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Limits of Precaution for Contagion

  • Ibn Rajab al-Ḥanbalī (d. 795H) on Sins, Causes of Calamities, Contagion, Legislated Means and Omens. Precaution is within defined Sharīʿah limits, and what exceeds them is from harbouring omens and from the actions of the disbelievers — (see here)
  • Shaykh Sulaymān bin Ḥamdān (d. 1397H): Sins, Causes of Calamities, Contagion, Legislated Means and Omens. Precaution is within defined Sharīʿah limits and exceeding them is having an evil opinion about Allāh and such affairs are false imaginations and deceptive delusions — (see here)
  • Shaykh Al-Albānī on Exaggeration in the Matter of Contagion and Imitation of the Disbelievers. Precaution is from verifiably sick people and exaggerating in this, as do modern day doctors, is from the ways of Jāhiliyyah and brings harm to society — (see here)

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