Table of Contents
01 Quṭbism : The thought and ideology of Sayyid Quṭb as found in his most popular works such as ‘Maʿālim Fil-Ṭarīq’ (Milestones) his Tafsīr of the Quran ‘al-Ẓilāl’, ‘al-ʿAdālah al-Ijtimāʿiyyah’ (Social Justice) and others.
02 Quṭbiyyah, Quṭbiyyūn : The sect known as “the Quṭbis”.
03 Quṭbi, Quṭbist : A person who subscribes to the thought and ideology of Quṭbism. Different levels exist as to the degree and extent that a Quṭbi subscribes to the thought and ideology of Quṭbism.
04 Ḥākimiyyah : A term spoken of by Abū Aʿlā al-Mawdūdī and developed further by Sayyid Quṭb to represent Allāh’s sovereignty with respect to issues of legislation. In his view, this is the essence of the meaning of the Kalimah, (لا إله إلا الله).
05 Ulūhiyyah : This term denotes Allāh’s exclusive right to all forms of worship and devotion, whether feelings of the heart, statements of the tongue or actions of the limbs. In Quṭbism, Hākimiyyah is made the most exclusive and special element of Ulūhiyyah, such that the greatest concern becomes with rule and authority.
06 Jāhiliyyah : Lit. (Days of) Ignorance. This term represents the pre-Islamic era and is represents all that enters into disbelief, polytheism, backwardness and ignorance.
07 Ḥizbiyyah : Partisanship, bigotry.
08 Tashrīʿ : Legislation
09 Khawārij, Khārijites : The first sect to break away from the main body of Muslims. Their main characteristics being: declaring sinful Muslims to be disbelievers, declaring those who do not agree with them to be disbelievers and rebelling against the Rulers. The Prophet (sallallāhu alaihi wasallam) has informed us that this sect will exist in every generation until they fight alongside Dajjāl.
10 Murjiʾah : A sect that did not consider actions to be from Imān and hence claimed that all Muslims, whether sinful or pious are equivalent in their Imān. They also believed that Imān cannot increase and decrease and was but a single constant entity.
11 Rāfiḍah : Those who reject the Companions of Allāh’s Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم), revile them and abuse them.
12 Qadariyyah : Those who denied the qadr (predetermination) of Allāh and claimed that men are creators of their own actions, outside the domain of Allāh’s will and creative power. Hence, they were likened to the Magians.
13 Takfīr : The act of declaring a Muslim to be an Unbeliever, Apostate.
14 Istiḥlāl : To hold the belief that what Allāh has made unlawful (ḥarām) is actually lawful (halāl) and to declare the unlawful (ḥarām) to be lawful (halāl).