Ibn Taymiyyah: Recognition of Misguidance Is a Relative Matter and the Obscurity of the Khārijites

Posted by Abu Iyaad
Translated June 2015
Filed under Sects & Innovations

Ibn Taymiyyah: Recognition of Misguidance is a Relative Matter and the Obscurity of the Khārijites

Ibn Taymiyyah (رحمه الله) said:[1]

Some factions are greater in their opposition to the Messenger than others, and others are more apparent in their opposition [than others]. However, the apparentness [of such opposition] is a relative matter.

The opposition of the one who opposes the Sunnah will be clear to the one who knows the Sunnah. In some cases, the opposition of some of them to the Sunnah is apparent to some of the people due to their knowledge of the Sunnah as opposed to others who do not know of [the Sunnah] what those people know.

And sometimes the Sunnah in that matter is known to all of the ummah and thus the opposition of the one who opposed it is readily apparent - just as the opposition of the Rāfiḍah to the Sunnah has become apparent to the majority and in the view of the majority, they are opposers to the Sunnah, and thus it is said, ‘Are you a Sunnī or a Rāfiḍī?’

Likewise the Khārijites, when they were people of the sword and of fighting, their opposition to the jamāʿah (those united behind a ruler) became apparent when they would fight against the people, but as for today, most people do not recognize them.

People's ability to recognize innovation and misguidance is relative and depends on the extent and depth of the knowledge of the Sunnah. Some innovations and sects are apparent to the majority, such as that of the Rāfiḍah. Yet others can remain obscure such as that of the Khārijites, until they come out, congregate and start fighting and killing.

Those ignorant of the Sunnah are most vulnerable to being confused, deceived and enticed with innovation, indicating the importance of knowledge of the Sunnah upon the understanding of the Salaf.

Arabic Text:

1. Kitāb al-Nubuwwāt (Aḍwāʾ al-Salaf, 1420H) 1/564

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