evolution), because they emit gases that cause warming of the earth that is detrimental to it. Hence, the production of meat has to be taken away from farms and farmers into labs, into private corporations and industries (which he has invested in) for the purposes of “sustainability” (of Gaia). Part of this is the restriction, or outright banning of meat consumption, as in real meat from cows. This would constitute making unlawful what Allāh made wholesome and lawful for His servants (16:5-) (23:21-).

This is also a revilement of Allāh’s Rubūbiyyah, His creative power and His wisdom.

One must understand that the chiefs and heads of disbelief today are the worst and most evil type, their ideas are the worst and most evil type. The past heads and nations of disbelief who were destroyed, they did not reach this level of arrogance and audacity. However, here we are, and these ideas are presented to us, as if they are truth and justice.

As Shaykh ʿAlī al-Ḥudhayfī stated, in relation to their claims of overpopulation and lack of sustainable provision:

There is also a consensus of nations [on this matter]. No one denies that there is enough provision. The saying of the contemporary disbelievers about overpopulation is more evil than the disbelievers of the past. It is a creed that is more evil. These disbelievers of today are worse than those of the past who never argued about these things.

Closing Remarks

In short, caution is warranted for Muslims in that their children—in fact all children in all places—are subject to ideological indoctrination upon what is really a subversive ideology crafted by the money-power to justify confiscation and abolition of private property and turn people in to serfs, united by a false religion masquerading as enviromentalism and sustainability, words which are dubious and can carry truth and falsehood.

Thus, special attention should be given to children to make sure that they understand that the foundation of unity and the foundation of rectification is Tawḥīd, singling out Allāh in worship. That this is what truly unites mankind, truly unites their efforts in rectifying the affairs of the Earth, and prevents the parasites and leeches, from the heads of disbelief, from looting and enslaving them through false religion. That this is what mankind were once united upon (10:19-) when the affairs of the Earth were in order, and blessings lay in all things, in the absence of polytheism and idolatry.

They should be protected from false religions and social justice movements which are created and funded by the parasites and leeches to indoctrinate people into accepting their false ideologies aimed and usurpation and self-enrichment. Likewise, the pseudoscience that is manufactured to give legitimacy to their scams, such as global warming (rebranded into the catchall "climate change"), and their promotion of superstition and their fearmongering through the issue of contagion and its weaponisation for plunder and profit.

1. https://gaianism.org/what-is-gaianism
2. https://gaianism.org/what-is-gaianism
3. https://gaianism.org/what-is-gaianism
4. https://spells8.com/lessons/gaia-goddess/
5. https://spells8.com/lessons/gaia-goddess/
6. In his book “Gaia: A New Look at Life” (1972).
7. Scott, P. et. al. One Health in a Digital World: Technology, Data, Information and Knowledge. IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2023, p. 16.

© Abu Iyaad — Benefits in dīn and dunyā


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