Shayh Rabīʿ Bin Hādī: Be Intelligent Ones, Do Not Be Fools (With Respect to the Plots to Destroy Your Religion and Society)

Posted by Abu Iyaad
Monday, Feb 27 2023
Filed under Manhaj

Shaykh Rabīʿ bin Hādī (حفظه الله) said:[1]

The one who plots against you does not reveal his motives, nor his reality [to you]. Rather, he dons the garment of Islām for you, just as was donned by Ibn Sabaʾ, al-Mukhtār bin Abī ʿUbayd, Abū Muslim al-Khurasānī, and ʿUbayd Allāh the Shīʿite, and ʿAlī bin Faḍl and Muṣtafā Ataturk and their likes.

When they desire to destroy Islām, they don the garment of Islām and they fight Islam with the sword of Islām [itself]. So be intelligent ones, do not be fools [by being naïve and ignorant of this reality]. The enemies are leading you to destruction, to ruin your homes with your own hands, and to destroy your beliefs with your own hands.

All of those mentioned by the Shaykh were revolutionaries, their revolutions were staged under the slogan and banner of social justice, equality, fairness and the likes in order ot gain support from the naïve and unsuspecting who remain unaware of the real motives and agendas at play. See also:

Shaykh Rabīʿ Bin Hādī: Marxism, Social Justice and Revolutionary Movements — (see here).

Arabic Text:

الذي يكيد لك لا يكشف لك عن مقاصده ولا عن حقيقته، ولكنه يلبس لك لباس الإسلام، كما لبس بذلك ابن سبأ، والمختار بن أبي عبيد، وأبي مسلم الخراساني، وعبيد الله الشيعي، وعلي بن فضل، ومصطفى أتاتورك، وأمثال هؤلاء ، إذا أرادوا هدم الإسلام يلبسون له لباس الإسلام، ويقتلون الإسلام بسيف الإسلام، فكونوا أذكياء لا تكونوا أغبياء، يقودكم الأعداء إلى تدمير وتخريب بيوتكم بأيديكم وتدمير عقائدكم بأيديكم

1. Marḥaban Yā Ṭālib al-ʿIlm (p. 381)