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Vaccination Paralyzes Good Constitution

Vaccination: A Medical Fallacy
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Alexander Wilder MD, 1875 (40 pages)

Writing in his 1875 paper, Alexander Wilder MD states:[1]

Dr. Epps, director for twenty-five years of the Jenner Institute, says: The vaccine virus is poison. As such, it penetrates all organic systems, and infects them in such way as to act repressively on the pox. It is neither antidote nor corrigent; nor does it neutralise the small-pox, but only paralyses the expansive power of good constitution, so that the disease falls back upon the mucous membranes. Nobody has the right to transplant such mischievous poison into the life of a child.

All acute (short-term) illnesses are nothing but the body’s attempts, in an intelligent, self-aware and coordinated way, to restore good health by eliminating toxins and morbid elements from itself.

This is testimony to the greatness, wisdom and mercy of its Creator, who is the Healer (الشافي) and is described as the knower of all causes and cures of illness (الطبيب) as He is the one who placed them.

The symptoms that are experienced are part of the healing, not the actual illness itself. This is the case with colds, flus, measles, and various types of poxes (elimination through the skin) which are all acute-phase healing processes.

The physician is supposed to aid the body in its execution of these processes (manifesting as symptoms) through his skill and experience, as well as to make the passing of these symptoms easier and more bearable. He is not supposed to suppress the symptoms, as that is merely repressing the body’s momentum of healing and sending the disease back into the body, only for it to manifest in some other way further down the line, or to keep the person robbed of his vitality, despite the appearance of being healthy.

This is where the deception of vaccination lies in that the poisons (foreign materials, adjuvants) that are injected into the body, directly into the blood, tissue and nervous system, paralyze its good constitution, sap its vitality and prevent it from fully executing those healing mechanisms.

Thereafter, when the child, or person does not show any symptoms or has very mild symptoms in the illness, it is taken as having prevented disease, whereas in reality, it has only pushed disease back into the body by compromising the body’s ability, through its good constitution, to expel it.

With repeated vaccinations, a person's good constitution is more permanently compromised, leading to general decline in health and the body's inability to self-heal.

See the article/book: Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak

Quote: "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has never compared the health outcomes of vaccinated children to completely unvaccinated children, and the agency won’t give independent researchers access to government data to complete such a study. In “Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak,” Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Brian S. Hooker, Ph.D., provide a compendium of more than 70 studies comparing health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated adults and children."

1. Vaccination: A Medical Fallacy (1875), p. 10.

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