Ibn Al-Qayyim on the Tree of Ikhlāṣ (Tawḥīd and Sincerity)

Posted by Abu Iyaad
Translated June 2004
Filed under Tazkiyah & Tarbiyah

Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله) said:[1]

The year is a tree, the months are its branches, the days are its twigs, the hours are its leaves and the minutes are its fruits. Therefore, he whose minutes were (spent) in obedience, then the fruit of his tree will be good, and he whose (minutes) were (spent) in disobedience, then his fruit will be bitter.

The reaping of the harvest will be on the Day of Return, and upon the reaping [of one's harvest] will the sweet fruit be distinguished from the bitter fruit.

Ikhlāṣ and Tawḥīd are a tree in the heart, its branches are the actions, and its fruits are a good life in the world and constant bliss in the Hereafter. Just as the fruits of Paradise are not cut off or prevented, then the fruits of Tawḥīd and Ikhlāṣ in the (life of the) world are likewise.

Shirk and lying and showing off (riyāʾ) are a tree in the heart, their results (fruits) in the (life of the world) are fear, concern, anxiety, a narrow, restricted chest, and the darkness of the heart, and their result in the Hereafter is (the tree of) al-Zaqqūm and constant punishment.

Allāh has mentioned these two trees in Sūrah Ibrāhīm.[2]

Arabic Text:

1. Al-Fawāʾid (p. 214)
2. Sūrah Ibrāhīm (14:24-27)

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